Feeling Kind of Silly/Dumb


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Feeling Kind of Silly/Dumb

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Juin 11, 2008, 3:30 pm

Greetings Thingers,

Ok. This is an embarrassing post to write because I am a) really into LibraryThing and read the forums daily and b) I develop Web sites for a living and this should really not be hard but:

1) I can't seem to get added to the Web ring. I think I've submitted my site (http://books.lyza.com) at least twice, over the past few weeks. It's not showing up.
2) Where is the weekly topic to blog about posted?
3) What is the best Tuesday Thinger image to use on my blog when I post my weekly blurb?
4) Does anyone have a comprehensive list of TT blogs? I've seen some attempts at this but

Again, I really apologize for these rather stupid questions. However, maybe answers would help more than just me? That's my hope, anyway! :) Perhaps we could add links to things in the description of the group (in addition to the link to the Web ring)? It might be nice to concatenate all of this information somewhere (and if it already has been-awesome!).

Lyza Danger Gardner

Modifié : Juin 11, 2008, 3:44 pm

I think it's Nitestar who adds to the Web ring...?,
As for the weekly topic, Marie at the Boston Bibliophile posts the topics every Tuesday on her blog. You can then comment on that entry when you add your post.

also I think who uses a picture, uses the same one... you can find it at Marie's post.

Juin 11, 2008, 4:36 pm

To add to what kegsoccer was saying, you probably aren't doing anything wrong as far as joining the webring. Nitestar just may not have been able to get on to approve you yet. A profile message might not be amiss if you're worried about it.

Modifié : Juin 12, 2008, 6:31 am

The picture is the one that's at the top of the group page.

I can do a list of TT Blogs but it might take me a while to get around to it. I'll post it up in a separate thread if someone else doesn't get it done first.

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