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When You Reach Me (2009)

par Rebecca Stead

Autres auteurs: Voir la section autres auteur(e)s.

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
6,3865321,557 (4.15)290
As her mother prepares to be a contestant on the 1980s television game show, "The $20,000 Pyramid," a twelve-year-old New York City girl tries to make sense of a series of mysterious notes received from an anonymous source that seems to defy the laws of time and space.
  1. 230
    A Wrinkle in Time par Madeleine L'Engle (Ciruelo, BookshelfMonstrosity)
    BookshelfMonstrosity: Time is a key component in both of these compelling, coming-of-age fantasies with complex plots centered on girls who share absent fathers and the struggle to save the life of a boy near-and-dear to them.
  2. 40
    Le Passage par Louis Sachar (sora91)
  3. 52
    Harriet the Spy par Louise Fitzhugh (DetailMuse)
  4. 64
    L'Étrange Vie de Nobody Owens par Neil Gaiman (speakfreelynow)
  5. 10
    Skellig par David Almond (pdillon)
  6. 10
    The Time Bike par Jane Langton (Runa)
  7. 10
    From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler par E. L. Konigsburg (beyondthefourthwall)
  8. 10
    Charlotte Sometimes par Penelope Farmer (_Zoe_)
  9. 00
    It's Like This, Cat par Emily Cheney Neville (kaledrina)
    kaledrina: The narrator's voices are very similar.
  10. 00
    Là où la montagne rejoint la lune par Grace Lin (_Zoe_)
    _Zoe_: Even though When You Reach Me won the Newbery in 2010, I much prefer this Newbery Honor book.
  11. 00
    Walk Two Moons par Sharon Creech (bookworm12)
  12. 00
    Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush par Virginia Hamilton (kaledrina)
  13. 00
    Playing Beatie Bow par Ruth Park (_Zoe_)
  14. 00
    Hourglass par Myra McEntire (amz310783)
  15. 00
    Parsley Sage, Rosemary, and Time par Jane Louise Curry (allthesedarnbooks)
  16. 00
    The Time It Takes to Fall: A Novel par Margaret Lazarus Dean (Othemts)
  17. 00
    Forteresse de solitude par Jonathan Lethem (Othemts)
  18. 00
    Tunneling: A Novel par Beth Bosworth (Othemts)
  19. 00
    Once Was a Time par Leila Sales (foggidawn)
  20. 00
    22/11/63 par Stephen King (Othemts)

(voir toutes les recommandations de 21)


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» Voir aussi les 290 mentions

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Affichage de 1-5 de 532 (suivant | tout afficher)
i really love this book. i remember being so amazed by it the first time i read it, and i still think that’s deserved ( )
  puppyboykippo | Jul 25, 2024 |
This book was amazing and surprising. I loved it very much. Not only does it hold so much depth and emotion, its story was told wonderfully. Never a dull moment throughout the book!

It's books like this one that our you should be reading. It not only teaches them the beauty of language, but reinforces a love for reading. ( )
  prebs29 | Jul 6, 2024 |
Loved it!!! ( )
  kdegour23 | May 29, 2024 |
Great read. It is basically a time travel book being told by someone who is not doing the traveling, which makes it a little more subtle. I particularly liked the fact that the central carrier learns some things about herself and the world in non-preachy, realistic fashion, the kind of everyday occurences kids ( and adults) might really face ( )
  cspiwak | Mar 6, 2024 |
A wonderful short read. Yes it is juvenile fiction, but read and enjoy the wonderful characters, plotting, time travel and great writing.
Thanks Terri for the suggestion. ( )
  wvlibrarydude | Jan 14, 2024 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 532 (suivant | tout afficher)
This book has a very nice climax when given. Exciting and has much significance to it. Symbolic and wonderful.
ajouté par GraceDaniels | modifierNew York Times, Grace Daniels (Feb 14, 2014)
...a story in which characters really come alive during those few months we spend with them, when their lives are shaped for ever.
In this taut novel, every word, every sentence, has meaning and substance. A hybrid of genres, it is a complex mystery, a work of historical fiction, a school story and one of friendship, with a leitmotif of time travel running through it. Most of all the novel is a thrilling puzzle. Stead piles up clues on the way to a moment of intense drama, after which it is pretty much impossible to stop reading until the last page.
Eventually and improbably, these strands converge to form a thought-provoking whole. Stead ('First Light') accomplishes this by making every detail count, including Mirandas name, her hobby of knot tying and her favorite book, Madeleine LEngles 'A Wrinkle in Time'. Its easy to imagine readers studying Mirandas story as many times as shes read LEngles, and spending hours pondering the provocative questions it raises.
ajouté par sduff222 | modifierPublishers Weekly (Jun 22, 2009)
Stead's novel is as much about character as story. Miranda's voice rings true with its faltering attempts at maturity and observation. The story builds slowly, emerging naturally from a sturdy premise. As Miranda reminisces, the time sequencing is somewhat challenging, but in an intriguing way. The setting is consistently strong. The stores and even the streets–in Miranda's neighborhood act as physical entities and impact the plot in tangible ways. This unusual, thought-provoking mystery will appeal to several types of readers.
ajouté par khuggard | modifierSchool Library Journal, Caitlan Augusta

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (24 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Rebecca Steadauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Blackall, SophieArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Gartnet, KateConcepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Holloway, CynthiaNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious.

-- Albert Einstein

The World As I See It (1931)
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To Sean, Jack, and Eli,

champions of inappropriate laughter, fierce love,

and extremely deep questions
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So Mom got a postcard today.
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"It's the jumping, from one diamond to the next, that we call time, but like I said, time doesn't really exist. Like that girl just said, a diamond is a moment, and all the diamonds on the ring are happening at the same time. It's like having a drawer full of pictures."
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

As her mother prepares to be a contestant on the 1980s television game show, "The $20,000 Pyramid," a twelve-year-old New York City girl tries to make sense of a series of mysterious notes received from an anonymous source that seems to defy the laws of time and space.

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