
fantasy (1,069), Forgotten Books free book of the day (542), children’s (466), science fiction (390), Humble Bundle (295), mystery (266), history (243), computers (science) (151), fiction (128), language (114), religion (111), adventure stories (85), biography (85), historical fiction (83), anthology (82), D&D/AD&D (RPG game) (80), fantasy RPG (72), Christianity (Abrahamic religion) (71), mythology (69), reference (64), Early Bird/Open Road free book (54), archaeology (social science) (53), science (52), humorous stories (52), omnibus (50), teen and young adult (49), grammar (45), short story collection (44), cookbook / recipes (43), Ancient Egypt (43), magic (42), fairytales (41), Bible (40), urban fantasy (37), classic books (36), art (36), Greyhawk (RPG game) (35), anthropology (social science) (34), Middle Ages (476-1453 AD) (34), detectives (33), mathematics (33), Native Americans (33), Tor free book (33), Forgotten Realms (RPG game) (32), autobiography (32), music (31), programming (computers) (31), romance (31), ancient history (30), Africa (29), folklore (28), time travel (28), dragons (mythical creatures) (28), health (28), poetry (28), cybersecurity (27), physics (science) (26), animal stories (25), philosophy (24), vampires (mythical creatures) (24), game development (23), Arthurian legend (22), alternative history (21), horses (21), Python (programming language) (20), horror (20), psychology (20), autism (20), law (19), Ancient Greece (19), nonfiction (19), linguistics (18), medicine (18), picture book (17), China (East Asia) (17), sacred scriptures (16), astronomy (science) (16), humor (16), extraterrestrials / aliens (16), England - 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North America (6), emergency preparedness (6), canning (6), satire (6), gluten-free diet (6), orphans (5), knights (5), essays (5), bread (5), Italian (Romance language branch) (5), Islam (Abrahamic religion) (5), brain (5), princesses (5), Dead Sea Scrolls (5), elves (mythical creatures) (5), Italy (Southwestern Europe) (5), dystopia (5), Argentina (South America) (5), Britain (Northwest Europe) (5), public domain (5), number theory (mathematics) (5), Ancient Persia - now Iran (West Asia) (5), fae (mythical creatures) (5), paranormal romance (5), books (5), California (USA) (5), monsters (5), anatomy (4), Scotland - Northern Europe (4), survival skills (4), Semitic languages (4), costume (4), space travel (4), LibraryThing Secret Santa (4), Ireland (Northern Europe) (4), Middle English (West Germanic language branch) (4), Asia (4), atlases (4), Indo-European language family (4), C++ (programming language) (4), chemistry (science) (4), Homer (author c. 8th century BC) (4), criminology and crime science (social science) (4), famous people (4), first aid (4), review copy (4), comedies (4), fishing (4), slavery (4), Greece (Southeast Europe) (4), New York City (New York) (4), LGBTQIA+ (4), trolls (mythical creatures) (4), American Civil War (1861-1865) (4), royalty (4), self-sufficiency (4), World War I (1914-1918) (4), Anglo-Saxon/Old English (West Germanic language branch) (4), Babylon (in ancient Mesopotamia) (4), metaphysics (4), self-help (3), technology (3), Pierre de Fermat - mathematician (c. 1607-1665) (3), photography (3), demons (3), Sikhism (Indian religion and philosophy) (3), censorship (3), museums (3), paranormal (3), school (3), pre-Columbian (3), woodworking (3), Austria (Central Europe) (3), Pennsylvania (USA) (3), CBD (3), feminism and gender studies (3), Germany (Central Europe) (3), education (3), cryptography (3), secret societies (3), Mesoamerica (3), Turkey (West Asia and Southeast Europe) (3), tragedy (3), bears (3), J.R.R. Tolkien (author) (3), marketing (3), Ravenloft (RPG game) (3), artists (3), investing (3), London - England (3), herbalism (3), robots (3), gods (3), Vikings (3), Alexander the Great / Alexander III of Macedon (356-323 BC) (3), nutrition (3), Greek (Graeco-Phrygian language branch) (3), Wales - Northern Europe (3), neuroscience (science) (3), abuse (3), Judaism (Abrahamic religion) (3), college (3), Catholicism (Christian religion) (3), Maya (Native Mesoamerican people) (3), Maztica (RPG game setting) (3), archetypes (3), film (3), shipbuilding (3), textbook (3), Moors (3), rape (3), US presidents (3), angels (spiritual beings) (3), Scribd (3)
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Inscrit depuis
Jan 17, 2023
A propos de ma bibliothèque

Both my husband and I love books and together amassed over 25,000 printed books. I also have hundreds of ebooks I have read or want to read, and hundreds more that I might eventually want to read. My husband liked some of the same non-fiction subjects and fiction genres, but he also accumulated books on business, agriculture, sports, and cooking.

A propos de moi

I have too many print books, alas, or perhaps I need a mansion. I have started acquiring ebooks (and getting some of my favorites or my incomplete paperback series as ebooks), and I have adjusted to reading on a tablet, which I first hated. This change was probably partly due to partial paralysis from a brain tumor; when I’m tired, it is still easier to use my cell phone than hold a print book because of my shoulder.

I have very many interests. In fiction, my favorite genres are science fiction, fantasy, and mystery. In mystery, I tend to prefer historical mysteries, but I read all sorts. In science fiction, if it is science-y, I want full-fledged hard science fiction (not the stuff that pretends to be very scientific unless it actually was for it’s time period), but I’m quite happy with adventure, comedic, space opera, and steampunk science fiction, too. I think I probably like all types of fantasy, as well. I read historical fiction, literature classics, and a smattering of recommended-by-family-and-friends romance (the only time I read romance) and other novels. I also enjoy poetry.

In non-fiction, I enjoy reference books and have been accumulating encyclopedia sets from different decades and from different countries. Years ago, I was able to read decently in French, enough to get by in German, and a bit in Spanish, plus stumble through Italian and Latin, but I’m far out of practice now. (Forgotten Books offers a free ebook of the day, a different one for each of six languages, so I’ve been downloading them, because you never know when you might decide it is what you are now interested in.) I like books on science and mathematics; I have a degree in computers and mathematics. I like books on linguistics, anthropology & archaeology, folklore, and music topics; I took graduate classes in all four. I like reading about pre-modern history.

I have a few Harry Potter books in foreign languages. I have a couple picture books in foreign languages, too. With regard to books in foreign languages, I prefer to find books written in those languages, but for practicing relearning those languages, I will probably get some fun books that have been translated into those languages, like Harry Potter, Winnie-the-Pooh in Latin, and such.

My hobbies include reading (surprise!), music composition, sudoku.

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