Found: YA Fantasy, Romance, Frozen Kingdom, Prince spirited away, Bear

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Found: YA Fantasy, Romance, Frozen Kingdom, Prince spirited away, Bear

Oct 15, 2021, 1:05 am

I remember it has a female protagonist and there is an element of romance. I think she gets taken to or goes to a castle in a frozen kingdom (riding a bear?) and there's no one at the castle, I don't think. The main thing I remember is that every night a man comes to her room in the dark with a candle and sleeps in the bed with her (doesn't speak or touch her in any way) and she knows she's not supposed to look at him. Then one night she does, and it violated some kind of spell, and he gets spirited away and she has to go rescue him. Google has failed me, I cannot find this book--please help, lol!

Oct 15, 2021, 1:07 am

Sounds like East by Edith Pattou :)

Oct 15, 2021, 10:15 am

Or another adaptation of the Norwegian fairy tale "East of the Sun, West of the Moon". There are many; here's a partial list:

Modifié : Oct 24, 2021, 1:40 pm

OMG, thank you guys! It's definitely East by Edith Pattou--as soon as I saw the cover I was like "YES! It's this one!" (Also, I will 100% be reading all of the books on that link as well, so thank you for that!