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A Discovery of Witches: A Novel (All Souls…

A Discovery of Witches: A Novel (All Souls Trilogy, Book 1) (édition 2011)

par Deborah Harkness (Auteur)

Séries: All Souls (1)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
11,843726573 (3.78)460
Witch and Yale historian Diana Bishop discovers an enchanted manuscript, attracting the attention of 1,500-year-old vampire Matthew Clairmont. The orphaned daughter of two powerful witches, Bishop prefers intellect, but relies on magic when her discovery of a palimpsest documenting the origin of supernatural species releases an assortment of undead who threaten, stalk, and harass her.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:A Discovery of Witches: A Novel (All Souls Trilogy, Book 1)
Auteurs:Deborah Harkness (Auteur)
Info:Penguin Books (2011), Edition: Reprint, 594 pages
Collections:Lus mais non possédés

Information sur l'oeuvre

Le Livre perdu des sortilèges par Deborah Harkness

  1. 235
    Le chardon et le tartan par Diana Gabaldon (Utilisateur anonyme, SunnySD)
    Utilisateur anonyme: Both are epic fantasy novels...time travel, mystery, unlikely love interests.
  2. 204
    The Historian par Elizabeth Kostova (clamairy)
    clamairy: Similar themes of magic and academia.
  3. 151
    The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane par Katherine Howe (bnbookgirl)
  4. 41
    Interred with Their Bones par Jennifer Lee Carrell (SunnySD)
    SunnySD: Scholarly heroines, mysterious goings on, and much time spent in libraries...
  5. 20
    Overseas par Beatriz Williams (rlb0616)
    rlb0616: No witches or vampires, but it does have time travel. Also, there are many similarities between the two male leads.
  6. 21
    City of Dark Magic par Magnus Flyte (thenothing)
    thenothing: alchemy, time travel, romance, mystery
  7. 10
    Labyrinthe par Kate Mosse (DowntownLibrarian)
    DowntownLibrarian: If you enjoy learning some history along with your fantasy....
  8. 10
    The Invisible Library par Genevieve Cogman (tralliott)
  9. 10
    The Immortal City par Amy Kuivalainen (Dariah)
  10. 10
    Les oiseaux du temps par Amal El-Mohtar (lottpoet)
    lottpoet: intense fantastical love story
  11. 00
    The String Diaries par Stephen Lloyd Jones (debbiereads)
  12. 01
    A Hidden Fire par Elizabeth Hunter (Friederike.Geissler)
  13. 01
    Sunshine par Robin McKinley (lottpoet)
    lottpoet: magic users, demons and vampires aren't supposed to mix; an intense magic user-vampire relationship under extreme pressure
  14. 79
    Les Royaumes du nord par Philip Pullman (bookwyrmm)
  15. 1519
    Twilight par Stephenie Meyer (happyhinsons)
  16. 05
    Ghostwalk par Rebecca Stott (Mumugrrl)
    Mumugrrl: Not the same kind of feel as A Discovery of Witches, but it does involve Oxford, alchemy and the ghost of Isaac Newton.

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» Voir aussi les 460 mentions

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Diana Bishop est la dernière d’une longue lignée de sorcières, mais elle a renoncé depuis longtemps à son héritage familial pour privilégier ses recherches universitaires, une vie simple et ordinaire. Jusqu’au jour où elle emprunte un manuscrit alchimique : l’Ashmole 782. Elle ignore alors qu’elle vient de réveiller un ancien et terrible secret, et que tous – démons, sorcières et vampires – le convoitent ardemment. Parmi eux, Matthew Clairmont, un vampire aussi redoutable qu’énigmatique. Un tueur, lui a-t-on dit. Diana se retrouve très vite au cœur de la tourmente, entre un manuscrit maudit et un amour impossible.
  vdb | Jan 24, 2012 |
"With books about fictional witches, it’s all too easy to fall back on tongue-in-cheek descriptors like “enchanting” or “spellbinding,” but both adjectives aptly describe the superbly entertaining saga Harkness has crafted. This is a riveting tale full of romance and danger that will have you on the edge of your seat, yet its chief strength lies in the wonderfully rich and ingenious mythology underlying the story. Entwining strands of science and history, Harkness creates a fresh explanation for how such creatures could arise that is so credible, you’ll have to keep reminding yourself this is fiction."
As will be obvious by now, this is a very silly novel. Characters and relationships are stereotyped. The historical background is a total pudding. The prose is terrible. And yet, the ideas have just enough suction, somehow, to present an undemanding reader with some nice frissons. I liked, for example, the way Diana tries to sublimate her magic powers in running and rowing and doing yoga – at a mixed vampire-witch-daemonic yoga class, participants struggle not to levitate during their vinyasas. And I liked the way Matthew and Diana smell to each other like Jo Malone candles: Diana is "horehound, frankincense, lady's mantle", Matthew is "cinnamon and clove".
"a thoroughly grown-up novel packed with gorgeous historical detail...Harkness writes with thrilling gusto about the magical world. Whether she's describing a yoga class for witches, daemons, and vampires or Diana's benignly haunted house, it's a treat to suspend disbelief. ... As the mysteries started to unravel, the pages turned faster, almost as if on their own. By the most satisfying end, Harkness had made me a believer.
"a romantic, erudite, and suspenseful first novel by Deborah Harkness. The first in a planned trilogy, it sets up blood drinkers and spell weavers as enemies for eternity in a feud as old as the Crusades; the duo confront social disapproval and intolerance as they elude evildoers and puzzle out enigmas throughout history. ...Harkness attends to every scholarly and emotional detail with whimsy, sensuality, and humor.
The protagonist is a witch. Her beau is a vampire. If you accept the argument that we’ve seen entirely too many of both kinds of characters in contemporary fiction, then you’re not alone. Yet, though Harkness seems to be arriving very late to a party that one hopes will soon break up, her debut novel has its merits; she writes well, for one thing, and, as a historian at the University of Southern California, she has a scholarly bent that plays out effectively here.
ajouté par Shortride | modifierKirkus Reviews, a (Dec 15, 2010)

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (23 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Harkness, Deborahauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Bützow, HeleneTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Belanger, FrancescaConcepteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Goretsky, TalConcepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Ikeda, JenniferNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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It begins with absence and desire.
It begins with blood and fear.
It begins with a discovery of witches.
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For Lexie and Jake, and their bright futures.
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The leather-bound volume was nothing remarkable.
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The King just sits there, moving one square at time. The queen can move so freely. I suppose I'd rather lose the game than forfeit her freedom.
´Normal`is a bedtime story - a fable - that humans tell themselves to feel better when faced with overwhelming evidence that most of what's happening around them is not ´normal`at all.
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Wikipédia en anglais (2)

Witch and Yale historian Diana Bishop discovers an enchanted manuscript, attracting the attention of 1,500-year-old vampire Matthew Clairmont. The orphaned daughter of two powerful witches, Bishop prefers intellect, but relies on magic when her discovery of a palimpsest documenting the origin of supernatural species releases an assortment of undead who threaten, stalk, and harass her.

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Deborah Harkness est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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