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Barbara Pym (1913–1980)

Auteur de Des femmes remarquables

28+ oeuvres 13,443 utilisateurs 550 critiques 148 Favoris
Il y a 1 discussion ouverte sur cet auteur. Voir maintenant.

A propos de l'auteur

Novelist Barbara Pym was born in Shropshire and educated at Oxford University. An editor of Africa, an anthropological review, for many years, she published her first novel, Some Tame Gazelle, in 1950. Since then, a number of popular works have been published. Often compared with the works of Jane afficher plus Austen in both manner and subject, Pym's novels are apparently guileless evocations of the foibles of aging and isolated characters. She has a sure, if understated, sense of her characters' psychology and of their unintentionally comic revelations about themselves and their futile lives. After the publication of No Fond Return of Love (1961), all her books were out of print until she was cited, coincidentally by both David Cecil and Philip Larkin, as among the most underestimated novelists of the 20th century. She subsequently completed two successful novels, The Sweet Dove Died (1978) and Quartet in Autumn (1978), the latter a comic-pathetic study of two men and two women in their sixties who work in the same office but lead separate, lonely lives outside. Many of her earlier books have since been reprinted, including Excellent Women (1952) and A Glass of Blessings (1958), both perceptive psychological studies of aging women taken advantage of by others. A posthumous novel, A Few Green Leaves (1980), is a superb comedy of provincial village life. (Bowker Author Biography) afficher moins

Œuvres de Barbara Pym

Des femmes remarquables (1952) 2,772 exemplaires, 125 critiques
Quatuor d'automne (1977) 1,294 exemplaires, 54 critiques
Jane et Prudence (1953) 1,189 exemplaires, 57 critiques
Comme une gazelle apprivoisée (1950) 1,087 exemplaires, 48 critiques
Une corne d'abondance (1958) 933 exemplaires, 40 critiques
Les ingratitudes de l'amour (1961) 881 exemplaires, 26 critiques
Crampton Hodnet (1985) 869 exemplaires, 39 critiques
Moins que les anges (1955) 851 exemplaires, 31 critiques
La douce colombe est morte (1978) 722 exemplaires, 31 critiques
Une demoiselle comme il faut (1982) 702 exemplaires, 19 critiques
Un brin de verdure (1980) 672 exemplaires, 27 critiques
Une question purement académique (1986) 506 exemplaires, 25 critiques
Adam et Cassandra (1987) 425 exemplaires, 15 critiques

Oeuvres associées

[ASSASSIN'S CLOAK] by (Author)Taylor, Irene on Nov-11-03 (2000) — Contributeur, quelques éditions562 exemplaires, 8 critiques
The Penguin Book of Gay Short Stories (1994) — Contributeur — 325 exemplaires
The Penguin Book of Women's Humour (1996) — Contributeur — 120 exemplaires


Partage des connaissances

Nom légal
Pym, Barbara Mary Crampton
Date de naissance
Date de décès
Lieu de sépulture
Finstock churchyard, Finstock, Oxfordshire, England
Pays (pour la carte)
England, UK
Lieu de naissance
Oswestry, Shropshire, England, UK
Lieu du décès
Finstock, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Cause du décès
breast cancer
Lieux de résidence
Oswestry, Shropshire, England, UK
Finstock, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Huyton College, Liverpool, UK
Oxford University (St. Hilda's College)
editorial secretary (International African Institute, London)
Amery, Julian (lover)
Pym, Hilary (sister)
Women's Royal Naval Service (WWII)
Laura Morris (Laura Morris Literary Agency) - estate
Courte biographie
Barbara Mary Crampton Pym was born to Frederic and Irena Pym on June 2, 1913, in the town of Oswestry, Shropshire. S In 1931, Barbara entered St. Hilda's College at Oxford. In 1940, Barbara joined the Wrens (Women's Royal Naval Service), and in 1944, she was posted to Naples until the end of the war. After the war, Barbara took a job at the International African Institute in London, and soon became the assistant editor for the journal Africa. In 1971 she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a mastectomy; in 1974 she suffered a minor stroke. She then retired from the Institute and went to live with her sister Hilary. She died at the Michael Sobell House, a hospice in Oxford, on January 11, 1980. She is buried in the churchyard at Finstock.



Barbara Pym Centenary - General discussion. à Virago Modern Classics (Décembre 2013)
Barbara Pym centenary: Civil to Strangers à Virago Modern Classics (Décembre 2013)
Barbara Pym centenary - An Academic Question à Virago Modern Classics (Novembre 2013)
Barbara Pym centenary - An Unsuitable Attachment à Virago Modern Classics (Novembre 2013)
Barbara Pym Centenary: Some Tame Gazelle à Virago Modern Classics (Octobre 2013)
Barbara Pym centenary: Crampton Hodnet à Virago Modern Classics (Octobre 2013)
Barbara Pym Centenary: A Few Green Leaves à Virago Modern Classics (Août 2013)
Barbara Pym centenary: The Sweet Dove Died à Virago Modern Classics (Août 2013)
Barbara Pym centenary: A Glass of Blessings à Virago Modern Classics (Juillet 2013)
Barbara Pym Centenary: Less than Angels à Virago Modern Classics (Mai 2013)
Barbara Pym centenary: Jane and Prudence à Virago Modern Classics (Mars 2013)
Barbara Pym Centenary: Excellent Women à Virago Modern Classics (Mars 2013)
July: Reading Barbara Pym à Monthly Author Reads (Juillet 2010)
Jane and Prudence (with spoliers) à Barbara Pym (Octobre 2009)


Intéressant pour s'immerger dans l'Angleterre du début des années 50.
Domdupuis | 124 autres critiques | Jan 27, 2017 |
Quel soulagement de ne plus avoir à se soucier que du manque de ponctualité de sa nièce, au lieu de se perdre en conjecture quant à la vie intérieure de sa dame de compagnie ! (p. 96, “Lorsqu’un matin d’orage”).

A cause de sa couverture et de son titre, je me suis laissée attirer par ce livre qui ne correspond pas à mes goûts habituels. Dommage que cette escape dans la littérature anglaise de la première moitié du XXème siècle n’est pas été concluante, mais les affres des jeunes filles à marier de la bonne société oxfordienne ou des filles de pasteur me laissent insensibles. Seule, sur les quatre nouvelles de ce recueil, celle qui donne son nom au livre m’a arraché un sourire du fait de son ironie toute britannique, mais mon chemin littéraire ne croisera probablement plus celui de Miss Pym, vieille dame anglaise à la plume caustique.… (plus d'informations)
raton-liseur | Aug 19, 2012 |


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Auteurs associés

Hazel Holt Editor, Foreword
Hilary Pym Editor
Jackie Schuman Cover designer
Jessie Ford Cover artist
Dora Winkler Translator
Katarzyna Klein Cover artist
Bernard Turle Translator
Elif Uras Translator
Kaori Ashizu Translator
Djuke Houweling Translator
Debra McFarlane Illustrator
Orla Kiely Cover designer
Sabine Porte Translator
Jaime Zulaika Translator
A. N. Wilson Introduction
Geri Halligan Narrator
Jilly Cooper Introduction
Mavis Cheek Introduction
Lidia Zazo Translator
John Bayley Introduction
Paul Binding Introduction
Louis de Bernières Introduction
Nicoletta ROSATI Translator
Salley Vickers Introduction
Philip Larkin Foreword
Kate Saunders Introduction


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