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Contact (1985)

par Carl Sagan

Autres auteurs: Voir la section autres auteur(e)s.

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneDiscussions / Mentions
9,317136872 (3.98)1 / 238
In December 1999, a multinational team journeys out to the stars, to the most awesome encounter in human history. Who -- or what -- is out there? In Cosmos, Carl Sagan explained the universe. In Contact, he predicts its future -- and our own.
  1. 30
    Rendez-vous avec Rama par Arthur C. Clarke (5hrdrive)
    5hrdrive: First contact
  2. 30
    Le problème à trois corps par Cixin Liu (CGlanovsky)
    CGlanovsky: Stories about man's search for intelligent life in the universe with elements of hard science
  3. 20
    Chindi par Jack McDevitt (PghDragonMan)
    PghDragonMan: Strange messages from beyond our world lure humans to explore space in the hope of meeting other intelligent life forms.
  4. 31
    2001 : l'Odyssée de l'espace par Arthur C. Clarke (5hrdrive)
    5hrdrive: A better "first contact" story.
  5. 22
    Vision aveugle par Peter Watts (Konran)
    Konran: A first contact tale on the pessimistic end of the spectrum. Also, space vampires. Done well. And they're not the aliens.
  6. 00
    La tour de Babylone par Ted Chiang (beyondthefourthwall)
  7. 00
    Born into Light par Paul Samuel Jacobs (beyondthefourthwall)
    beyondthefourthwall: Well-drawn, thoughtful humanistic sci-fi (though both occasionally drop the ball slightly when it comes to BIPOC folks).
  8. 01
    The Big Eye par Max Ehrlich (infiniteletters)
  9. 01
    The Listeners par James E. Gunn (Valashain)

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» Voir aussi les 238 mentions

Un roman culte par un auteur culte; un classique de la science-fiction moderne. ( )
  dClauzel | Oct 1, 2014 |
It's bug-eyed monster time again. This time the alien devils are discovered not by Captain Rick Thrust of the US Starship Trousersnake but by mega-boring scientists and lots of hard-work.
ajouté par andersocheva | modifierNew Musical Express, Steven Wells (May 16, 1987)

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (24 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Sagan, Carlauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Bacon, PaulConcepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Lomberg, JonArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Perkins, IrvingConcepteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Werner, MeikeTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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For Alexandra,
who comes of age
with the Millennium.
May we leave your generation a world
better than the one we were given.
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By human standards it could not possibly have been artificial: It was the size of a world.
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For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.
The universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space.
You're an interesting species. An interesting mix. You're capable of such beautiful dreams, and such horrible nightmares. You feel so lost, so cut off, so alone, only you're not. See, in all our searching, the only thing we've found that makes the emptiness bearable, is each other.
She had studied the universe all her life, but had overlooked its clearest message: For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.
Your religion assumes that people are children and need a boogeyman so they'll behave. You want people to believe in God so they'll obey the law. That's the only means that occurs to you: a strict secular police force, and the threat of punishment by an all-seeing God for whatever the police overlook. You sell human beings short.
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Wikipédia en anglais (2)

In December 1999, a multinational team journeys out to the stars, to the most awesome encounter in human history. Who -- or what -- is out there? In Cosmos, Carl Sagan explained the universe. In Contact, he predicts its future -- and our own.

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Moyenne: (3.98)
0.5 2
1 12
1.5 4
2 87
2.5 21
3 407
3.5 90
4 817
4.5 82
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