Séries de livres pour paulrpotts

Séries auxquelles appartiennent les livres de la bibliothèque de paulrpotts

Sommaire: Séries 42

Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series

Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series

The Baroque Cycle

The Book of the Long Sun

The Book of the New Sun

The Book of the Short Sun

Books for Professionals by Professionals

C++ In-Depth Series

The Collected Fiction of William Hope Hodgson

Destiny's Children


Dune: Complete Chronology

The Eon Series

The Expert's Voice

The Expert's Voice in Open Source

Facets of Ruby

Foundations of Computing Series

The Golden Age

The Great Ship

The History of Middle-Earth

The Little Schemer series

Logic Programming

The Lord of the Rings



McGraw-Hill Computer Science Series

MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

NASA Trilogy


Prentice-Hall International Series in Computer Science

Quee Lee and Perri

Requiem for Homo Sapiens

Revelation Space

Solar Cycle

Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics

Subjective Cosmology Cycle

Texts in Computing


Undergraduate Texts in Computer Science

VALIS Trilogy

The Wizard Knight

Xeelee Sequence