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Elizabeth Kostova

Auteur de The Historian

8+ oeuvres 26,022 utilisateurs 1,023 critiques 55 Favoris

A propos de l'auteur


Œuvres de Elizabeth Kostova

The Historian (2005) 21,628 exemplaires, 758 critiques
Les Voleurs de cygnes (2010) 3,347 exemplaires, 198 critiques
The Shadow Land (2017) 967 exemplaires, 67 critiques
L'historienne et Drakula, Tome 1 : (2005) 40 exemplaires
L'historienne et Drakula, Tome 2 : (2006) 35 exemplaires
V zemi stínů (2018) 1 exemplaire

Oeuvres associées

L'Ange exilé : Une histoire de la vie ensevelie (1929) — Introduction, quelques éditions3,582 exemplaires, 50 critiques
The Best American Poetry 1997 (1997) — Contributeur — 168 exemplaires


2010 (65) A lire (1,121) Américain (82) art (184) Aventure (76) Bibliothèque (69) Bulgarie (149) Cartonné (86) Dracula (855) Europe (178) Europe de l'Est (214) Fantasy (427) Fiction (2,805) Fiction historique (1,144) France (114) Gothique (200) Histoire (385) historique (292) Hongrie (62) Horreur (726) Istanbul (82) Littérature (91) Livre audio (90) Lu (285) maladie mentale (67) Mystère (633) Non lu (152) Obsession (66) Possédé (155) Roman (305) Romance (77) Roumanie (179) Surnaturel (120) Suspense (235) Suspense (153) Turquie (93) Vampire (387) vampires (1,416) Vlad III l'Empaleur (222) Voyage (85)

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The Historian à Someone explain it to me... (Novembre 2022)
November Fantasy Thread - NO SPOILERS - The Historian à The Green Dragon (Novembre 2012)
November Fantasy Thread - SPOILERS - The Historian à The Green Dragon (Novembre 2012)
Swan Thieves à Girlybooks (Octobre 2012)
The Historian à Thing(amabrarian)s That Go Bump in the Night (Mai 2008)


I disliked this book. The plot may have been OK, but the writing just went on and on and I didn't have the patience or interest to follow it any longer. Two hundred pages was more than enough. I am no longer reading it, but there seems to be no way to get rid of that tag.
dvoratreis | 197 autres critiques | May 22, 2024 |
I must confess to a strong subjective bias with this book. It is the most recent of the books my husband and I have read to one another, so my love of our bonding and tradition may have transferred onto the story.

Regardless, its lovely prose contributed to an atmosphere which was dark and mysterious in an elegant old-fashioned way. The meticulously researched history and rich description gave it a sense of reality despite it existing in the vampire genre. One could almost believe.

The love story I could have lived without, but it was tolerable and only caused eye-rolling two or three times… (plus d'informations)
Zoes_Human | 757 autres critiques | May 14, 2024 |
A long and complicated tale, told through multiple viewpoints, of Drakula's pursuit of certain humans and their search for his tomb. I did not find the ending very satisfactory--reminded of P. J. O'Rourke's description of something as a "long run for a short slide." After enduring pages of pursuit through archives, libraries and remote monasteries I feel that the reader deserved some reward in the way of an exciting, climatic ending. Was the ambiguous ending intended to set us up for a sequel?
ritaer | 757 autres critiques | Apr 19, 2024 |
This book had a nice air of mystery and I enjoyed the dual story lines. It made me want to wander in art galleries and linger over coffee and croissants.
ivylathan | 197 autres critiques | Mar 7, 2024 |


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