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Sister Girl

par Jonna Ivin

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In the summer of 1967, at the age of four, Tess received two things; a baby sister and the nickname Sister Girl. Neither of which she wanted. Life had been perfect before baby Grace came into their lives. Sure, sometimes Mama got mad at Daddy or Daddy got mad at Mama, but most days Tess enjoyed a regular routine. Eating her cereal while sitting on the floor in her underpants, watching morning cartoons, or visiting with Mrs. Gardner next door was enough to keep her happy. She didn't see why anything needed to change, but as Mama always said, "Life moves forward and you need to move with it or you'll get swept away."This humorous coming of age novel by Jonna Ivin takes the reader on a journey through the late 60's into the early 80's. You'll fall in love with Sister Girl as she manages to survive a world where grownups teach her how to nail clothes to the floor, hustle money at the track, and play with matches. All the while she manages the overwhelming responsibility of being the big sister to Grace (an increasingly odd child who lives in a fantasy world and barks at strangers).… (plus d'informations)

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Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
Sister Girl by Jonna Ivin

Well to start off I just have to say I loved this book!! I enjoyed reading about Tess, especially as a young girl and her quirky sister Grace. This book was such a quick easy read I just want more. I am now going to read Jonna's other books because I just want to know the rest of the story. I think this book has everything, humour, love, seriousness and it was just honest and down to earth. I would and will recommend it to all my reading friends!

I received a free ebook of Sister Girl through LibraryThing in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  Kimmyd76 | Jun 6, 2014 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
I wish that I could get everyone to read this book. It is that of a incredible read. Sister Girl is for everyone. You never know what is going to happen next in this book. I was not that far into Sister Girl when I started to feel like I was there with them. Which is strange because all these years of reading books I have never got that lost in a book. I cheered, cried, laughed so hard my sides hurt, and even yelled at my Kindle when I got so annoyed at Nana for hoarding in other peoples spaces. It took place during the time men were learning that they are not the "king of the castle" anymore. Kate was a strong woman and did what was needed to keep her kids safe. She felt like a hero to me. Tess was the strongest in all ways. For Grace you need to read the book to find out. I have to say Jonna Ivin is better than all the big named authors put together. I hope there is a follow up to this book.... ( )
  THCForPain | May 31, 2014 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
This was filled with highly dysfunctional members of one family who all loved and accepted each other for who each other were. They helped each other through their dysfunction and in the end you felt as though they were as normal as any other family.

I did not like the ending as much as I could have. That's the only reason for less than five stars. I feel as though it just stopped abruptly with so much more to be said but I wonder if it ended exactly where it should have but I just didn't want the story to end. Maybe a series is in the works? If so, I will definitely come back to read the next chapter of Tess and Grace's adventures in adulthood. ( )
  PSabella | May 12, 2014 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
I thoroughly enjoyed the book. Ivin tells the story of a child who has to grow up "too soon" as she takes on the protector role for her sister while her mother works hard to hold things together. The characters are flawed and funny and strong and complicated and they become so real the reader feels like they live next door or down the block. I look forward to reading more from the author! ( )
  LWWilliams | May 12, 2014 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
I really enjoyed the beginning of this book with Tess growing up and having to deal with being "Sister Girl". I especially liked it when Tess was at Grandpa & Nana's place and he took her around with him for the day. The different places that he took her to and the people that he introduced her to were great. I liked the characters and you really get to understand Tess and how she is feeling and evolving. I must say that I wasn't crazy about where the story ended. I think this could develop into a series though and that is encouraging. I definitely liked the author's style and would read more of her books in the future. ( )
  OtwellS | May 7, 2014 |
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In the summer of 1967, at the age of four, Tess received two things; a baby sister and the nickname Sister Girl. Neither of which she wanted. Life had been perfect before baby Grace came into their lives. Sure, sometimes Mama got mad at Daddy or Daddy got mad at Mama, but most days Tess enjoyed a regular routine. Eating her cereal while sitting on the floor in her underpants, watching morning cartoons, or visiting with Mrs. Gardner next door was enough to keep her happy. She didn't see why anything needed to change, but as Mama always said, "Life moves forward and you need to move with it or you'll get swept away."This humorous coming of age novel by Jonna Ivin takes the reader on a journey through the late 60's into the early 80's. You'll fall in love with Sister Girl as she manages to survive a world where grownups teach her how to nail clothes to the floor, hustle money at the track, and play with matches. All the while she manages the overwhelming responsibility of being the big sister to Grace (an increasingly odd child who lives in a fantasy world and barks at strangers).

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Jonna Ivin est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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