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Galileos Daughter a Historical Memoir Of (1999)

par Dava Sobel

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
6,5471131,498 (3.7)265
Biography & Autobiography. Philosophy. Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:Galileo Galilei was the foremost scientist of his day. Though he never left Italy, his inventions and discoveries were heralded around the world. His telescopes allowed him to reveal the heavens and enforce the astounding argument that the earth moves around the sun. For this belief, he was brought before the Holy Office of the Inquisition, accused of heresy, and forced to spend his last years under house arrest.

Galileo's oldest child was thirteen when he placed her in a convent near him in Florence, where she took the most appropriate name of Suor Maria Celeste. Her support was her father's greatest source of strength. Her presence, through letters which Sobel has translated from Italian and masterfully woven into the narrative, graces her father's life now as it did then.

GALILEO'S DAUGHTER dramatically recolors the personality and accomplishment of a mythic figure whose seventeenth-century clash with Catholic doctrine continues to define the schism between science and religion. Moving between Galileo's public life and Maria Celeste's sequestered world, Sobel illuminates the Florence of the Medicis and the papal court in Rome during an era when humanity's perception of its place in the cosmos was overturned. With all the human drama and scientific adventure that distinguished Latitude, GALILEO'S DAUGHTER is an unforgettable story.
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I think it is a little bit mis-named. This book has little to nothing to do with the daughter - her letters are simply guiding fill for the story of Gallileo himself. Even so - it was a pretty good book - strange blend of non-fiction and reporting. ( )
  asl4u | Jul 21, 2024 |
Don and I had each purchased a copy in print, but hadn't had time to read them, so after listening to Galileo: a Life, we decided it might be nice to follow that up with this, while it's fresh in our minds. We were right :-) This one started out focusing on Galileo, making us wonder if the use of the daughter's existence was just a gimmick to produce another book on Galileo, but no, there's much more information here about Maria Celeste than in the first, and by virtue of that, information we'd not gotten from the previous work about Galileo. There were episodes and details in the first book that this did not include, so we felt that both were worthwhile reads/listens. ( )
  TraSea | Apr 29, 2024 |
Described as a "memoir" on the cover, this book is based on the letters from Galileo's oldest daughter to him. The book's narrative contextualizes the letters within events in Galileo's career and broader historical events. It really explores the relationship between the two, which was carried out not just in letters but regular visits by Galileo to his cloistered daughter. Galileo's trial and house arrest put the burden of managing his estate on his daughter, but also physically affected them both. ( )
  AmyMacEvilly | Apr 3, 2024 |
A readable and accurate account that can draw more readers into the social history of science, such as a number of students in my own classes. ( )
  sfj2 | Mar 29, 2024 |
loved the details of everyday life revealed in the daughter's letters ( )
  cspiwak | Mar 6, 2024 |
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To the fathers
Galileo Galilei
Samuel Hillel Sobel, M.D.,
in loving memory.
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Most Illustrious Lord Father: We are terribly saddened by the death of your cherished sister, our dear aunt; but our sorrow at losing her is as nothing compared to our concern for your sake, because your suffering will be all the greater, Sire, as truly you have no one else left in your world, now that she, who could not have been more precious to you, has departed, and therefore we can only imagine how you sustain the severity of such a sudden and completely unexpected blow.
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DDC/MDS canonique
LCC canonique

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Wikipédia en anglais (4)

Biography & Autobiography. Philosophy. Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:Galileo Galilei was the foremost scientist of his day. Though he never left Italy, his inventions and discoveries were heralded around the world. His telescopes allowed him to reveal the heavens and enforce the astounding argument that the earth moves around the sun. For this belief, he was brought before the Holy Office of the Inquisition, accused of heresy, and forced to spend his last years under house arrest.

Galileo's oldest child was thirteen when he placed her in a convent near him in Florence, where she took the most appropriate name of Suor Maria Celeste. Her support was her father's greatest source of strength. Her presence, through letters which Sobel has translated from Italian and masterfully woven into the narrative, graces her father's life now as it did then.

GALILEO'S DAUGHTER dramatically recolors the personality and accomplishment of a mythic figure whose seventeenth-century clash with Catholic doctrine continues to define the schism between science and religion. Moving between Galileo's public life and Maria Celeste's sequestered world, Sobel illuminates the Florence of the Medicis and the papal court in Rome during an era when humanity's perception of its place in the cosmos was overturned. With all the human drama and scientific adventure that distinguished Latitude, GALILEO'S DAUGHTER is an unforgettable story.

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Moyenne: (3.7)
1 16
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3.5 55
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