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J&P Voelkel

Auteur de Middleworld

5+ oeuvres 569 utilisateurs 16 critiques

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Œuvres de J&P Voelkel

Oeuvres associées

Demigods and Monsters (2008) — Contributeur — 405 exemplaires, 8 critiques


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As of June 14, 2020, I have never received the copy of this book that I won via Goodreads First Reads. I am making a note here to keep track of what ones I was unable to read due to it being lost/unreceived.
Briars_Reviews | 11 autres critiques | Aug 4, 2023 |
A fun adventrue read with laugh out loud humor through out.
This for example:

"As I see", said Max, "all that stand between humankind and the end of the world is two talking monkeys, a crazy archaeologists covered in red paint, and a couple of kid with blow guns, Am I right?"
"Wrong", said Hermanjilio. "I'll be wearing my black paint this time..." pg 301

There so much information about the Mayens and their mythology. The Jaguar stones are fictional, still it all interesting. Anyone that interested in Mayen mythology, I'll would recommend Middleworld.
… (plus d'informations)
KSnapdragon | 11 autres critiques | Sep 15, 2020 |
I could not get beyond 60 pages of this book. Too much whining and complaining on the part of the main character, and I really wasn't buying into the Mayan intrigue, although I wanted to. Maybe I wasn't in the right mood.
amandabock | 11 autres critiques | Dec 10, 2019 |
To be honest when I first started this book I was annoyed. In the first book I was very happy to see the growth in Max - he matured so much. But when this book started it seemed like he had slid backwards. He was almost back to his self-centered annoying ways. When him and Lola join up again it became really clear. I wanted to shake him and remind him of all that he had learned! Thankfully as the story went along he gained by the mature growth I'd see before. If he hadn't I fear I might have given up on the book!

Ok beyond Max's behavior the story was really strong. Once again it took the reader on a roller coaster ride through action packed adventures. The action started strong, and it really pulled me through the story. I found myself on the edge of my seat a few times wondering how they were going to get out of their current situation. I also liked that this one didn't just follow the same pattern as the first book. It went off on it's own, going places I never saw coming. I liked that because it made the story fresh. So many times I read a sequel and it's just the same story pattern repeated. The End of the World Club had events that I would've never thought could happen. Seriously a few times I really did think "wow didn't see that coming!". How fun is that when reading a book!

I want to comment on Lola just because I love her character. She was just as great in this book but in new ways (see it really kept thing fresh!). I so loved how she was able to just keep calm in situations where Max was kinda freaking out or, at the beginning of the book, sulking. It's because of her character that I recommend this series to girls in my class. She's a fantastic role model.

Final thought: Once again action packed with great fresh twists
Best stick-with-you image: The wedding announcement "party".
Best for readers who: Like action mixed with ancient history
Best for ages: 10-14
… (plus d'informations)
MrsBookOwl | 2 autres critiques | Sep 14, 2013 |

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