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Chargement... La Vie du roi Henri Vpar William Shakespeare
» 26 plus Books Read in 2016 (313) Authors from England (29) United Kingdom (14) Books Read in 2015 (1,173) Plays I Like (22) Generation Joshua (17) AP Lit (203) THE WAR ROOM (613) Vivat Rex (7) Chargement...
Inscrivez-vous à LibraryThing pour découvrir si vous aimerez ce livre Actuellement, il n'y a pas de discussions au sujet de ce livre. A fantastic conclusion to the entire series. Really, I'm a little shocked it's taken me this long to read these plays. For all that I love the likes of Othello and Macbeth, the Henry cycle is much more tightly written. In this play in particular are some excellent callbacks to both Richard II and Henry IV part 2. Henry V's evolution as a character is tremendous, but it is rivaled in complexity by the arc of all three kings combined. Makes me wary of ever ruling anything, to be fair. ( ) There are a good many reviews here. There is little I can add other than I enjoyed it, it's historical significance, it's serious intent and it's humour. The commentaries included at the back of this Kings Treasuries presentation are useful and written such that an untrained reader like me can garner further understanding of the story and of Shakespeare himself. Esta peça de Shakespeare estabeleceu em definitivo, com ou sem precisão histórica, como um herói nobre e justo a figura de Henrique V (assim como Shakespeare estabelecera análoga e firmemente Ricardo III como um vilão), em todas as facetas e ações, seja na Inglaterra lidando com questões políticas/militares após um insulto do rei da França, seja no final cortejando a princesa francesa (filha do dito rei francês), e mais especialmente reunindo as suas tropas cansadas e desmoralizadas em Agincourt. É claro que a vitória inglesa na sangrenta Batalha de Agincourt, apesar do número superior de forças francesas, é lendária. O discurso de mobilização de Henry no Dia de São Crispião antes da batalha é um exemplo da genialidade de Shakespeare. King Henry V of England seeks to conquer France. This play covers the period around the Battle of Agincourt. While most of the play's language is English, a couple of scenes are all or mostly in French and French phrases find their way into dialogue in several other places. I suspect I would have enjoyed it more if I'd taken time to find a video of the play to follow along with while reading. I just found I wasn't where I could do so when reading it. This was a fine story, I enjoyed watching the play, but for some reason it took me forever to finish. I kept falling asleep, but that wasn't due to the play, more due to the format I read it in and my general life at the moment. It has so many famous lines and characters, reading it set off lightbulbs throughout, even "The game is afoot" is in here! Reading this has made me want to go read more about King Henry V and his times. aucune critique | ajouter une critique
Appartient à la série éditoriale — 10 plus Est contenu dansThe Works of William Shakespeare: The Henry Irving Shakespeare: Volume 6: King Henry VI Pt.2, King Henry V, The Merry Wives of Windsor par William Shakespeare The complete works of William Shakespeare : reprinted from the First Folio (volume 7 of 13) par William Shakespeare The Annotated Shakespeare: The Comedies, Histories, Sonnets and Other Poems, Tragedies and Romances Complete par William Shakespeare (indirect) Shakespeares Dramatische Werke Zweiter Band / Meyers Klassiker (Königsdramen) par William Shakespeare The Norton Shakespeare: Four-Volume Set par Stephen Greenblatt (indirect) The Norton Shakespeare: Two Volume Set par William Shakespeare (indirect) Fait l'objet d'une ré-écriture dansFait l'objet d'une adaptation dansA été inspiré parA inspiréPossède un guide de référence avecContient une étude deContient un supplémentContient un commentaire de texte deContient un guide de lecture pour étudiant
Henry V is a study of kingship, patriotism, and heroic determination tempered by tender comedy as Henry courts Katherine, princess of France. Henry, the noble and courageous young king of England, decides to invade France, believing he has a rightful claim to the throne. At Agincourt he leads his army into battle against the powerful French forces and, against all the odds, wins a famous victory. Henry is played by Jamie Glover, Brian Cox is the Chorus, and the Hostess is played by Elizabeth Spriggs. Aucune description trouvée dans une bibliothèque |
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Google Books — Chargement... GenresClassification décimale de Melvil (CDD)822.33Literature English English drama Elizabethan 1558-1625 Shakespeare, William 1564–1616Classification de la Bibliothèque du CongrèsÉvaluationMoyenne:
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