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Lanark: A Life in Four Books (Canongate…

Lanark: A Life in Four Books (Canongate Classics) (original 1981; édition 2002)

par Alasdair Gray, Janice Galloway (Introduction)

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2,089378,058 (4)98
A modern vision of hell, is set in the disintegrating cities of Unthank and Glasgow, and tells the interwoven stories of Lanark and Duncan Thaw. A work of extraordinary imagination and wide range, its playful narrative techniques convey a profound message, both personal and political, about humankind's inability to love, and yet our compulsion to go on trying. First published in 1981, Lanark immediately established Gray as one of Britain's leading writers.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Lanark: A Life in Four Books (Canongate Classics)
Auteurs:Alasdair Gray
Autres auteurs:Janice Galloway (Introduction)
Info:Canongate U.S. (2002), Paperback, 560 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Lanark par Alasdair Gray (1981)


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» Voir aussi les 98 mentions

> Babelio :

> LANARK, par Alasdair Gray (Metailie, 2013, Broché, 656 pages). — Non, ce n'est pas une erreur d'impression ! Lorsque vous lisez la table des matières de ce volumineux roman, il s'ouvre bien sur... le livre trois et se poursuit par le livre un ! Et dès les premières lignes, vous êtes bien propulsé dans une histoire déroutante, sans dessus ni dessous. Normal : Lanark, le héros, est amnésique. Dans le chaos le plus kafkaïen, il erre dans un Glasgow froid et sombre, entre sa chambre et le café Elite où il retrouve la bande à Sludden. Dans ce monde en décrépitude, une seule chose l'intéresse : la lumière. Il finit par se suicider, anéanti par l'obscurité ambiante, et renaît dans un monde de science-fiction dans lequel il soigne des dragons. Kafka fait place cette fois à Salinger et ses profondes introspections et, peu à peu, Lanark retrouve sa véritable identité.
Voici donc enfin traduit en français le premier roman et livre-culte de l'écrivain écossais Alasdair Gray, fondateur de L'École de Glasgow, qui continue de jouer un rôle central dans le renouvellement de la littérature britannique. Constitué de collages et de textes disparates écrits au fil des années, son Lanark est de plus illustré de denses frontons gothiques, de la plume d'Alasdair Gray, également peintre décorateur de théâtre. Le tout forme un roman au souffle singulier et fort séduisant, qui emporte le lecteur en lui laissant à peine le temps de respirer.
Laure Anciel,
  Joop-le-philosophe | Jan 30, 2019 |
Bulk alone--560 or so pages--signals Scottish first-novelist Gray's determination: he means to make a detailed, leisurely analogue to today, to set it in a future-world city much like Glasgow. The main of Gray's big metaphorical structure is built on fantasy. And though this construct has its moments, it never even comes close to cohering. The eye, instead of being scathing, is more simply chafed; there's a sharp edge here, but it glints only once in a long while. Some appeal for fanciers of grand-scale sociological futurescapes, then, with more ambition than real imagination or power.
ajouté par poppycocteau | modifierKirkus Reviews, a (Feb 1, 1980)
What's worth saying, these decades on, is that Lanark , in common with all great books, is still, and always will be, an act of resistance. It is part of the system of whispers and sedition and direct communion, one voice to another, we call literature. Its bravery in finding voice, in encouraging the enormous power of public, national, artistic, sexual and political imagination, is not something to take for granted.

Alasdair Gray's big book about Glasgow is also a big book about everywhere. Its insistence on the literal if mistrusted truth - that Glasgow and Scotland and every small nation and individual within it are part of the whole wide world - is something worth saying indeed. Dear reader, delay no longer. Engage with the text. Imagine. Admire the view.
ajouté par SnootyBaronet | modifierThe Guardian, Janice Galloway
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The Elite Cafe was entered by a staircase from the foyer of a cinema.
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"Who did the council fight?"
"It split in two and fought itself."
"That's suicide!"
"No, ordinary behaviour. The efficient half eats the less efficient half and grows stronger. War is just a violent way of doing what half the people do calmly in peacetime: using the other half for food, heat, machinery and sexual pleasure. Man is the pie that bakes and eats himself, and the recipe is separation."
"It is plain that the vaster the social unit, the less possible is true democracy."
He wallows under, gasping and tumbling over and over in salt sting, knowing nothing but the need not to breathe. A humming drumming fills his brain, in panic he opens eyes and glimpses green glimmers through salt sting. And when at last, like fingernails losing clutch on too narrow a ledge, he, tumbling, yells out last dregs of breath and has to breathe, there flows in upon him, not pain, but annihilating sweetness.
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A modern vision of hell, is set in the disintegrating cities of Unthank and Glasgow, and tells the interwoven stories of Lanark and Duncan Thaw. A work of extraordinary imagination and wide range, its playful narrative techniques convey a profound message, both personal and political, about humankind's inability to love, and yet our compulsion to go on trying. First published in 1981, Lanark immediately established Gray as one of Britain's leading writers.

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