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Une prière pour Owen (1989)

par John Irving

Autres auteurs: Voir la section autres auteur(e)s.

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneDiscussions / Mentions
18,222331275 (4.24)2 / 679
"Quand meurt, de façon inattendue, une personne aimée, on ne la perd pas tout en bloc ; on la perd par petits morceaux, et ça peut durer très longtemps." Depuis le Canada où il s'est installé, John évoque avec nostalgie le puzzle de sa jeunesse, dans une petite ville du New Hampshire : la vie de collégien, les premiers émois amoureux, la quête du père inconnu, les débuts sournois de la guerre du Vietnam ; et par-dessus tout l'amitié parfaite avec Owen — l'irrésistible Owen qui s'était voué à la double tâche de réparer le tort causé à John et de sauver le monde. [4e de couv.]… (plus d'informations)
  1. 132
    Le monde selon Garp par John Irving (dele2451)
    dele2451: Garp and Owen would make a great literary double feature. I wish I didn't have to wait so many years between reading both of these wonderful books.
  2. 122
    L'hôtel New Hampshire par John Irving (Booksloth)
  3. 51
    Le premier souffle par Leif Enger (jhedlund)
  4. 53
    Un enfant de la balle par John Irving (Booksloth)
  5. 20
    Le destin miraculeux d'Edgar Mint par Brady Udall (sanddancer)
  6. 20
    (The Art of Fielding) By Harbach, Chad (Author) Hardcover on (09 , 2011) par Chad Harbach (Ciruelo)
  7. 10
    Le Tambour par Günter Grass (spiphany)
  8. 11
    Le polygame solitaire par Brady Udall (sruszala)
    sruszala: The style--many characters, complicated but compelling story, the humor--all remind me of John Irving
  9. 11
    American Gods: Author's Preferred Text par Neil Gaiman (krazy4katz)
    krazy4katz: Both works have elements of religion and belief. They are both mystical in very different ways.
  10. 00
    Simon Birch [1998 film] par Mark Steven Johnson (TheLittlePhrase)
  11. 00
    L'Observatoire par Edward Carey (potenza)
    potenza: Similar peculiar, poignant central character

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Si rentrer dans l'histoire est un peu difficile, vient le moment où l'on est irrémédiablement pris. Le chapitre où meurt la mère de John est incroyablement écrit, comme pour le cinéma, inoubliable! Owen est étonnant, instrument de Dieu, ayant une foi absolue en son destin. J'ai compris beaucoup de choses sur l'Amérique et son rapport à Dieu.
A lire et à relire surtout
  lenasouslefiguier | Feb 28, 2007 |
"Owen Meany" is as sappy as a book can get without having a title like "Coddled By The Light" or "Sauntering Towards the Light" or "Picking Posies in the Fields of the Light," but it's never nauseating or treacly or overly wholesome. It's a nice good fun read, like a quiet vacation. Irving isn't wrangling us with extremes, here -- he gives us a break. You've been beat up enough, he says. I'll do the work for you this time. The result is merciful, healthy, warm and gladdening.
ajouté par stephmo |, Cintra Wilson (Sep 30, 1996)
The characters capable of representing such scepticism don't look good on paper, while the book puts all its efforts into promoting a belief in belief. But a belief in belief is something this book lams into elsewhere: the Americans' propensity for decisiveness in the absence of policy. On the green award of the Gravesend Academy, it may seem innocent enough; in the jungles and deserts of international trouble spots, it looks fatally naive.
ajouté par stephmo | modifierThe Guardian, Stephen Games (Jun 5, 1989)
Mr. Irving shows considerable skill as scene after scene mounts to its moving climax. But the thinking behind it all seems juvenile, preppy, is much too pleased with itself. There is something appropriate in the fact that so much of the book takes place in and around a New England academy. The heavily emphasized ''religious'' symbols at the center of the book - the contrast to American aggressiveness offered by the clawlessness of the armadillo, the armlessness of the Indian founder of the town, even John Wheelwright's imbecile joy at being mutilated as still another symbol of his sacrifice of sex to right thinking - all this reminds this long-tried teacher of all the ''Christ symbols'' his students find in everything and anything they have to read.
ajouté par stephmo | modifierNew York Times, Alfred Kazin (Mar 12, 1989)
Diminutive Owen Meany, believing himself to be God's instrument, unlocks life's mysteries for his closest friend in this imaginative mix of humor and tragedy.
From Booklist, Copyright © American Library Association. Used with permission.
ajouté par Shortride | modifierBooklist (payer le site) (Mar 1, 1989)
John Irving’s A Prayer For Owen Meany is yet another Irving book that absolutely held my attention, and had me racing to finish it. Irving, perhaps because of his own dyslexia, takes pains to write clearly and readably. He avoids labyrinthine construction. He earns his right to describe things by keeping the action moving.

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (9 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Irving, Johnauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Barrett, JoeNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Broek, C.A.G. van denTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Veenbaas, JabikTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Vink, NettieTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
—The Letter of Paul
to the Philippians
Not the least of my problems is that I can hardly even imagine what kind of an experience a genuine, self-authenticating religious experience would be. Without somehow destroying the process, how could God reveal himself in a way that would leave no room for doubt? If there were no room for doubt, there would be no room for me.
—Frederick Buechner
Any Christian who is not a hero is a pig.
—Leon Bloy
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This book is for
Helen Frances Winslow Irving and
Colin Franklin Newell Irving,
my mother and father
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I am doomed to remember a boy with a wrecked voice—not because of his voice, or because he was the smallest person I ever knew, or even because he was the instrument of my mother's death, but because he is the reason I believe in God; I am a Christian because of Owen Meany.
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One can learn much through the thin walls of summer houses.
She was just like our whole country—not quite young anymore, but not old either; a little breathless, very beautiful, maybe a little stupid, maybe a lot smarter than she seemed. And she was looking for something--I think she wanted to be good. Look at the men in her life—Joe DiMaggio, Arthur Miller, maybe the Kennedys. Look at how good they seem! Look at how desirable she was! That's what she was: she was desirable. She was funny and sexy—and she was vulnerable, too. She was never quite happy, she was always a little overweight. She was just like our whole country... And those men... Those famous, powerful men—did they really love her? Did they take care of her? If she was ever with the Kennedys, they couldn't have loved her—they were just using her, they were just being careless and treating themselves to a thrill. That's what powerful men do to this country—it's a beautiful, sexy, breathless country, and powerful men use it to treat themselves to a thrill! They say they love it but they don't mean it. They say things to make themselves appear good—they make themselves appear moral. That's what I thought Kennedy was: a moralist. But he was just giving us a snow job, he was just being a good seducer. I thought he was a savior. I thought he wanted to use his power to do good. But people will say and do anything just to get the power; then they'll use the power just to get a thrill. Marilyn Monroe was always looking for the best man—maybe she wanted the man with the most ability to do good. And she was seduced, over and over again—she got fooled, she was tricked, she got used, she was used up. Just like the country. The country wants a savior. The country is a sucker for powerful men who look good. We think they're moralists and then they just use us.
Every day is different; you never know how busy you'll be—most people don't die on schedule, most families don't order gravestones in advance.
. . . twenty-two-year-olds are stubborn.
You can't understand anything by reading the news.
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Please distinguish between (a) the complete novel, A Prayer for Owen Meany; (b) the first part only; and (b) the second part only. Thank you.
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Courtes éloges de critiques
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DDC/MDS canonique
LCC canonique

Références à cette œuvre sur des ressources externes.

Wikipédia en anglais (2)

"Quand meurt, de façon inattendue, une personne aimée, on ne la perd pas tout en bloc ; on la perd par petits morceaux, et ça peut durer très longtemps." Depuis le Canada où il s'est installé, John évoque avec nostalgie le puzzle de sa jeunesse, dans une petite ville du New Hampshire : la vie de collégien, les premiers émois amoureux, la quête du père inconnu, les débuts sournois de la guerre du Vietnam ; et par-dessus tout l'amitié parfaite avec Owen — l'irrésistible Owen qui s'était voué à la double tâche de réparer le tort causé à John et de sauver le monde. [4e de couv.]

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