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Sarah Rees Brennan

Auteur de The Bane Chronicles

47+ oeuvres 11,181 utilisateurs 580 critiques 20 Favoris

A propos de l'auteur

Sarah Rees Brennan (b. 1983) is an Irish writer known primarily for YA fantasy fiction. She began her first novel, The Demon's Lexicon, while working on her MA in Creative Writing. It was published in 2009, and followed by The Demon's Covenant and the Demon's Surrender, the second and third books afficher plus in the Demon Lexicon Trilogy. She also pens The Lynburn Legacy series, and is a co-author of The Bane Chronicles. (Bowker Author Biography) afficher moins
Crédit image: (c) Elizabeth Talbott


Œuvres de Sarah Rees Brennan

The Bane Chronicles (2013) 2,931 exemplaires, 60 critiques
La nuit des démons tome 1 (2009) 1,168 exemplaires, 86 critiques
Unspoken (2012) 1,151 exemplaires, 110 critiques
Ghosts of the Shadow Market (10-in-1) (2019) 882 exemplaires, 10 critiques
In Other Lands (2017) 722 exemplaires, 48 critiques
The Demon's Covenant (2010) 473 exemplaires, 33 critiques
Untold (2013) 445 exemplaires, 31 critiques
Team Human (2012) 392 exemplaires, 40 critiques
Unmade (2014) 310 exemplaires, 16 critiques
The Demon's Surrender (2011) 295 exemplaires, 18 critiques
Tell the Wind and Fire (2016) 261 exemplaires, 26 critiques
Cast Long Shadows (2018) 219 exemplaires
Season of the Witch (2019) 190 exemplaires, 6 critiques
Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy (2015) 186 exemplaires, 18 critiques
The Midnight Heir (2013) 173 exemplaires, 8 critiques
What Really Happened in Peru (2013) 159 exemplaires, 10 critiques
Fence: Striking Distance (2020) 149 exemplaires, 13 critiques
The Last Stand of the New York Institute (2013) 126 exemplaires, 6 critiques
Bitter of Tongue (2015) 99 exemplaires, 4 critiques
Born to Endless Night (2015) 99 exemplaires, 4 critiques
Vampires, Scones, and Edmund Herondale (2013) 79 exemplaires, 4 critiques
Daughter of Chaos (2019) — Auteur — 77 exemplaires
Son of the Dawn (2018) 74 exemplaires, 6 critiques
Fence: Disarmed (2021) 74 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Saving Raphael Santiago (2013) 55 exemplaires
The Spring Before I Met You 50 exemplaires, 3 critiques
The Summer Before I Met You 49 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Path of Night (2020) 47 exemplaires
The Voicemail of Magnus Bane (2014) 44 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Long Live Evil (2024) 27 exemplaires, 6 critiques
The Night After I Lost You 27 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Land I Lost (2018) 15 exemplaires, 2 critiques
The Turn of the Story 14 exemplaires, 1 critique
Queen of Atlantis 14 exemplaires, 1 critique
Forever Fallen (2019) — Auteur — 2 exemplaires
The Arundel Tomb [short story] (2009) 1 exemplaire

Oeuvres associées

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy (2016) — Contributeur — 1,747 exemplaires, 19 critiques
The Eternal Kiss: 13 Vampire Tales of Blood and Desire (2009) — Contributeur — 430 exemplaires, 18 critiques
Shadowhunters and Downworlders: A Mortal Instruments Reader (2013) — Contributeur — 414 exemplaires, 17 critiques
The Girl Who Was on Fire: Your Favorite Authors on Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games Trilogy (2011) — Contributeur — 385 exemplaires, 13 critiques
Enthralled: Paranormal Diversions (2011) — Contributeur — 348 exemplaires, 22 critiques
After (2012) — Contributeur — 345 exemplaires, 13 critiques
Monstrous Affections: An Anthology of Beastly Tales (2014) — Contributeur — 259 exemplaires, 13 critiques
Kiss Me Deadly: 13 Tales of Paranormal Love (2010) — Contributeur — 258 exemplaires, 17 critiques
Grim (2014) — Contributeur — 240 exemplaires, 12 critiques
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year Volume Five (2011) — Contributeur — 149 exemplaires, 4 critiques
Dark Duets: All-New Tales of Horror and Dark Fantasy (2014) — Contributeur — 104 exemplaires, 4 critiques
Defy the Dark (2013) — Contributeur — 88 exemplaires, 1 critique
Scheherazade's Facade (2012) — Contributeur — 27 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Uncanny Magazine Issue 8: January/February 2016 (2016) — Contributeur — 11 exemplaires, 4 critiques
Year's Best Young Adult Speculative Fiction 2013 (2014) — Contributeur — 9 exemplaires, 1 critique
Subterranean Magazine Summer 2011 — Contributeur — 2 exemplaires


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YA Paranormal "Imaginary Friend" à Name that Book (Juillet 2016)


If you like laughing with the characters, this book is a treasure chest.
It starts in a deliberate way, along what seem to be well-trod paths. Without going into wildly new territories, it offers novelty, depth, and a handful of compelling characters whose stories are told in a smoothly flowing way. The lack of obvious magic, despite fantasy races and creatures, was a bit jarring for me.
quondame | 47 autres critiques | Jul 17, 2024 |
Series Info/Source: This is the first book in The Time of Iron series. I got a copy of this on ebook through NetGalley to review.

Thoughts: Previous to reading this, I read "Team Human" which I liked, and "The Demon's Lexicon" which was so-so. I have mixed feelings about this book. This started out really rough and is by no means a "well-written" book. However, it was a lot of fun to read and had fascinating and engaging characters. I ended up enthralled by the story and characters by the end and found myself struggling to put it down in the second half.

The story follows Rae, a young woman fighting late stage cancer who gets a bargain from a strange woman. The woman tells her she can go into the world of her favorite fantasy series, and if she can find a bloom from rare flower she'll be able to save herself in her home world. Rae agrees, but unfortunately finds herself thrust into the body of a villainess who is supposed to be executed the next day. Rae has to do some fast thinking and some solid evil to try to get herself out of the execution and into a position to find the rare bloom.

The beginning of this book was awful; it is unnecessary, awkward, and hard to follow. Showing us Rae in the "real world" could have been done in so many better ways. I almost stopped reading this after the first chapter because it was sooooo bad. Things do improve once we get into the fantasy world.

Once we get into the fantasy world, the writing itself still feels pretty awkward. However, the zany campiness of the story starts to take over and make things very entertaining. That coupled with the intriguing characters started to suck me in.

It is really the characters that end up making this an intriguing read. They are all "evil" but more complex than that. Added to that is the humor of Rae and another Earth transplant trying to keep the plot true to the book series while it keeps veering all over the place. The story ends up sucking you in and absolutely grabs you. You keep wondering if Rae will succeed in her quest, what will happen to the original story, and who is the Emperor?

This is a pretty typical portal fantasy. I've read books before where dying characters are transported to a fantasy realm where "if they can only complete a quest", they can save themselves in the real world. What sets this book apart from those is the sheer craziness of the situation and the zaniness of the characters. Let me repeat, this is not well written, and the beginning is a slog to get through. However, it does end up being entertaining, and by the end I desperately wanted to know what would happen next. So, despite my initial feelings, I ended up enjoying this.

My Summary (4/5): Overall this is a mixed bag. The beginning is awful, and the writing isn't the best, it is awkward and doesn't flow the best. This is a somewhat typical portal fantasy. However, it does have a lot of humor and zaniness to it as it continues. It ends up begin campy and crazy enough that it entertained me. By the end, the characters had really pulled me in to the story and I ended up completely engaged and struggling to put this down. Against my better judgment I do plan on continuing the series because I just need to know what happens after the crazy ending in this first book.
… (plus d'informations)
krau0098 | 5 autres critiques | Jun 26, 2024 |
NetGalley ARC

Reminds me of Descendants - over the top drama with teens living out a real fantasy ren faire as villains.

The last 10% really brought up the rating for me.

I really struggled with the very modern, colloquial language used - not just by Rae, but by everyone, at times it was cringe. There was also an almost “silly” OTT vibe to the book. Because Rae wasn’t taking anything seriously, I couldn’t either.
I felt the multiple POVs unnecessary- Rae and maybe Eric would have been enough.
I liked the overall idea and plot, especially the twist at the end, but the tone/writing style wasn’t for me.
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spiritedstardust | 5 autres critiques | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – I have read the graphic novel that this series is originally based on. It is much more dark and morbid then this book was. I have seen the entire released series on Netflix as well. It also doesn’t compare to this particular book, but it has similar storylines.

I’m going to start by saying that I am not a fan of the way the book is written. You have some chapters on white pages with black print and some on black pages with white print. I found it to be really hard to read the ones on black pages with white print in a low light setting. I usually read by using my beside lamp or an a lowly lit room in the house. We don’t really have super bright lights. Otherwise I have no complaints on the books creation.

Sabrina is not your average 15 year-old. She is a half mortal and half witch. You can recall her and her aunts Hilda and Zelda and her boyfriend Harvey from the 90’s comedy. However, that’s as much of the similarity you will get from that comedy within the pages of this book. The names are the same, the appearances and descriptions are not!

Sabrina has two other friends besides Harvey; Roz and Suzie. They are both interesting characters in their own way. And in a way like Harvey they too have secrets they keep from Sabrina. Sabrina likes to think she is keeping this huge secret from her friends and that it is more or less ruining their friendships on some level, but they have secrets too that they are afraid to share.

Given this is a prequel it is mostly and introduction to all the characters in the series. You learn bits and pieces about them in the white pages. On the black pages one character is highlighted and you get to learn even more of their back story. I do like how it was put together, I just don’t like the color of the pages, but I do understand why they were done as black and white. White means good and black means evil. It’s a rather obvious conclusion, just gave me a headache reading this way.

This book is mostly centered on Sabrina’s goodness. Her love and kindness for her family and her friends. It shows that she is good at heart and that she isn’t sure of the choice she will need to make at her Dark Baptism.

I look forward to seeing where the author is going with this series in the next book that is set to be released Dec 26, 2019.
… (plus d'informations)
Zapkode | 5 autres critiques | Jun 1, 2024 |


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