Found: Nancy Drew book set in a beach town

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Found: Nancy Drew book set in a beach town

Jan 25, 4:58 pm

This was one of the later Nancy Drew books, probably from the 80s - it was set in a beachside town like Miami, with lots of students on holiday and surfer boys. Nancy meets up with a friend whose hotel room on the beachfront is soon broken into (maybe the friend was kidnapped as well?) and there's some kind of clue like a note or a camera ... Near the end she goes on a boat cruise party where one of the surfer boys turns out to be the villain and tries to lock her in the boat, but she and a friend escape by jumping out a window into the sea or something similar. There was some nice evocative descriptions of an island at night, too.

I've been looking through the Nancy Drew plots, but none of them seem to quite match up to what I remember of this one - I'm quite sure it was set in Florida or California, not Hawaii like the Maui book. The edition I read had an orange/yellow border around an illustration on the cover.

Jan 25, 6:17 pm

This might be the last book in the Nancy Drew Files trilogy A Summer of Love Trilogy
Book #3 (Case 50) Deep Secrets

Jan 25, 6:54 pm

It may be Hit and Run Holiday, book #5 of the Nancy Drew Files

Jan 25, 8:46 pm

>3 Owltherian: Yes, that's it - thank you!

Jan 25, 9:30 pm

Touchstone: Hit and Run holiday