Locus Recommended ReadingNovel - Science Fiction2010

Décerné par Locus Magazine

18 oeuvres 30,854 Livres 1,787 critiques ½ 3.8
This recommended reading list, published in Locus Magazine's February issue, is a consensus by Locus editors and reviewers with inputs from outside reviewers, other professionals, other lists, afficher plus etc. Essays by many of these contributors, highlighting their particular favorite books and stories, are published in the February issue.

Tous, 2023 (30), 2022 (1), 2016 (23), 2012 (27), 2011 (22), 2010 (18), 2009 (15), 2008 (18), 2007 (1), 2006 (14), 2005 (24), 2004 (28), 2003 (22), 2002 (29), 2001 (26), 2000 (26)


21st century(1,008) adventure(660) aliens(1,097) alternate history(2,495) American(771) American literature(694) audiobook(1,182) cyberpunk(1,156) dystopia(1,803) ebook(4,028) Ender(824) England(976) fantasy(3,687) favorites(676) fiction(30,446) first edition(791) goodreads(1,543) goodreads import(817) hard sf(872) hardcover(1,480) historical(832) historical fiction(3,255) history(752) horror(2,039) Kindle(2,271) library(940) literature(998) mystery(1,090) novel(4,632) own(1,406) owned(1,316) paperback(1,004) post-apocalyptic(901) read(4,966) science fiction(52,202) Science Fiction/Fantasy(1,076) series(1,488) sf(11,182) sff(2,427) signed(1,274) slavery(705) space opera(3,034) speculative fiction(1,812) thriller(1,137) time travel(2,170) to-read(25,529) unread(2,611) wishlist(830) wwii(974) zombies(752)

Utilisateurs ayant le plus d'œuvres de cette série

andyl (224 œuvres), tootstorm (195), AsYouKnow_Bob (194), slothman (189), jcm790 (182), TerryWeyna (181), link_rae (177), Larou (175), SFF1928-1973 (175), Echinopsis (171), hblanchard (169), MRN (167), Ann_Louise (164), ringman (158), pbeagan (156), chilperic (154), merganser (154), sbisson (154), AndrewWheeler (150), iftyzaidi (147), IntangiblesInc (147), teeps29 (141), sdobie (140), naokoken (139), RobertDay (137), barrybaker (129), owenbau (128), mckinlay (127), gyme (125), LamSon (123), bookstothesky (122), cmthomas (122), EthicsGradient (122), gordon.krefting (122), gregandlarry (122), WestBranch (122), shagger (121), TaraWood (121), goobertellii (120), macha (120), elieazoulay (119), strangefate (118), wpwhite (118), daves0 (117), GCUGreyArea (117), dkennedy (116), pleigh20 (116), iresam (115), yeschaton (115), AlanPoulter (114), amweb (114), FicusFan (114), snigl3t (114), tiane23 (114), tkpunk (114), Kaethe (113), wvanruth (113), bertilak (112), mart1n (112), aekfv20134 (111), albill (111), Archren (111), JaredMcLaine (111), Docherty (110), Rynosseros (110), kbuxton (109), tsangal (109), bradleyhorner (108), IsaacRichards (108), nwhyte (108), speljamr (108), StormRaven (108), Surtac (108), iansales (107), murfman (107), mtullius (106), RLNunezKPL (106), Robert3167 (104), danielskatz (103), remlub (102), tredegartrafalgar (102), cshalizi (101), dwagon17 (101), Eisler (101), FredKiesche (100), paulhurtley (100), venza (100), aulsmith (99), justifiedsinner (99), MartinWisse (99), battlinjack (98), randys_bookbuzz (98), amysisson (97), vicwong (97), PDCRead (95), SChant (95), KelMunger (94), Rynemonn (94), JillMcElderry (93), niallh (93), pinax (93), jennmaine (92), readhead (92), robkill (92), wm3395 (92), leennnadine (91), nfpr2boziis (91), casa_tali (90), DrPlokta (90), FrogInTheFall (90), parasolofdoom (90), Talvalin (90), efeltonf (89), JPKangas (89), johnnyapollo (88), JVermillion (88), AltheaAnn (87), chris-hanson (87), kamintra (87), labirinto (87), psybre (87), LizzieD (86), Markober (86), MisterJJones (86), agmlll (85), khrister (85), Maddz (85), roballey (85), adamwolf (84), Ciaron_Rider (84), JohnSapienza (84), knownspaceguy (84), Dureo (83), kantr (83), liamn (83), TomVeal (83), anglemark (82), blasetvt (82), weesam (82), William_T_Goodall (82), mikael.ohlson (81), Mr.Halloween (81), Musereader (81), NeverEsfacas (81), Rick_Deckard (81), trevor68 (81), DennisMello (80), divinenanny (80), FionnaAndJames (80), freixas (80), LawrenceMSchoen (80), lorax (80), monkity (80), NormalMostly (80), AlMargheim (79), Anthony4182 (79), cmc (79), ivarrthekean (79), Steve_Walker (79), cesious (78), emmaliminal (78), mffowler (78), mvuijlst (78), sci901 (78), ScoLgo (78), dean (77), EmScape (77), HanJie (77), RoboSchro (77), Sterling4589 (77), Veeralpadhiar (77), bragan (76), cadolph (76), dukedom_enough (76), JRMANDRAGON (76), RedQueen (76), everdonbooks (75), Felagund (75), kvrfan (75), majkia (75), Pezski (75), pmwolohan (75), alclay (74), popomo (74)