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par Holly Lauren

Séries: GenEx Saga (1)

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Chapel Ryan isn't crazy. At least, that's what she's been trying to convince herself of for most of her life. But after being hallucination-free for three years, Chapel finds herself facedown on her English classroom's gritty linoleum floor. When she looks up, everyone around her is suspended in animation. Mouths hang open mid-yawn, feet hover mid-cross, Ms. Freeman's arm flexes mid-sentence diagram. It's another hallucination. Or, is it? Chapel prepares to tear herself back to reality when something happens. Something that has never happened before in any of her hallucinations--someone moves. And not just any someone-it's the new guy with a scar over his lip and a reputation as black as his perfectly styled hair. And all of the sudden Chapel's white-knuckle grip on her life has slipped, and with it, her assurance that what she's experiencing isn't real.… (plus d'informations)

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Affichage de 1-5 de 20 (suivant | tout afficher)
It took me about one third of the book before I felt like I caught the rhythm of the story. Because I was reading an ARC ebook copy, I had no clues of genre from a cover image. Except for the brief introductory scene, I felt like I could be reading a teen relationship drama, a very well written, engrossing and enjoyable one. Then... WHAM!!! It was like X-Men meets Twilight, only a hundred times better, I loved the characters. They were well developed. I also really enjoyed the fact that the main character was religious and had moral values that she was not afraid to share. At the same time, it was not preachy- it wasn't part of the plot. Lots of people hold religious beliefs so it was nice to have a character who reflected that.

So I have several conjectures about the final cliff hanging scene and I am looking forward to seeing if I'm right. But since I don't know how to hide spoilers, I will have to wait to write about that another time.

I received an ebook copy of Tempus as part of LibraryThing's early reviewer program. ( )
  wrightja2000 | Sep 6, 2018 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
Tempus is everything you expect in a young adult paranormal story. It's a fast-paced read with a hearty dose of action, romance, and mystery to keep you on your toes for most of the ride. Overall, I enjoyed it as it is, but this book was more of a 3.5 out of 5 for a few issues that I just couldn't look past.

For the first 25% of the book, I was confused and thought I misunderstood the genre of the book. I had to double check and make sure this book wasn't solely a contemporary book because it focused so heavily on the high school romance. Chapel Ryan is a senior in high school, but she has no idea what she'll do after she graduates. She does know, however, that she just wants to be normal and aside from creepy stepfathers, cheating exes, and the attention of the new guy school, her life is as smooth as it gets. The only hitch is that she sometimes have "hallucinations" where time and everyone around her completely freezes. When she finally discovers what these "hallucinations" really are and that she's not alone in the world with supernatural abilities, the story starts to pick up and move at a faster pace.

That's not to say I didn't enjoy the romance in the book. I particularly enjoyed the push-and-pull flirty conversations between Chapel and Isaiah Halstead, her mysterious new neighbor. I love that Chapel doesn't deny that she's attracted to Zay from the beginning and that she makes him work for her affection. They both are able to have fun with each other which is what most high school romance should be about rather than the angst-ridden serious business some books try to make it.

However, I really wish authors would stop trying to portray stalker behaviors as cute or romantic which Holly Lauren unfortunately does with Zay. It didn't sit well with me that Zay was the type of person who would watch Chapel's bedroom window at night when she's asleep, know her locker combination without her consent or eavesdrop on private conversations. Now, I like Chapel. I like that she's headstrong and sticks to her morals, but it really bothered me that she was so trusting and willing to dismiss some of Zay's creepy tendencies. This one quote pretty much sums up everything I found disturbing about it:

"You know my work schedule, too? On a guy any less hot, that'd be creepy."

No, Chapel, no. This behavior would be creepy on anyone, whether they are attractive or not. It pained me that Lauren went this route with Zay when he still would've been an interesting, complex character without it. On the other hand, Chapel's friendship with the outspoken Erica and the nerdy Timmy was perfectly written. Best friends since they were kids, the three of them couldn't be any more different in interests and personalities and yet they're always there for each other. The interactions Chapel had with the two of them, and to some extent her ex-best friend/boyfriend Logan, provided some of the more touching moments in the story.

Plotwise, while some parts were predictable, there were still many twists and turns to keep things interesting, especially in the latter half when it started becoming more like X-Men. The ending absolutely floored me, but for those who want to get into this book thinking it is a standalone, I'd like to warn you now that the book does end with a major cliffhanger, hinting at a sequel. I haven't heard any news about a new book in the series, but I really do hope it happens because I'm actually looking forward to it.

As an aside, there are some glaring spelling and grammar mistakes in this book which is disappointing since it seems like it was published without a proper proofread. However, it sounds like the publisher and author already knows about the issues and the book will be re-released this year. Hopefully, it'll happen soon. (Rating: 4/5 but really a 3.5/5)

  bookcharms | Dec 6, 2016 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
I received this as an early reviewer but I had so many issues with the unhealthy stalkerish behaviour of Zay that I had to stop reading. I don't care if he *is* supposed to be 'protecting' her; using his special powers of 'reading' to manipulate and seduce someone who has said they are not interested is not cool. Neither is 'saving' her when she has had her drink spiked by punching a guy, threatening to physically assault her if she doesn't leave with him, lecturing her on the dangers of drinking alcohol and THEN taking advantage of the fact that she has had her drink spiked by kissing her. I am very sad that this turned out to be another example of a heroine being independent just so that she can be 'melted' (or 'broken')by a man. ( )
  Becchanalia | Mar 10, 2014 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
Tempus was all of the things that are right about young adult fiction. It had an intriguing story, a romance without gratuitous sex scenes thrown in, characters that were multidimensional, and great flow.

Lauren almost lulls you in to thinking this is just a little love story with a tiny side of sci-fi/paranormal, when BAM! the story flips on its head and gets intense.

Chapel, the main character, is tough and likable. Her friends are interesting and add depth to the story. I'm curious about what is going on with Chapel's mother and step-father.

Definitely pick this book up if you have a chance. I was fortunate enough to receive a reviewers copy. ( )
  SJCapps | Mar 8, 2014 |
I received an review edition of this book via library thing. It was a bit dangerous to my health. I downloaded the book to my phone and then couldn't put it down. This was fine when I was stationary, but a little more problematic when I actually had to move for anything, like food or drink. Walls and other pesky obstacles kept jumping in my way.

I finished the book much faster than I anticipated. I was engaged from the first page. I couldn't believe how fast and well this story went.

The main character Chapel has been told that she suffers from PTSD. It was obvious to me, from the opening scene, there was a lot more to the story.

The classroom scene in which Chapel falls to the floor after her "hallucination" captures the tenor and pacing of the entire novel. The book is engaging because it doesn't totally expunge reality in order to have us believe that she possesses unique abilities for which she is being actively pursued for recruitment.

The relationships between characters could be viewed as distracting, but they really shouldn't be. The connections between people in the story are what make it engaging.

An added bonus in this story is the sense of tension and mystery. The evil step-father might be exactly what Chapel perceives him to be. Her mother might be a lot stronger than she thought. And she definitely hasn't been told the whole truth. ( )
  LoftyIslanders | Mar 8, 2014 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 20 (suivant | tout afficher)
Really enjoyed this book, was expecting it to be a normal murder mystery but it turned out to be anything but, the characters were fully fledged, you cared about what happened to Chapel and Zay, now I need to read the second book, I want to know about Michael Ryan.
ajouté par TheGoodbyeGirl | modifierLibrary Thing, TheGoodbyeGirl (Jul 21, 2014)

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Chapel Ryan isn't crazy. At least, that's what she's been trying to convince herself of for most of her life. But after being hallucination-free for three years, Chapel finds herself facedown on her English classroom's gritty linoleum floor. When she looks up, everyone around her is suspended in animation. Mouths hang open mid-yawn, feet hover mid-cross, Ms. Freeman's arm flexes mid-sentence diagram. It's another hallucination. Or, is it? Chapel prepares to tear herself back to reality when something happens. Something that has never happened before in any of her hallucinations--someone moves. And not just any someone-it's the new guy with a scar over his lip and a reputation as black as his perfectly styled hair. And all of the sudden Chapel's white-knuckle grip on her life has slipped, and with it, her assurance that what she's experiencing isn't real.

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