80's Paranormal/Mystery set in (maybe) Arkansas or Blue Ridge Mts.

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80's Paranormal/Mystery set in (maybe) Arkansas or Blue Ridge Mts.

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Août 3, 2013, 6:51 pm

I hope someone is really good at filling in the blanks on this one!
Story involved a young woman going to visit her aunt in a "rural" location; something about exposed rock faces . . . possibly red rock.
There is a secondary character, a Native American man who makes a living outfitting people's homes with lightning rods.
There are a number of neighbors -- and one young girl (teenager) -- light blond hair, willowy . . . I think she might be a little "strange."
There is also something about Herkimer Diamonds (crystals), and the murder victim (or maybe the killer) comes back in ghost form briefly near the end.
I also seem to remember talking to a friend about the book -- the only part I recall (unfortunately) is a comment about the author. Like, we both knew the author, so at least this isn't a one-on.
I wish you luck, and I hope this doesn't keep wandering back into your thoughts every other month like it does with me. :)

Août 3, 2013, 10:16 pm

Rainbow in the Mist by Phyllis A. Whitney - 1989

Her aunt answered carelessly. "That's Victor Birdcall. He's putting up lightning rods for me. Did he give you his silent once-over?" "I think he did." "Pay no attention. He plays make-believe Indian sometimes, though I think the blood is diluted a bit by now."

Christy Loren has come to fear her gift of clairvoyance, an unwanted legacy from her mother, a famous psychic. Without warning, visions envelop her, visions that have guided the police, too late, to the bodies of murder victims. To escape these horrors, Christy flees her home in Long Island to seek peace and safety in the foothills of Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains and the reassuring presence of her down-to-earth aunt. She finds that even more threatening mysteries await her in those mountains, mysteries that surround a writer's recent death and the disappearance of the unearthly, enigmatic Deirdre.

Août 3, 2013, 11:29 pm

That's it! Thank you!

We have a used-book store here run by this woman with an uncanny ability to name books and know whether she has it or not (there's got to be close to 10,000), and even she didn't know it.

You have made my day.

Now, if you could just supply the punch line to an old joke . . . ;)

Août 4, 2013, 8:59 pm

"If I could walk that way, I wouldn't need the cornstarch." ...?