Finally finished the series!

DiscussionsOutlander: Gabaldon's series about Jamie and Claire

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Finally finished the series!

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Nov 14, 2007, 7:38 am

I just started reading this awesome series early this year. Took me longer than I wanted, little ones tend to keep you busy. Loved the series and the ending was awesome.... but I still want more!

Nov 14, 2007, 8:11 am

I just finished this summer too -- very addicting! Apparently there will be more -- I heard that she will take the series up to 1800 which I guess will be one or two more books, but that she hasn't even started the next one yet. Too busy with those Lord John books, which I refuse to read.

Nov 14, 2007, 3:15 pm

jhowell - I cannot blame you about the Lord John books. I finished Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade the other day and was not impressed.

As far as the Outlander series goes, I know that there is at least one other book planned, per her official website. I cannot wait to see how she is going to resolve Claire and Jamie living forever (lol)

I listened to the entire series on audiobook recently. It is definitely worth it! If you are tied up with the kiddies homeschoolmom (I am one, too), you might try the books in this version. DEFINITELY get the Recorded Books versions, not the abridgements.

Avr 17, 2008, 6:23 pm

I to was disappointed with the Lord John books, I missed Jamie and Claire, I heard that their will be a 7th Outlander book, and that Lord John will be in it, does anyone know if this is true?

Avr 18, 2008, 7:25 am

Stephanie19..I myself have just found the series this year. I am now starting Drums of Autumn. I too am a Jamie and Claire fan and I've heard that the Lord John books are missing all that we loved in the Outlander series. I also heard that there will be a 7th book coming out as well as a graphical novel. Unless they are one in the same. If you here of a release date for the next book let me know..I'll do the same.

Modifié : Avr 18, 2008, 9:34 am

#4 and #5 - The 7th book is called An Echo in the Bone. The release will probably be around Sept. 2009, but of course there are no guarantees, but that would be her normal time frame, 4 years between the last few books. She posts excerpts from it on her website, I can't resist reading them!

I like the Lord John books, but I like his character to begin with. I know many call him "Lord Yawn." But I like him! I think he's interesting from the perspective of a gay officer, who must keep it a secret or face hanging. He's an aristocratic, gentleman, an honorable man, the complete opposite of Randall in their morals. They both love Jamie, yet in such diametric ways. I agree, the books are nothing compared to the Outlander series, you shouldn't even compare them, for the Lord John books are mysteries, not romances. I'm not compelled to read them as soon as they come out, but I get to them eventually. The interesting thing about Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade is the scene between Lord John and Jamie right after Geneva dies and when Willie is born. They have a conversation (I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't read it) but it's a defining moment between the two that is not written in Voyager. Lord John finally realizes why Jamie will never return his love.

Avr 18, 2008, 12:50 pm

ok made me want to read that Lord John book! Even for one scene..:)

Is there anything else of Jamie in the books?

Modifié : Avr 18, 2008, 3:36 pm

MDLady, no that is the only scene with Jamie so far in the Lord John series, though he's referred to often in this book, for he is helping Lord John in regard to some info about some Jacobites. But, I think I've heard that she's going to write a book, "Lord John and the Scottish Prisoner" or some name like that, I'm not sure, but I can only think it's about Jamie. I haven't read the next book in the series yet, so he could be in it, I have it, and I'll get around to it eventually.

Avr 19, 2008, 6:33 pm

where are the exerpts? I would love to read them.

Avr 19, 2008, 6:50 pm

You can find the excerpts here.

Avr 19, 2008, 11:29 pm

And we have to wait a year and a half for the rest????

Mai 13, 2008, 5:00 pm

She is planning on an 8th book as well. Due out in 2010. She said that there is too much to fit into the 7th book.

Mai 13, 2008, 7:59 pm

I love this series of books. My mom got me hooked several years ago. The Lord John books can't be compared to the Outlander books. I have only read Lord John and the Private Matter. I wasn't thrilled with it but I think if I would have read it first I probably would have liked it. How can you compare the 2. It's like apples and oranges.

Mai 13, 2008, 10:22 pm

#12 abruno: I think she says that with every book - "too much to fit into (whatever) book". Personally, I think it is a form of torture designed to keep everyone on tenterhooks until she decides how she is going to keep Jamie and Claire together forever.

Mai 14, 2008, 8:02 am

If any of you are on Myspace come find the Outlander Fan group!!

Mai 28, 2008, 1:50 am

Oh, man...seriously?? An 8th book, too?? I hate waiting.

Mai 28, 2008, 7:33 am

I hate waiting too..but after dealing with the last and final Harry Potter book..I'll be happy in waiting for the next Outlander book. Just knowing it's coming is good enough for me...of course I might be 60 when it gets here.

Mai 28, 2008, 7:53 am

*sigh* I've already been waiting for a year or so. OMG I just looked....OCTOBER OF 2005...... I could cry!!!!!!!!!

Mai 28, 2008, 8:03 am

Being new to this series and obsession, am I to understand that the last book came out in 2005?????

Mai 28, 2008, 8:13 am

Yeah, I keep track of the dates I read books and I know that my mom actually preordered that one (as she does with all of Gabaldon's books) and the date I have down is 10-05. She also let me read it first because I read faster than she does. I love DG's books but the wait is so unbearable.

Mai 28, 2008, 8:32 am

wow, that is a long time..and she says there will be a book in 2009 AND 2010????

Mai 28, 2008, 8:43 am

I think she is a masochist and we are the sadists.

Mai 28, 2008, 12:52 pm

With A Breath of Snow and Ashes, I waited until it came out in mass market to read it (so, last month). When I started the series, the first 5 were already in mass market format, and I'm neurotic, so they all have to match and be worn evenly. I don't know if I'll be able to wait for the next one, though! We'll see.

Mai 28, 2008, 2:21 pm

I've only read the first book, but I want to continue the series. It sounds like good summer reading!

Mai 28, 2008, 3:13 pm

I started backwards and read A Breath of Snow and Ashes first. I the read the rest of the series. I used an online help to follow, but I think I would like to read the series again and take notes as I go. I purchased ebook copies of the series and it's easy to take notes and mark pages.

Mai 29, 2008, 8:08 am

muzzie, I am going to do that myself. I just finished my first read of the series and because I was so into it I got through it in 2 months. So now I am going to reread the series and take notes and write questions along the way. Gonna take my time and really read it. I can see myself rereading this story many times and having aha! moments every time.

Sep 24, 2008, 1:53 pm

I just finished the series after starting in May, and I'm in Jamie and Claire withdrawel. I'm reading Karen Marie Moning right now and finished Monica McCarty's Highlander Unchained this past weekend- that was very good. But the books go so fast, I'm used to living with the charcters for months. I envy my 14 yr old daughter. We were reading the series together and because of homework she lagged behind...I read it all too fast. Interspersed with the other books Ive started to re-read the series in a more languid fashion. I tend to speed past all the lovely descriptions trying to find out what will happen next. So it might be fun. I'm also noticing I have a better appreciation for the other charcters like Murtaugh. It's also fun to encounter Roger at 5yrs of age, but I miss Brianna!
Oh well a year does seem like torture! Elise

Sep 24, 2008, 2:58 pm

#27 - I'm with you! I've been reading he KMM books too (some of them are great!) but I agree, they're so short! I really liked Monica McCarty's 3rd book the best, the 2nd was meh. I listen to the unabridged audiotapes in my car of all the Outlander books, which helps a lot while waiting!

Sep 25, 2008, 9:38 am

Thanks...I'm looking forward to the audiotapes after listening to an excerpt of one on D Gabaldon's website giving a recording of gaelic....with the Scottish accent and gaelic it ought to give it not only more life, but our inner voice when we read the next one might be closer to the author's intent.

Sep 25, 2008, 12:56 pm

Looks like she updated her website!!!!!

Sep 25, 2008, 2:43 pm

*rushes off to check website*

Modifié : Sep 25, 2008, 4:59 pm

I took a look back at her sight, I thought it might be hard to's in her June 2008 newsletter about A Gaelic Treat... and down the page you go to "what spoken gaelic really sounds like".
You might note the sight has been updated with a new excerpt of "An Echo in The Bone"....I hope I'm not ruining it for myself, my daughter is much better at avoiding all possible spoilers....she'd scream if I read me a bit of guilt trip! Makes me feel like I'm cheating...perhaps the perfect answer for Jamie and Claire withdrawell!:)

Sep 30, 2008, 6:06 pm

#32: I do not think it can be called cheating when she puts the excerpts out there for us to read . . . I know exactly how you feel as far as Jamie and Claire withdrawal. Why, oh why can't she write faster, lol?

Oct 1, 2008, 10:06 am

If she wrote faster it probably wouldn't be as good. Yesterday I was reading a very good book by Karen Marie Moning- "The Highlander's Touch" and even though I really enjoy it, I wished her one battle scene had the details that Gabaldon would of put in. I might be a Gal but I still appreciate the battle scenes and the feel for what it must of been like to be a warrior in an earlier century.

Oct 2, 2008, 9:57 am

Just to add to yesterdays post, I just started "Highlander Unmasked" by Monica McCarty and she does have very good battle scenes. I'm enjoying her books too. My only complaint is I go through about three of these books a week and I am used to savoring DG's books. I started Outlander again...I'll have to get back to it. Ahhhh the early romance!:)

Oct 15, 2008, 11:52 am

Hi, just joined this group... I love Diana Gabaldon's books. Just recently finished reading The Fiery Cross which wasn't my favorite, but still enjoyable. Just wondering what are the ages of most of the Gabaldon's fans here? Is that ok to ask? I'm 25 btw..

Modifié : Oct 15, 2008, 12:52 pm

I'm 43 and have a Outlander fan page on Myspace where some of the members are 19 yrs old...and boys.

Oct 15, 2008, 2:46 pm

39 and my mom who is also an Outlander fanatic is 64

Oct 15, 2008, 4:28 pm

cool, well i guess a good series conquers age stereotypes... I was introduced to the books by my aunt who is in her fifties, and I don't actually know anyone else personally who reads her books... so that's good to know :)

Oct 16, 2008, 7:38 am

#39 When I first found the series, I didn't know anyone who read them either. I changed that. I pushed it on anyone and everyone. I've hooked quite a few people. I'm still waiting for my daughter to get out of her vampire phase so she will read it. We have great book discussions.

Oct 16, 2008, 1:24 pm

I started the series in my 20s and was introduced to it by someone 20 years my senior. Recently discovered a coworker in her 50s/60s also enjoys the books. I think hccunningham has it right -- the books can cater to any age group.

Oct 17, 2008, 1:10 pm

I'm 48 and my daughter is 14...she also is hooked on a vampire series and probably the same one as your daughter....How old is she? I found reading the series together a real bonding experience. A little embarrasing at times. I wanted her to skip the rather steamy parts. But I was informed that if she was going to read the books she was going to read ALL the parts. We actually spent the summer together in a room I painted up for just Our Reading Room.
My daughter also kept a log of all Gaelic words and translated them as she went (she now wants to learn the language and study more Scottish History).

Oct 17, 2008, 1:10 pm

Ce message a été supprimé par son auteur

Oct 17, 2008, 1:15 pm

As to the subject of age- as the series went along I found I was interested in the Jamie and Claire romance, while my daughter(14) was more hooked on Brianna and Roger. At one point she said: Ewww there so old! while reading and I'm like what???? Claire is now my age and I'm not too old!

Oct 17, 2008, 8:16 pm

My daughter is 21 and she's reading the Twilight series and another series that I'm not sure about. I so agree about the bonding experience that comes with sharing a book with your child. The Harry Potter years were so much fun. The midnight releases were the best. We all dressed up (even my teenage son) and had a ball. She moved out when she turned 18 but we still shared the weekend readings of the new books over the phone. I will really miss that.

Oct 23, 2008, 9:26 am

I'm not looking forward to the moving out time....even at 14 my daughter has dreams of Oxford and going to live in Europe. Our family is back East (we're in Colorado) so I suspect she'll land there (she misses rainey days and autumn of the East.
We just started trying to write a Historical novel might be an on going project that would take us through the years to come...

Nov 28, 2008, 3:00 pm

I blew through all 6 books in order, then had such bad withdrawal that I downloaded the unabridged audiobooks from I agree with the other comments about the unabridged recordings--they're fantastic. Davina Porter is great, and hearing the story (with emotion and accent) added such depth to the experience. I highly recommend it!