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Les mystères de Pittsburgh (1988)

par Michael Chabon

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4,118652,985 (3.57)92
Fiction. Literature. HTML:

The Pulitzer Prizewinning author's "astonishing" debut novel, about a son's struggle to find his own identity and integrity (The New York Times).
Michael Chabon, author of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, Moonglow, and The Yiddish Policeman's Union, is one of the most acclaimed talents in contemporary fiction. The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, published when Chabon was just twenty-five, is the beautifully crafted debut that propelled him into the literary stratosphere.

Art Bechstein may be too young to know what he wants to do with his life, but he knows what he doesn't want: the life of his father, a man who laundered money for the mob. He spends the summer after graduation finding his own way, experimenting with a group of brilliant and seductive new friends: erudite Arthur Lecomte, who opens up new horizons for Art; mercurial Phlox, who confounds him at every turn; and Cleveland, a poetry-reciting biker who pulls him inevitably back into his father's mobbed-up world.

A New York Times bestseller, The Mysteries of Pittsburgh was called "astonishing" by Alice McDermott, and heralded the arrival of one of our era's great voices.

This ebook features a biography of the author.

… (plus d'informations)
  1. 50
    Gatsby le magnifique par F. Scott Fitzgerald (zhejw)
    zhejw: The Great Gatsby also takes place over the course of one summer after the protagonist graduates from college. Chabon has acknowledged it as one of the influences for his book.
  2. 10
    Les loups-garous dans leur jeunesse par Michael Chabon (Patangel)
    Patangel: La même humanité transparait dans ces deux ouvrages du même auteur.
  3. 10
    Le Bouddha de banlieue par Hanif Kureishi (brianjungwi)
  4. 00
    Sur la route par Jack Kerouac (CGlanovsky)

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Ce premier roman de Michael Chabon est un bon roman. Il est écrit à la première personne par un étudiant dont on suit, durant un été, les différentes tentatives pour trouver sa sexualité. Très bien écrit, abordant avec tact, délicatesse, finesse et justesse le thème de l'homosexualité, ce roman a un rythme tranquille mais serein qui, sans emballer forcément le lecteur, arrive à maintenir son intérêt. un bon roman qui en appelle d'autres. ( )
  Patangel | Dec 4, 2009 |
Chabon’s talent bursts from the pages. For instance, he is very good at describing inebriation: “I had drunk very much very quickly,” Art, the narrator tells us, “and wasn’t following the action of the film too well. Everything seemed impossibly fast and noisy.” There are intriguing jokes: “I admit I have an ugly fondness for generalisations, so perhaps I may be forgiven when I declare that there is always something weird about a girl that majors in French.” And there are some excellent character portraits, such as that of Jane, who is introduced to readers thwacking golf balls across the neighbourhood at a house party, smelling “interestingly of light exertion, beer, perfume and cut grass”.
ajouté par danielx | modifierThe Guardian, Sam Jordison (Aug 15, 2017)

"Cleveland and I drank until the bar closed. It was a hot night, and the ceiling fans ruffled our hair and tore the cigarette smoke into little scraps. Each bottle of Rolling Rock came to us pearled with condensation," remembers Art, about to recall the occasion when Cleveland started reciting Frank O'Hara. "The Mysteries of Pittsburgh" has hundreds of such moments, effortless, golden, reminding us that Chabon always had the capacity to amaze; he was, and is, the wonder boy.
there is much to admire here, and what the novel lacks in insight it compensates for in language, wit and ambition, in the sheer exuberance of its voice: the voice of a young writer with tremendous skill as he discovers, joyously, just what his words can do.

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Chabon, Michaelauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Scheck, DenisTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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Nos hemos repartido como ladrones el asombroso caudal de noches y días.
À Lollie
Premiers mots
Au début de l'été, je déjeunai avec mon père, le gangster, qui était en ville pour le week-end afin de traiter une de ses vagues affaires.
Derniers mots
(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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Wikipédia en anglais (2)

Fiction. Literature. HTML:

The Pulitzer Prizewinning author's "astonishing" debut novel, about a son's struggle to find his own identity and integrity (The New York Times).
Michael Chabon, author of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, Moonglow, and The Yiddish Policeman's Union, is one of the most acclaimed talents in contemporary fiction. The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, published when Chabon was just twenty-five, is the beautifully crafted debut that propelled him into the literary stratosphere.

Art Bechstein may be too young to know what he wants to do with his life, but he knows what he doesn't want: the life of his father, a man who laundered money for the mob. He spends the summer after graduation finding his own way, experimenting with a group of brilliant and seductive new friends: erudite Arthur Lecomte, who opens up new horizons for Art; mercurial Phlox, who confounds him at every turn; and Cleveland, a poetry-reciting biker who pulls him inevitably back into his father's mobbed-up world.

A New York Times bestseller, The Mysteries of Pittsburgh was called "astonishing" by Alice McDermott, and heralded the arrival of one of our era's great voices.

This ebook features a biography of the author.


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Le livre The Mysteries of Pittsburgh de Michael Chabon était disponible sur LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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