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Les nus et les morts (1948)

par Norman Mailer

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MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
4,181472,914 (3.91)117
"Hailed as one of the finest novels to come out of the Second World War, The Naked and the Dead received unprecedented critical acclaim upon its publication and has since become part of the American canon. This fiftieth anniversary edition features a new introduction created especially for the occasion by Norman Mailer. Written in gritty, journalistic detail, the story follows an army platoon of foot soldiers who are fighting for possession of the Japanese-held island of Anopopei. Written in 1948, The Naked and the Dead is representative of the best in twentieth-century American writing"--Container.… (plus d'informations)

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» Voir aussi les 117 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 48 (suivant | tout afficher)
da rileggere. ( )
  permario | May 1, 2024 |
A very big best seller in the day. A pretty good report of WWII, Pacific Island fighting . Mailer uses a very small set of characters to explain the effect the war had on him in his combat tour. The language was racy for the time. ( )
  DinadansFriend | Jan 8, 2024 |
(49) A verbose 700pg doorstop of a book about the Pacific theater, in particular, one platoon of soldiers trying to capture a little island in the Pacific from the Japanese. We get to know many of the enlisted men and officers fairly well with snippets called "time capsules" about many of the men's lives before the war. Emphasize 'men.' There are essentially zero female characters and the tone is often uncomfortably misogynistic. It took me quite sometime to really get into the book and to keep all the characters straight. In the end, I only really identified with Lieutenant Hearn and the rest all blended together. Finally when the recon platoon was on patrol on the other side of the island the narrative was gripping - but at this point I think we were already over 500pgs in. Do they win the campaign? Whose number will be up? How will the characters we have come to know (and, umm, not love) conduct themselves when the pressure is on?

I did enjoy this novel, but found it quite uneven and rambling at times. And while I didn't necessarily want a Hollywood ending, for all the voluminous pages - it felt unfinished. The contextual detail at times was amazing. Oh that trek with Wilson on the makeshift stretcher - I felt tortured! And Martinez's night dash behind the Japanese lines and the following days nefarious escapades. Hearn! I did empathize with him. I felt itchy and hot and my bowels clench with every page turn. But I found the abrupt biographical sketches of the individual men to be distracting and filled with minutia that honestly didn't help me distinguish character. All the enlisted men were a brand of uneducated disappointed underachievers that I struggled to tell apart. Too much introspective similar musings from each character sketch. Who has the clap? Who is a hobo? Who has a cheating wife? Who thinks all women are whores? They certainly all seem to hate women, hate their hometown, and hate their parents - that's for 'fugging' sure.

Anyway, I read a forward by the author who points out that it was written when he was quite young and even he thinks it was self-indulgent. Agree, but a worthy read. I don't think the best WW2 book ever written. Not sure what is, though. Most memorable for me would be 'The Narrow Road to the Deep North' and 'Band of Brothers' . Glad I read, but glad to be done. ( )
  jhowell | Sep 26, 2023 |
There was a time in my teens when I read many WWII novels. This was one of them. ( )
  mykl-s | Apr 16, 2023 |
Romanen handlar om soldater i andra världskrigets strider i Stilla havet och utspelar sig på den helt fiktiva ön Anopopei. Mailers egna upplevelser under andra världskriget ligger som grund till boken.
  CalleFriden | Mar 6, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 48 (suivant | tout afficher)
My first reaction to The Naked and the Dead was: it’s a fake. A clever, talented, admirably executed fake. I have not changed my opinion of the book since, though I have considerably changed my opinion of Mailer, as he himself has changed. Now I confess I have never read all of The Naked and the Dead. I do recall a fine description of soldiers carrying a dying man down a mountain (done almost as well as the same scene in Malraux’s earlier work). Yet every time I got going in the narrative I would find myself stopped cold by a set of made-up, predictable characters taken not from life, but from the same novels all of us had read, and informed by a naïveté which was at its worst when Mailer went into his Time-Machine and wrote those passages which resemble nothing so much as smudged carbons of a Dos Passos work.
ajouté par SnootyBaronet | modifierThe Nation, Gore Vidal
Los desnudos y los muertos" apareció en los Estados Unidos en mayo de 1948, exactamente tres años después del día de la victoria de los aliados en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Norman Mailer tenía entonces veintiséis años, y tras graduarse en Harvard y alistarse en el ejército había estado entre las tropas que ocuparon Japón después de la derrota. La crítica calificó su obra como «la más grande novela de guerra escrita en este siglo», que con el tiempo se ha convertido en un libro mítico. Mailer fue comparado con Hemingway y Tolstói y se situó de inmediato entre los grandes de la literatura americana. En Anopopei, un pequeño islote del Pacífico en forma de ocarina, un universo cerrado donde rigen leyes y sentimientos muy diferentes de los de la vida de los civiles, una patrulla de jóvenes soldados, microcosmos de la sociedad americana están Hearn, un joven intelectual que lee a Rilke; el realista e implacable sargento Croft; Ridges, un campesino sureño; Red Valsen, minero de Montana y anarcosindicalista; Gallagher, un irlandés católico de los barrios bajos de Boston y, planeando sobre todos ellos, la poderosa sombra del general Cummings, nacido en la América más profunda e integrista, secretamente fascinado por el nuevo orden del fascismo..., es enviada en una misión de reconocimiento, una larga marcha por un terreno desconocido y lleno de minas que acabará en una pesadilla de abyección y heroísmo, posiblemente tan gratuita como la guerra misma. Empujados al último límite, permanentemente desnudos ante la muerte, los héroes de Mailer cuestionan las verdades del pasado y la vigencia de los ideales americanos, viven obsesionados por el sexo y padecen y hacen padecer a otros las corrupciones y arbitrariedades del poder.
ajouté par Pakoniet | modifierLecturalia

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Mailer, Normanauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Kliphuis, J.F.Traducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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"To my Mother and Bea"
Premiers mots
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Nobody could sleep. When morning came, assault craft would be lowered and a first wave of troops would ride through the surf and charge ashore on the beach at Anopopei. All over the ship, all through the convoy, there was a knowledge that in a few hours some of them were going to be dead.
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Any war that requires the suspension of reason as a necessity for support is a bad war.
There is no greater importance in all the world like knowing you are right and that the wave of the world is wrong, yet the wave crashes upon you.
Derniers mots
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Notice de désambigüisation
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The Naked and the Dead has been published also in two parts. Please, don't combine the parts with the whole work.
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Courtes éloges de critiques
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LCC canonique

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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

"Hailed as one of the finest novels to come out of the Second World War, The Naked and the Dead received unprecedented critical acclaim upon its publication and has since become part of the American canon. This fiftieth anniversary edition features a new introduction created especially for the occasion by Norman Mailer. Written in gritty, journalistic detail, the story follows an army platoon of foot soldiers who are fighting for possession of the Japanese-held island of Anopopei. Written in 1948, The Naked and the Dead is representative of the best in twentieth-century American writing"--Container.

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1 13
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2 23
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4 214
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5 181


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