Scifi/fantasy series

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Scifi/fantasy series

Mai 15, 10:53 pm

Scifi or fantasy series about a plague that kills everyone not of a certain blood type

Mai 19, 5:44 pm

Possibly Robert Heinlein's Sixth Column? (I realize that 'blood type' isn't really a correct description for it...)

Mai 19, 11:06 pm

Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne?
That book involves bloodtypes effected by a disaster, some bloodtypes die, others go insane.

Mai 20, 8:31 am

Mai 20, 9:34 am

'48 is about a disease known as the Blood Death that was spread by the Nazis at the end of WWII. People with some blood groups are killed quickly by the disease and people with one rare blood type are unaffected. There are also some people who die slowly from the disease and a group of them is trying to find unaffected people to get blood transfusions from.

Modifié : Mai 20, 9:36 am

'48 is about a disease known as the Blood Death that was spread by the Nazis at the end of WWII. People with some blood groups are killed quickly by the disease and people with one rare blood type are unaffected. There are also some people who die slowly from the disease and a group of them is trying to find unaffected people to get blood transfusions from.

I think it's a standalone novel, not part of a series.