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Sundiver: The Uplift Saga, Book 1 par David…

Sundiver: The Uplift Saga, Book 1 (original 1980; édition 2008)

par David Brin (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
3,976633,197 (3.52)71
David Brin's Uplift novels are among the most thrilling, highly regarded works of contemporary science fiction. Beginning with Sundiver, Brin provides an intriguing exploration of humanity's future in the universe. For nearly a billion years, every known sentient species in the universe has been the result of genetic and cultural guidance--or "uplifting"--by a previously uplifted patron race. Then humans are discovered. Having already uplifted chimps and dolphins, humanity clearly qualifies as an intelligent species, but did they actually evolve their own intelligence, or did some mysterious patron race begin the process, then suddenly abandon Earth? The answer to this mystery might be as close as our own sun, but it will take a daring dive into its fiery interior to know for sure. Sundiver begins David Brin's thoughtful, exhilarating exploration of a future filled with an imaginative array of strange alien races, dazzling scientific achievements, and age-old enigmas. Narrator George Wilson gives a strong, enthusiastic voice to Brin's search for humanity's destiny in the cosmic order of life.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Sundiver: The Uplift Saga, Book 1
Auteurs:David Brin (Auteur)
Info:Recorded Books (2008)
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Jusqu'au cœur du Soleil par David Brin (1980)

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J'aurais essayé ! Mais je n'ai rien compris aux 50 premières pages. ( )
  hubertguillaud | Mar 28, 2009 |
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Brin, Davidauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Burns, JimArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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To my brothers Dan and Stan, to Arglebargle the IVth . . . and to somebody else.
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"Once a caveman, always a caveman, ejh LaRoque? Men get all the way to the sun, and they build a fire to stay warm!"
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

David Brin's Uplift novels are among the most thrilling, highly regarded works of contemporary science fiction. Beginning with Sundiver, Brin provides an intriguing exploration of humanity's future in the universe. For nearly a billion years, every known sentient species in the universe has been the result of genetic and cultural guidance--or "uplifting"--by a previously uplifted patron race. Then humans are discovered. Having already uplifted chimps and dolphins, humanity clearly qualifies as an intelligent species, but did they actually evolve their own intelligence, or did some mysterious patron race begin the process, then suddenly abandon Earth? The answer to this mystery might be as close as our own sun, but it will take a daring dive into its fiery interior to know for sure. Sundiver begins David Brin's thoughtful, exhilarating exploration of a future filled with an imaginative array of strange alien races, dazzling scientific achievements, and age-old enigmas. Narrator George Wilson gives a strong, enthusiastic voice to Brin's search for humanity's destiny in the cosmic order of life.

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David Brin est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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Moyenne: (3.52)
0.5 3
1 9
1.5 5
2 78
2.5 21
3 316
3.5 64
4 312
4.5 21
5 118


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