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Heaven is for real : a little boy's…

Heaven is for real : a little boy's astounding story of his trip to Heaven and back (original 2010; édition 2011)

par Todd Burpo

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
5,2562312,128 (3.64)69
Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:

"Do you remember the hospital, Colton?" Sonja said. "Yes, mommy, I remember," he said. "That's where the angels sang to me." When Colton Burpo made it through an emergency appendectomy, his family was overjoyed at his miraculous survival. What they weren't expecting, though, was the story that emerged in the months that followed--a story as beautiful as it was extraordinary, detailing their little boy's trip to heaven and back. Colton, not yet four years old, told his parents he left his body during the surgery--and authenticated that claim by describing exactly what his parents were doing in another part of the hospital while he was being operated on. He talked of visiting heaven and relayed stories told to him by people he met there whom he had never met in life, sharing events that happened even before he was born. He also astonished his parents with descriptions and obscure details about heaven that matched the Bible exactly, though he had not yet learned to read. With disarming innocence and the plainspoken boldness of a child, Colton tells of meeting long-departed family members. He describes Jesus, the angels, how "really, really big" God is, and how much God loves us. Retold by his father, but using Colton's uniquely simple words, Heaven is for Real offers a glimpse of the world that awaits us, where as Colton says, "Nobody is old and nobody wears glasses."

.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Heaven is for real : a little boy's astounding story of his trip to Heaven and back
Auteurs:Todd Burpo
Info:Detroit [Mich.] : Christian Large Print, 2011.
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back par Todd Burpo (2010)

  1. 00
    23 Minutes In Hell: One Man's Story About What He Saw, Heard, and Felt in that Place of Torment par Bill Wiese (meggyweg)
  2. 00
    Akiane: Her Life, Her Art, Her Poetry par Akiane Kramarik (StarryNightElf)
  3. 00
    An Amish Awakening par Rick Leland (JenniferRobb)
    JenniferRobb: Not an Amish connection as in An Amish Awakening, but the child in the account is believed to have visited Heaven and returned.

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Affichage de 1-5 de 231 (suivant | tout afficher)
After a series of family challenges and financial woes, the Burpo family sets off on a well-earned trip to explore a butterfly pavilion. Afterwards, the youngest son, Colton, experiences vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain. Thinking it was just the stomach flu, the Burpos care for him themselves. However, when it becomes apparent that Colton has been suffering from a ruptured appendix for days, things take a turn for the worse. As Colton underwent emergency surgery something unexplainable happened. Colton woke up with knowledge of events and people he couldn’t have known. Little by little Colton shares the story of his trip to Heaven and back. As the Burpos struggle to piece it all together, it becomes apparent that they were part of something much bigger than they thought. This book will challenge you to think about the afterlife, faith, and the words of a four-year-old little boy.

The Bottom Line: This slim book is like two stories in one. On the one hand we learn about the Burpo family and on the other we learn about Colton’s trip to Heaven and back. Whether you are a Christian or not, this book invites you to consider the possibility of Heaven and faith. Recommended for anyone interested in the afterlife, religion, and happy endings.

For the complete review including Book Club Notes, please visit the Mini Book Bytes Book Review Blog. ( )
  aya.herron | Jun 24, 2024 |
{my thoughts} – This book is truly astounding. It is also a must read for any Christian Believer. The innocence of a child is something that is often overlooked by many adults and this book brings that into a whole new prospective. I laughed, I cried and I was in awe throughout this whole book. I enjoyed reading about the conversations with young Colton as well as the Bible References in which Todd had used to back up everything that his son had been saying. IT truly brings the whole Heaven, God, Holy Spirit and the concept of time for that matter into another light. It amazes me that with all the Bible reading I have done, all the sermons I have attended in that past, that most of the things this child had come up to his parents and said, I honestly had no clue what they were. I enjoy reading my Bible from time to time but I tend to stay away from the book of Revelations because well it’s confusing to me, but this child was saying things straight out of that book of the Bible and he was saying them factual. It just well it blows my mind. Also, the other little girl mentioned in the book that had similar experiences as young Colton. That absolutely astounded me. I look forward to seeing the movie that is being made in regards to this book in the very near future! ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
I think this is the 3rd book I've read about a near death experience. This young boy didn't technically die, but I'm sure it's close enough for the experience. Each story I've read was slightly different but similar in discussing the hardship of what brought them to the experience and in the adamant belief that what was experienced during a sort of detachment from their bodies was real. I'm sure the validation of one's beliefs is very rewarding, if hard won. ( )
  TraSea | Apr 29, 2024 |
By Far awesome book. It had me crying with the family as well as rejoicing with them. You must read this book ( )
  Mariafrendo | Apr 6, 2024 |
The beginning dragged a bit - I kept wanting to read about the kid's experience, and it took a while to get to that, but once I got there, I couldn't stop reading. He tells his parents different parts of his experience over time, and what he shares is no less than amazing. I pretty much read this whole thing in one sitting. I would have given it 4.5 stars, but I don't see a way to do that. ( )
  clamagna | Apr 4, 2024 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 231 (suivant | tout afficher)
Het verhaal van de vierjarige Colton, die in allerijl geopereerd moest worden aan een ontstoken blindedarm. De situatie is levensbedreigend en tijdens de operatie sterft Colton bijna. Wonder boven wonder herstelt hij en begint dan te vertellen, hoe hij de artsen met hem bezig zag. Wat zijn ouders op dat moment deden en voelden. De familie weet niet wat ze met zijn verhalen aanmoet. Maar de verhalen die Colton vertelt over zijn ervaringen met God, met Jezus in de hemel, de ontmoetingen daar met zijn te vroeg geboren zusje en zijn overgrootvader, informatie die hij nooit eerder gehoord had, zeker niet met zoveel details, doen bij zijn ouders (zijn vader is predikant en ondernemer) en bij de geloofsgemeenschap in het dorpje Imperial (Nebraska) de overtuiging groeien dat zij hem wel moeten geloven... Todd Burpo en zijn vrouw, zeer gelovig, maar niet zweverig, vertellen dit verhaal tot in de kleinste details en spiegelen alle informatie die hun zoon hun geeft aan verhalen in de Bijbel. De journalist Lynn Vincent is co-auteur. De lezer moet de rode draad in het verhaal goed vasthouden, maar zal geboeid raken door de openheid en eerlijkheid. Er is meer tussen hemel en aarde dan mensen kunnen vermoeden.

Drs. E. Wigchert
ajouté par karnoefel |, a

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Todd Burpoauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Vincent, Lynnauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Dekker, JeannetTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Gallagher, DeanNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Hall, James W.Concepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Leisering, Doris C.Übersetzerauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
—Jesus of Nazareth
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The Fourth of July holiday calls up memories of patriotic parades, the savory scents of smoky barbecue, sweet corn, and night skies bursting with showers of light.
The family trip when our nightmare began was supposed to be a celebration.
[Epilogue] Just over seven years have passed since an ordinary family trip turned into a heavenly trip that changed all our lives.
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Wikipédia en anglais (2)

Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:

"Do you remember the hospital, Colton?" Sonja said. "Yes, mommy, I remember," he said. "That's where the angels sang to me." When Colton Burpo made it through an emergency appendectomy, his family was overjoyed at his miraculous survival. What they weren't expecting, though, was the story that emerged in the months that followed--a story as beautiful as it was extraordinary, detailing their little boy's trip to heaven and back. Colton, not yet four years old, told his parents he left his body during the surgery--and authenticated that claim by describing exactly what his parents were doing in another part of the hospital while he was being operated on. He talked of visiting heaven and relayed stories told to him by people he met there whom he had never met in life, sharing events that happened even before he was born. He also astonished his parents with descriptions and obscure details about heaven that matched the Bible exactly, though he had not yet learned to read. With disarming innocence and the plainspoken boldness of a child, Colton tells of meeting long-departed family members. He describes Jesus, the angels, how "really, really big" God is, and how much God loves us. Retold by his father, but using Colton's uniquely simple words, Heaven is for Real offers a glimpse of the world that awaits us, where as Colton says, "Nobody is old and nobody wears glasses."


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