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The Forsyte Saga I: The Man of Property par…

The Forsyte Saga I: The Man of Property (original 1906; édition 1936)

par John Galsworthy

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,0512120,310 (3.88)133
The three novels that make up this trilogy have long been recognized as masterpieces of 20th-century literature, and Galsworthy as one of its leading exponents. But don't let that be the reason you put off listening to this wonderful work. There are passion and lust in these pages, high art and low comedy, and unthinking violence that ride alongside ever-correct manners. Scandal, tragedy, despair, rape, accidental death, marriage, remarriage and a healthy leavening of births all unfold against a rolling backdrop of a world war.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Forsyte Saga I: The Man of Property
Auteurs:John Galsworthy
Info:Heinemann (1936), Hardcover
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Le propriétaire par John Galsworthy (1906)


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» Voir aussi les 133 mentions

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Saga dei Forsyte I
  NonnaLuisa | Feb 28, 2024 |
Enjoyable insofar as it gives me more insight in the characters from tv-series The Forsyte Saga (2002), which are all relatively flat. This novel is the first of three books upon which the series is based. I love how the book tries to explain the emotions and considerations of all characters (and it turns out there are even more Forsyte family members than appear in the television series) involved in the plot. Galsworthy occasionally goes of into a philosophical rant about the London fog, leaves on trees, or the mysteries of human nature. These tangents are hard for me to follow. Another reason the book is difficult to read is that parts of the plot are communicated implicitly to the reader, by characters alluding to events in the most circumspect manner possible -- the characters being British and Victorian and true Forsytes. I've not decided whether I will continue with book 2. On the one hand, the book feels like bonus material for one of my favorite costume dramas. On the other hand, the writing style is not superenjoyable. ( )
  jd7h | Feb 18, 2024 |
What a tragic story! Can't wait to see what happens in the next book! ( )
  leslie.98 | Jun 27, 2023 |
You really need to take notes in the first chapter when you are introduced to 30+ characters, but then the story starts and it is wonderful. Truly satisfying book. The next two books are interesting, but not as powerful. The short story "Indian Summer of a Forsyte" is perfect after completing this book. ( )
  BionicJim | Apr 28, 2022 |
Nearly five , got this out of the library in the 1980s and it was the only book in that period I started but didn't finish...strange but this has put me off all these years , thanks to Wordsworth editions for being so affordable so I started again,oh what I have been missing, so glad to find more than the three books I thought of to look forward to.... ( )
  SarahKDunsbee | Aug 2, 2021 |
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John Galsworthyauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Mozley, CharlesIllustrateurauteur principalquelques éditionsconfirmé
Waugh, EvelynPréfaceauteur principalquelques éditionsconfirmé
Case, DavidNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Gentleman, DavidArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Nahuys, R.H.G.Traducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Waugh, EvelynIntroductionauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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You will answer / The Slaves are ours - Merchant of Venice
To Edward Garnett
Premiers mots
Those privileged to be present at a family festival of the Forsytes have seen that charming and instructive sight - an upper middle-class family full of plumage.
Informations provenant du Partage des connaissances anglais. Modifiez pour passer à votre langue.
He had stopped to look in a picture shop, for Soames was an “amateur” of pictures, and had a little room in no. 62 Montpelier Square, full of canvases, stacked against the wall, which he had no room to hang.... he would enter this room on Sunday afternoons, to spend hours turning the pictures to the light, examining the marks on their backs, and occasionally making notes.
The inner decoration [of Soames’s house] favoured the First Empire and William Morris.... there were countless nooks resembling birds’ nests, and little things made of silver were deposited like eggs.
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(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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The three novels that make up this trilogy have long been recognized as masterpieces of 20th-century literature, and Galsworthy as one of its leading exponents. But don't let that be the reason you put off listening to this wonderful work. There are passion and lust in these pages, high art and low comedy, and unthinking violence that ride alongside ever-correct manners. Scandal, tragedy, despair, rape, accidental death, marriage, remarriage and a healthy leavening of births all unfold against a rolling backdrop of a world war.

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Moyenne: (3.88)
0.5 1
1 1
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3 31
3.5 11
4 61
4.5 7
5 26

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