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Entretien avec un vampire (1976)

par Anne Rice

Autres auteurs: Voir la section autres auteur(e)s.

Séries: Chroniques des vampires (1)

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23,124334167 (3.83)1 / 481
Fantasy. Fiction. Horror. Thriller. HTML:40th ANNIVERSARY EDITION From the #1 New York Times bestselling author, "a magnificent, compulsively readable thriller...Rice begins where Bram Stoker and the Hollywood versions leave off and penetrates directly to the true fascination of the myththe education of the vampire (Chicago Tribune). The inspiration for the hit television series

The time is now.
We are in a small room with the vampire, face to face, as he speaksas he pours out the hypnotic, shocking, moving, and erotically charged confessions of his first two hundred years as one of the living dead. . .
He speaks quietly, plainly, even gently . . . carrying us back to the night when he departed human existence as heiryoung, romantic, cultivatedto a great Louisiana plantation, and was inducted by the radiant and sinister Lestat into the other, the "endless," life . . . learning first to sustain himself on the blood of cocks and rats caught in the raffish streets of New Orleans, then on the blood of human beings . . . to the years when, moving away from his final human ties under the tutelage of the hated yet necessary Lestat, he gradually embraces the habits, hungers, feelings of vampirism: the detachment, the hardened will, the "superior" sensual pleasures.
He carries us back to the crucial moment in a dark New Orleans street when he finds the exquisite lost young child Claudia, wanting not to hurt but to comfort her, struggling against the last residue of human feeling within him . . .
We see how Claudia in turn is made a vampireall her passion and intelligence trapped forever in the body of a small childand how they arrive at their passionate and dangerous alliance, their French Quarter life of opulence: delicate Grecian statues, Chinese vases, crystal chandeliers, a butler, a maid, a stone nymph in the hidden garden court . . . night curving into night with their vampire senses heightened to the beauty of the world, thirsting for the beauty of deatha constant stream of vulnerable strangers awaiting them below . . .
We see them joined against the envious, dangerous Lestat, embarking on a perilous search across Europe for others like themselves, desperate to discover the world they belong to, the ways of survival, to know what they are and why, where they came from, what their future can be . . .
We follow them across Austria and Transylvania, encountering their kind in forms beyond their wildest imagining . . . to Paris, where footsteps behind them, in exact rhythm with their own, steer them to the doors of the Thtre des Vampiresthe beautiful, lewd, and febrile mime theatre whose posters of penny-dreadful vampires at once mask and reveal the horror within . . . to their meeting with the eerily magnetic Armand, who brings them, at last, into intimacy with a whole brilliant and decadent society of vampires, an intimacy that becomes sudden terror when they are compelled to confront what they have feared and fled . . .
In its unceasing flow of spellbinding storytelling, of danger and flight, of loyalty and treachery, Interview with the Vampire bears witness of a literary imagination of the first order.
… (plus d'informations)
  1. 164
    Dracula par Bram Stoker (becca58203, Morteana)
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    The Passion par Donna Ball (VictoriaPL)
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    Sunglasses After Dark par Nancy A. Collins (VictoriaPL)
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    Agyar par Steven Brust (VictoriaPL)
    VictoriaPL: The diary of a vampire. A bit more modern than Rice's tale.
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    The Thief of Time par John Boyne (Booksloth)
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    La solitude du buveur de sang par Annette Curtis Klause (kaledrina)
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    Papillon: A Gothic Romance Novella par Sonia Palermo (Utilisateur anonyme)
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    Quand le danger rôde par Charlaine Harris (letsdisco2373)
  9. 05
    Not Safe for Vampires par William Frost (LostVampire)
    LostVampire: Thomas Watson becomes a vampire during the Civil War. The YA fantasy fiction novel NOT SAFE FOR VAMPIRES is a good read. It is only 128 pages, but it is not light reading, You really have to follow the beginning - once you understand the style of writing (there are flashback scenes) you will really enjoy the journey. The story is filled with history. For example, Africatown and the Clotilde ship are a real part of history (I googled it). Also, the character Captain Thomas Watson was really a soldier for the Union Army. I believe you will enjoy this book and add it to your library as well.… (plus d'informations)
1970s (60)
Kayla (11)
BitLife (55)

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 Folio Society Devotees: Anne Rice - Interview with the Vampire24 non-lus / 24ArchonGed, Novembre 2022

» Voir aussi les 481 mentions

Anne Rice revisite le mythe du vampire... Une histoire émouvante, pleine de bons sentiments sanglants. Des personnages normalement monstrueux, tellement humains pour des vampires ! ( )
  Musyne | Jan 29, 2010 |
The author's seriousness is honest, I think, but misplaced; perhaps a bit more Grand Guignol elegance was called for father than incessant philosophizing. Immersed in the book's fetid, morbid atmosphere - like being in a hothouse full of decaying funeral lilies - one longs to get out in the garden.
ajouté par Shortride | modifierThe New York Times, Richard F. Lingeman (payer le site) (Apr 30, 1976)

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (55 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Anne Riceauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Bignardi, MargheritaTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Covián, MarceloTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Deas, MichaelArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Mancius, W. vanTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Muller, FrankNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Murail, TristanTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Niffenegger, AudreyPréfaceauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Scudellari, R. D.Concepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Spagnol, Luigiauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Tan, VirginiaConcepteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Vance, SimonNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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For Stan Rice, Carole Malkin,
and Alice O'Brien Borchardt
Premiers mots
"Je vois", dit le vampire, songeur. Puis il traversa lentement la pièce pour se poster devant la fenêtre.
Je ne peux pas mourir, je suis immortel et damné, comme les anges que Dieu a envoyés en enfer. Je suis un vampire.
Derniers mots
(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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Informations provenant du Partage des connaissances anglais. Modifiez pour passer à votre langue.
This is for the book by Anne Rice.  Do not combine with graphic novels.
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Courtes éloges de critiques
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Wikipédia en anglais (3)

Fantasy. Fiction. Horror. Thriller. HTML:40th ANNIVERSARY EDITION From the #1 New York Times bestselling author, "a magnificent, compulsively readable thriller...Rice begins where Bram Stoker and the Hollywood versions leave off and penetrates directly to the true fascination of the myththe education of the vampire (Chicago Tribune). The inspiration for the hit television series

The time is now.
We are in a small room with the vampire, face to face, as he speaksas he pours out the hypnotic, shocking, moving, and erotically charged confessions of his first two hundred years as one of the living dead. . .
He speaks quietly, plainly, even gently . . . carrying us back to the night when he departed human existence as heiryoung, romantic, cultivatedto a great Louisiana plantation, and was inducted by the radiant and sinister Lestat into the other, the "endless," life . . . learning first to sustain himself on the blood of cocks and rats caught in the raffish streets of New Orleans, then on the blood of human beings . . . to the years when, moving away from his final human ties under the tutelage of the hated yet necessary Lestat, he gradually embraces the habits, hungers, feelings of vampirism: the detachment, the hardened will, the "superior" sensual pleasures.
He carries us back to the crucial moment in a dark New Orleans street when he finds the exquisite lost young child Claudia, wanting not to hurt but to comfort her, struggling against the last residue of human feeling within him . . .
We see how Claudia in turn is made a vampireall her passion and intelligence trapped forever in the body of a small childand how they arrive at their passionate and dangerous alliance, their French Quarter life of opulence: delicate Grecian statues, Chinese vases, crystal chandeliers, a butler, a maid, a stone nymph in the hidden garden court . . . night curving into night with their vampire senses heightened to the beauty of the world, thirsting for the beauty of deatha constant stream of vulnerable strangers awaiting them below . . .
We see them joined against the envious, dangerous Lestat, embarking on a perilous search across Europe for others like themselves, desperate to discover the world they belong to, the ways of survival, to know what they are and why, where they came from, what their future can be . . .
We follow them across Austria and Transylvania, encountering their kind in forms beyond their wildest imagining . . . to Paris, where footsteps behind them, in exact rhythm with their own, steer them to the doors of the Thtre des Vampiresthe beautiful, lewd, and febrile mime theatre whose posters of penny-dreadful vampires at once mask and reveal the horror within . . . to their meeting with the eerily magnetic Armand, who brings them, at last, into intimacy with a whole brilliant and decadent society of vampires, an intimacy that becomes sudden terror when they are compelled to confront what they have feared and fled . . .
In its unceasing flow of spellbinding storytelling, of danger and flight, of loyalty and treachery, Interview with the Vampire bears witness of a literary imagination of the first order.

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