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C. S. Harris (1)

Auteur de What Angels Fear

Pour les autres auteurs qui s'appellent C. S. Harris, voyez la page de désambigüisation.

C. S. Harris (1) a été combiné avec Candice Proctor.

21 oeuvres 7,826 utilisateurs 485 critiques 8 Favoris
Il y a 2 discussions ouvertes sur cet auteur. Voir maintenant.


Œuvres de C. S. Harris

Les œuvres ont été combinées en Candice Proctor.

What Angels Fear (2005) 1,322 exemplaires, 64 critiques
When Gods Die (2006) 774 exemplaires, 41 critiques
Why Mermaids Sing (2007) 713 exemplaires, 33 critiques
Where Serpents Sleep (2008) 608 exemplaires, 25 critiques
What Remains of Heaven (2009) 545 exemplaires, 31 critiques
Where Shadows Dance (2011) 486 exemplaires, 27 critiques
When Maidens Mourn (2012) 433 exemplaires, 23 critiques
What Darkness Brings (2013) 376 exemplaires, 26 critiques
Why Kings Confess (2014) 346 exemplaires, 25 critiques
Who Buries the Dead (2015) 319 exemplaires, 19 critiques
When Falcons Fall (2016) 292 exemplaires, 25 critiques
Why Kill the Innocent (2018) 273 exemplaires, 22 critiques
Where the Dead Lie (2017) 249 exemplaires, 20 critiques
Who Slays the Wicked (2019) 244 exemplaires, 23 critiques
Who Speaks for the Damned (2020) 216 exemplaires, 20 critiques
What the Devil Knows (2021) 180 exemplaires, 19 critiques
The Deadly Hours (2020) — Contributeur — 155 exemplaires, 15 critiques
When Blood Lies (2022) 152 exemplaires, 13 critiques
Who Cries for the Lost (2023) 111 exemplaires, 8 critiques
Good Time Coming (2016) 31 exemplaires, 6 critiques


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Chat à Book Discussion : What Darkness Brings by C S Harris (Octobre 2023)
Let’s Meet the Author à Book Discussion : What Darkness Brings by C S Harris (Octobre 2023)
Chat à Book Discussion : When Maidens Mourn by C S Harris (Décembre 2022)
Let’s Meet the Author à Book Discussion : When Maidens Mourn by C S Harris (Décembre 2022)
Chat à Book Discussion : Where Shadows Dance by C S Harris (Octobre 2020)
Chat à Book Discussion : What Reamains of Heaven by C S Harris (Décembre 2019)
Let’s Meet... à Book Discussion : What Reamains of Heaven by C S Harris (Décembre 2019)
Chat à Book Discussion : Where Serpents Sleep by C S Harris (Mars 2019)
Chat à Book Discussion : Why Mermaids Sing by C S Harris (Octobre 2018)
Chat à Book Discussion : When Gods Die by C S Harris (Mars 2018)
Chat à Book Discussion : What Angels Fear by C S Harris (Octobre 2017)


This was a really good book and important to the build-up of the characters. One of the techniques this author brings is an ability to narrate from both Sebastian's POV and Kat without detracting from the overall flow of the plot.

As the book opens, young Dominic Stanton is riding to his mother's for a dinner party, and in typical series fashion is waylaid and killed. His body is later gruesomely hung in public, and Sir Henry Lovejoy, the local magistrate, is brought in to begin the investigation. And of course he calls in Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin, to assist him.

When more bodies of young men are found, some mutilated and some not, then Bow Street decides to take over the investigation, St. Cyr has to rely on young Tom and himself for the most immediate searches. Which lead him to the upper echelons of British society and a retired ship's captain who seems to have fallen into the bottle. And while St. Cyr was fighting abroad, a trial happened about a ship that floundered on its return from India by this ship's captain.

Also we begin to learn more about the character and motivations of St. Cyr's lover, Kat, a beauty of the London stage and also a spy against England. While she does not care about Napoleon per se, she is Irish by birth and upbringing, and therefore despises the English for what they have done to her homeland.

Revelations come to light, sea voyages are examined, and even Lord Jarvis makes his presence known. As he does. And the title? It comes from the John Donne poem, and provides a clue about the murders in a literary twist.
… (plus d'informations)
threadnsong | 32 autres critiques | Jul 20, 2024 |
I'm still trying to make up my mind about whether I like this author. This is surely an interesting tale made more so by her fluency with the language of the time. As a mystery, it fails since there is no logical movement from crime to solution. On the other hand, the author has crafted a very good story. Her characters develop in stages except for those with a continuing presence in her stories.
DeaconBernie | 25 autres critiques | Jul 6, 2024 |

Very frustrated that Sebastian never gets a face-to-face with his mother. At least he gets the letter. I loved the Paris viewpoint of Napoleon's escape from Elba--hearing bit by bit of his gathering strength and then finally his triumphant arrival. I've read many historical novels from this period with the action in Brussels, so we get to go to the Richmonds' ball as part of the story, but I don't remember ever reading one with this vantage.
rlsalvati | 12 autres critiques | Jul 3, 2024 |
I received this ARC from Berkley - I was beyond thrilled when notified I'd won a copy in the Goodreads draw. This entry in the series does not disappoint. Sebastian finds uncomfortable parallels between his life and that of the (first) murder victim, the disgraced son of an earl. Hero continues her interviews with London's less fortunate while helping with the investigation. There were twists I did not see coming and one twist I expected that never happened! This is one of my favorite series and it's hard to believe this is the 15th installment. I've enjoyed every one and look forward to my yearly dose of St. Cyr.

slight slight spoiler below

My only disappointment is that this entry in the series did not feature any new developments in the whereabouts of Sebastian's mother and biological father. Throw me a bone here!
… (plus d'informations)
rlsalvati | 19 autres critiques | Jul 3, 2024 |


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