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Irvine Welsh

Auteur de Trainspotting

36+ oeuvres 21,329 utilisateurs 264 critiques 118 Favoris
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A propos de l'auteur

Irvine Welsh was born in Edinburgh on September 27, 1958. After leaving school, he lived in London for awhile, but eventually returned to Edinburgh where he worked for the city council in the housing department. He received a degree in computer science and studied for an MBA at Heriot Watt afficher plus University. His first novel, Trainspotting, was published in 1993 and was adapted as a film starring Ewan McGregor and Robert Carlyle in 1996. He became a full-time writer in August 1995. His other works include The Acid House (1994), Marabou Stork Nightmares (1995), Ecstasy: Three Tales of Chemical Romance (1996), Filth (1998), Glue (2001), and Porno (2002). He also wrote the plays Headstate (1994) and You'll Have Had Your Hole (1998). (Bowker Author Biography) afficher moins
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Œuvres de Irvine Welsh

Trainspotting (1993) 7,772 exemplaires
Porno (2002) 2,142 exemplaires
Une ordure (1998) 2,091 exemplaires
The Acid House (1994) 1,762 exemplaires
Glu (2001) 1,381 exemplaires
Marabou Stork Nightmares (1995) 1,364 exemplaires
Ecstasy (1996) 1,337 exemplaires
Recettes intimes de grands chefs (2006) 759 exemplaires
Skagboys (2012) 532 exemplaires
Crime (2008) 462 exemplaires
The Sex Lives of Siamese Twins (2014) 186 exemplaires
The Blade Artist (2016) 165 exemplaires
A Decent Ride (2015) 151 exemplaires
Dead Men's Trousers (2018) 130 exemplaires
One City (2005) — Contributeur — 100 exemplaires
Babylon Heights (2006) 37 exemplaires
You'll Have Had Your Hole (1998) 32 exemplaires
The Long Knives (2022) 30 exemplaires
Kingdom of fife (2008) 25 exemplaires
4 Play (2001) 15 exemplaires
Trainspotting & Headstate (1996) 14 exemplaires
A Visitor's Guide to Edinburgh (1993) 3 exemplaires
The Acid House [1998 film] (1998) 2 exemplaires
Leonard Pepper and Other Stories (2007) 2 exemplaires
Filth [poster] (1998) 1 exemplaire
Short stories (2009) 1 exemplaire

Oeuvres associées

Le portrait de Dorian Gray (1890) — Introduction, quelques éditions39,744 exemplaires
L'orange mécanique (1962) — Préface, quelques éditions25,979 exemplaires
Conversations avec l'ange (2001) — Contributeur — 1,524 exemplaires
Hontes : confessions impudiques mises en scène par les auteurs (2003) — Contributeur — 280 exemplaires
Trainspotting (1996) 276 exemplaires
Children of Albion Rovers (1996) 135 exemplaires
Rotten English: A Literary Anthology (2007) — Contributeur — 76 exemplaires
What's Your Story? Postcard Collection (2008) — Contributeur — 62 exemplaires
Crimespotting (1656) — Introduction — 45 exemplaires
A Book of Two Halves: New Football Short Stories (1996) — Contributeur — 30 exemplaires
Because I Am a Girl (2010) — Contributeur — 21 exemplaires
Caught by the River: A Collection of Words on Water (2009) — Contributeur — 16 exemplaires
24 Stories: of Hope for Survivors of the Grenfell Tower Fire (2018) — Contributeur — 8 exemplaires
Open City #3 (1995) — Contributeur — 5 exemplaires
Vox 'n' Roll: Fiction for the 21st Century (2000) — Contributeur — 5 exemplaires
5managers: The Final Season Issues (2017) — Contributeur — 1 exemplaire


1001 (221) 1001 livres (271) A lire (3,839) anglais (328) Angleterre (380) Britannique (641) Classique (1,662) Classiques (1,792) Crime (238) Drogues (632) Dystopie (937) dystopique (228) Fantasy (376) Fiction (7,679) Gothique (446) Horreur (696) Kindle (213) Littérature (1,194) Littérature anglaise (551) Littérature britannique (597) Littérature classique (214) Littérature irlandaise (213) Livre électronique (261) Lu (1,011) Non lu (402) nouvelles (496) Oscar Wilde (225) Possédé (217) Possédé (325) Roman (1,233) Roman (231) Satire (214) Science-fiction (1,168) victorien (332) Violence (393) XIXe siècle (655) XXe siècle (363) Écossais (354) Écosse (540) Édimbourg (210)

Partage des connaissances



Trainspotting à Folio Society Devotees (Juillet 2023)


This is probably a book I should have read some years ago. It is one of the most brutally honest reads I have seen on the true lives of drug addicts. I think Welsh has written a beautiful book. Trying to interpret the Scottish dialect of the underclass was so hard and yet so rewarding. The characters in the book are anti-heroic, sometimes funny, terrifically foul-mouthed, and full of excuses for themselves. How hard they try to justify their predicament, and puff themselves up. The tough make themselves seem really tough. I have seen this behaviour up-close more with alcoholics than heroin addicts, but the underlying behaviour is the same. I didn't see the movie of this story and it is just as well I didn't because the writing is so evocative and provocative. The book looks hard at the middle and lower class homes some of these people come from, at the narrowness and prejudice in Scottish society. But of course, it is not just there. It is in us all.… (plus d'informations)
MylesKesten | 78 autres critiques | Jan 23, 2024 |
El episodio final de la saga Trainspotting. Irvine Welsh se despide a lo grande de los icónicos Renton, Begbie, Sick Boy y Spud.

Estamos en 2015 y los destinos de Renton, Begbie, Sick Boy y Spud vuelven a cruzarse. Es decir: tenemos de nuevo reunido al cuarteto protagonista de Trainspotting en lo que el autor ha anunciado como «el Grand Finale de la saga».

Renton es ahora un exitoso representante de DJs que viaja por todo el mundo y se topa en un vuelo transatlántico con Begbie, reconvertido en artista de éxito, hombre casado y padre de familia. A los otros dos no les ha ido tan bien en la vida: Sick Boy sigue en lo del negocio de explotación del cuerpo femenino y Spud es una suerte de mendigo profesionalizado que pide dinero por las calles acompañado de su perro. Las cosas empiezan a complicarse con un turbio asunto de tráfico de órganos y riñones donados o robados, a lo que se suma un cadáver y la aparición de algún que otro secundario de lujo como el taxista priápico Terry Lawson, viejo conocido de los lectores fieles de Welsh.

Y así, a un ritmo acelerado que no da tregua, nos deslizaremos por una enloquecida montaña rusa de sexo –explícito y a veces grotesco cómico–, drogas –en todo su amplio espectro–, alcohol, sátira social, reflexión sobre el paso del tiempo y las dudosas probabilidades de madurar, y desenfreno y delirio en cantidades industriales.

En esta novela los protagonistas han alcanzado la mediana edad, pero ¿los ha hecho eso más sabios? ¿Han sentado cabeza? ¿Han aprendido algo de la vida? Esta nueva entrega y broche final de las andanzas de los ya icónicos personajes de Trainspotting no defraudará a los seguidores de Irvine Welsh, que sigue en plena forma y dispuesto a dar caña y guerra.
… (plus d'informations)
bibliotecayamaguchi | 3 autres critiques | Jan 4, 2024 |
Jaded Edinburgh cop and substance-abuser (probably a redundant descriptor in an Irvine Welsh novel...) Ray Lennox has been granted compassionate leave after a particularly traumatic child-murder case leads to a breakdown, and he is spending some time relaxing in Miami with his fiancée. Within 48 hours of landing in the US, however, he finds himself in a situation where a young girl needs his protection from sexual predators, in circumstances where he can't very well turn to the proper authorities for help, and of course all the doubts and questions flying around in his mind from the recent investigation come back to haunt him.

Despite the obviously contrived setup, this turns out to be a very engaging, disturbing book, whose brutal plot somehow manages to deal with the fraught subject of sexual abuse of children in a sensitive and often surprisingly subtle way. Although it is probably a book you will want to read quickly to get it over with...
… (plus d'informations)
thorold | 17 autres critiques | Oct 20, 2023 |
I should have read this years ago really. Better late than never!

To be perfectly honest, I've never been much of a fan of writing phonetically in dialect, but it didn't take me long to get used to it, and it was interesting to see how some of the slang has changed (e.g. Spud's verbal tic is "likesay", which probably died out in the 90s because I don't remember hearing it before). (It's actually also slightly unfamiliar spelling - for example "ur" is used to mean "are" but I'm used to using it online to mean "you're"). I'm also ambivalent about the short-story structure, as it made the overall story slightly incoherent for me. But those are ultimately minor quibbles - the stories were vibrant and the fact that I know those locations made it come alive even more for me. Even though it's a world I rarely encountered in real life.

I think this is one of those rare books where I prefer the film, though. The book is excellent, but I think there's something snappy and colourful about the film.
… (plus d'informations)
finlaaaay | 78 autres critiques | Aug 1, 2023 |


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