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Incendie de los angeles (l') (1939)

par Nathanael West

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1,883499,160 (3.63)60
Admired by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Dorothy Parker, and Dashiell Hammett, and hailed as one of the best one hundred English-language novels by Time magazine, The Day of the Locust continues to influence American writers, artists, and culture. Bob Dylan wrote the classic song "Day of the Locusts" in homage, and Matt Groening's Homer Simpson is named after one of its characters. No novel more perfectly captures the nuttier side of Hollywood. Here the lens is turned on its fringes-actors out of work, film extras with big dreams, and parents lining their children up for small roles. But it's the bit actress Faye Greener who steals the spotlight with her wildly convoluted dreams of stardom: "I'm going to be a star some day-if I'm not I'll commit suicide.".… (plus d'informations)

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» Voir aussi les 60 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 49 (suivant | tout afficher)
no idea about the locusts. The book ends in a riot so maybe that is like a plague of locusts. Maybe this is like a Tarantino film. From banal to sordid to meaningless violence. Some kind of reflection on the meaninglessness of our times... ok this is the 1930s but really what has changed. This guy wins a billion dollars on the lottery and decides to collect vintage cars. Hollowness. ( )
  kukulaj | Jan 28, 2024 |
That's our Homer! ( )
  bluestraveler | Aug 15, 2022 |
Nathanael West just isn't for me. I've now read both of his acclaimed works and didn't get much out of either one of them. The writing is flat and so are the characters. The themes that were once ahead of their time are now just old news. I totally get that the year is 1939, but I'm still just never going to connect with a book that has this much misogyny in it. ( )
  BibliophageOnCoffee | Aug 12, 2022 |
Eleinte azt hittem, hogy pont jó lesz a túlértékelt klasszikusok kihívásba: céljaiban monumentális Hollywood-tabló, de a megvalósítás tekintetében elhibázott, élvezhetetlenségig szétszórt, töredezett torzó. Talán a harmadán is túl voltam már, amikor elkezdtek hatni ezek a szépen elnyújtott, tökéletesen megkomponált jelenetek, a különös, élettel teli szereplők, és ez a vészjósló, lassan felépített atmoszféra, ami az amerikai regényirodalom egyik legapokaliptikusabb végkifejletében kulminál. West egy tipikusan gatsby-s háromszögből építkezik, de teljesen újként hat, amit kihoz ebből. Van Tod, a festő, hollywood-i bedolgozó, Homer*, tipikus keleti parti naiv melák és Faye, mindenki szerelme (és amúgy meg egy… hát nevezzük felettébb ambiciózus hölgynek). És a stáblistán szerepelnek még: csóró cowboyok, extrovertált törpék, szánalmas volt és reménybeli jövendő színészek, középszerű producerek – és persze a csőcselék, akik közé talán a regény szereplői is tartoznak (még ha ezt nem is vallanák be maguknak), a csőcselék, aki alig visszafojtott indulattal várja, hogy valamiképpen az Amerikai Álom közelébe férkőzhessen, és a kezei közé kaparintsa azt. Eszméletlen kis szöveg, tele elektromossággal, szinte szétfeszíti önmagát – az „elveszett nemzedék” jelentős szellemi produktuma. Olvasásra, sőt újraolvasásra érdemes.

* Teljes nevén Homer Simpson. Véletlen volna ez? ( )
  Kuszma | Jul 2, 2022 |
A little obvious in its symbolism and its exposition of its symbolism but I'm a sucker for what it's about. ( )
  Popple_Vuh | Oct 24, 2021 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 49 (suivant | tout afficher)
The year 1939, when Europe was going up in flames and America clung to the hope that it need not become part of a world at war, turned out to be a miracle moment for Los Angeles fiction, seeing the publication of "The Big Sleep" by Raymond Chandler, John Fante's "Ask The Dust," and "The Day of the Locust" by Nathanael West (the latter just reissued in a new edition, along with "Miss Lonelyhearts," by New Directions, $11.95), three books that distilled distinctly and in very different ways the city that was being written about, and have continued to dictate how Los Angeles is perceived today.

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (14 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
West, Nathanaelauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Boos, CeesTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Fruttero, CarloTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Güttinger, FritzTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Lustig, AlvinConcepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Schulberg, BuddIntroductionauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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For Laura
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Around quitting time, Tod Hackett heard a great din on the road outside his office.
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

Admired by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Dorothy Parker, and Dashiell Hammett, and hailed as one of the best one hundred English-language novels by Time magazine, The Day of the Locust continues to influence American writers, artists, and culture. Bob Dylan wrote the classic song "Day of the Locusts" in homage, and Matt Groening's Homer Simpson is named after one of its characters. No novel more perfectly captures the nuttier side of Hollywood. Here the lens is turned on its fringes-actors out of work, film extras with big dreams, and parents lining their children up for small roles. But it's the bit actress Faye Greener who steals the spotlight with her wildly convoluted dreams of stardom: "I'm going to be a star some day-if I'm not I'll commit suicide.".

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