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Sea of Tranquility

par Emily St. John Mandel

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3,3401684,022 (4)207
« 1912. Edwin St. Andrew a dix-huit ans lorsqu’il traverse l’Atlantique en bateau à vapeur, mis au ban de la bonne société. Il se laisse porter jusqu’en Colombie-Britannique où, fasciné par la beauté de la nature sauvage, il est témoin d’une expérience qui le choque profondément. 2020. Un compositeur, lors d’un concert, présente aux spectateurs une étrange vidéo filmée par sa sœur où la forêt cède brièvement la place à l’obscurité, aux notes d’un violon et à un bruit évoquant une pression hydraulique. 2203. Une écrivaine est en tournée de promotion de son livre sur la Terre alors qu’une pandémie menace d’éclater. Deux siècles plus tard, Gaspery-Jacques Robert est embauché pour enquêter sur une anomalie susceptible de prouver la théorie de la simulation. Il découvre une série de vies bouleversées et entreverra la chance de faire quelque chose d’extraordinaire qui perturbera la chronologie de l’univers. Un fabuleux roman sur l’art, le voyage dans le temps, l’amour et la mort, par l’autrice de L’hôtel de verre et de Station Eleven (Prix des libraires du Québec). »--Quatrième de couverture.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parJoeB1934, RoshReviews, oashmore, technodiabla, lernanto, SuzanneW, emma4sythe, isasdiaz18, bibliothèque privée

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» Voir aussi les 207 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 168 (suivant | tout afficher)
Time-travel science fiction mystery, light-touch in both the science fiction and mystery. Strong pandemic theme. If we have to have pandemic literature, this isn't a bad example. The whole thing is nicely structured and written, clips along well, some cute observation and imagination. The structure does mean it lacks a sort of central narrative figure till late on, though the advantage is that the plot ends up coming together nicely. The British posho character's dialogue is off in terms of tone and vocabulary but the rest of it is good. All in all a fine four-hour read but not one to revisit again and again (cover copy praise is wildly overblown). ( )
  hypostasise | Jul 16, 2024 |
It starts slowly but has good reviews so, will try again ( )
  jamespurcell | Jun 29, 2024 |

It has time-travelling, and a plot that turns out to make sense. I wasn’t really into it at first, but loved the ending. ( )
  nwhyte | Jun 29, 2024 |
Another time travel book, but one I found more satisfying this time.

In 1912 18 year old Edward St. John St. Andrew, the younger son of an aristocratic English family, has been sent to Canada to make something of himself. When he wanders into a remote forest in Vancouver Island, he becomes connected to a chain of events continuing over the centuries. In 2020 Mirella Kessler is trying to find out what has become of her friend Vincent, who once took a strange video of the very same spot on Vancouver Island. In 2203 author Olive Llewelyn tours Earth as a pandemic takes hold, promoting her best-selling book Mariebad, all the while missing her husband and daughter on Moon Colony 2 terribly. And in 2401 Gaspary Jaques Roberts, a native of that same moon colony, is intrigued to discover that a glitch in time seems to link all these three people. But how can time have a glitch? Gradually, the disparate threads come together to form a satisfying conclusion.

I enjoyed Emily St. John Mandel's Station Eleven a lot. This is a slighter book, scarcely more than a novella, but well worth a read. ( )
  SandDune | Jun 16, 2024 |
Far into the future a time traveler tries to identify and correct an anomaly but faces a difficult challenge: if he knows some people he will interact with are going to die, and he wants to save them, will he be prohibited from further time travel because he’s changed the timeline of the world? I thoroughly enjoyed this book and its unique storytelling techniques and plot. It was so much better than her first book, The Last Night in Montreal. ( )
  KarenMonsen | Jun 15, 2024 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 168 (suivant | tout afficher)
An ambitious time-travelling panorama of pandemics and parallel worlds
ajouté par aprille | modifierGuardian, Alexander Theroux (Apr 20, 2022)
One of her finest novels and one of her most satisfying forays into the arena of speculative fiction yet
ajouté par aprille | modifierNew York Times, Laird Hunt (payer le site)
Bold and exciting . . . Sea of Tranquility is Mandel’s most ambitious novel yet. Inventing and mind-bending
ajouté par Dariah | modifierThe Economist
Emily St. John Mandel, who, like an ingenious origami artist, seems determined with each new work to add yet another fold to our perception of what is real and one further twist to what we think of as time . . . Transcendent
ajouté par Dariah | modifierWall Street Journal
A trippy, wistful story . . . Although Sea of Tranquility is set largely in the future and adorned with sci-fi flourishes, it raises old questions about how we can make meaning
ajouté par Dariah | modifierWired

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (15 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Emily St. John Mandelauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Knighton, Anna B.Concepteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Weintraub, AbbyConcepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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For Cassia and Kevin
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Edwin St. John St. Andrew, eighteen years old, hauling the weight of his double-sainted name across the Atlantic by steamship, eyes narrowed against the wind on the upper deck: he holds the railing with gloved hands, impatient for a glimpse of the unknown, trying to discern something--anything!--beyond sea and sky, but all he sees are shades of endless gray.
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Illness frightens us because it's chaotic. There's an aweful randomness about it. (p. 83)
But doesn't everything seem obvious in retrospect? (p. 92)
Was the death of the prophet in "Marienbad" too anticlimatic? It seemed possible ... -- but on the other hand, isn't that reality? Won't most of us die in fairly unclimatic ways, our passing unremembered by almost everyone, our deaths becoming plot points in the narrative of the people around us? (p. 95)
You can say "It's the end of the world" and mean it, but what gets lost in that kind of careless usage is that the world will eventually literally end.... But then they found the grave of another four-year-old girl.... "If her parents loved ," Meiying said, "it would have felt like the end of the world." (p. 103-104)
If we were living in a simulation, how would we know it was a simulation? (p. 129)
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« 1912. Edwin St. Andrew a dix-huit ans lorsqu’il traverse l’Atlantique en bateau à vapeur, mis au ban de la bonne société. Il se laisse porter jusqu’en Colombie-Britannique où, fasciné par la beauté de la nature sauvage, il est témoin d’une expérience qui le choque profondément. 2020. Un compositeur, lors d’un concert, présente aux spectateurs une étrange vidéo filmée par sa sœur où la forêt cède brièvement la place à l’obscurité, aux notes d’un violon et à un bruit évoquant une pression hydraulique. 2203. Une écrivaine est en tournée de promotion de son livre sur la Terre alors qu’une pandémie menace d’éclater. Deux siècles plus tard, Gaspery-Jacques Robert est embauché pour enquêter sur une anomalie susceptible de prouver la théorie de la simulation. Il découvre une série de vies bouleversées et entreverra la chance de faire quelque chose d’extraordinaire qui perturbera la chronologie de l’univers. Un fabuleux roman sur l’art, le voyage dans le temps, l’amour et la mort, par l’autrice de L’hôtel de verre et de Station Eleven (Prix des libraires du Québec). »--Quatrième de couverture.

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