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Inscrit depuis
Sep 10, 2006
Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
My library unsurprisingly contains mostly fantasy books but I do have several crime (Agatha Christie) and thriller books as well as personality books.
My favourite five books are:
Lord of the Rings
Fionavar Tapestry
Jane Eyre
Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
Sherlock Holmes stories.

Some of the authors that I've discovered recently and really like are:

Lynn Flewelling
Juliet Marillier
Naomi Novik
Scott Lynch
Lois McMaster Bujold

I borrow a lot of books from the public library as I can't afford to buy them all but certain authors such as Stephen Donaldson and Guy Gavriel Kay I always buy.

One of my wishes if I ever win the lottery is to have a room lined with shelves of books and have time to read them!
A propos de moi
Reading is my great passion. I love the way a great author can make you feel, that through words alone someone can make you cry and laugh and really care about their characters.
I am a librarian at a UK health library but don't hold that against me! I have always read a lot. The public library was my second home when I was a child. Now, my main reading interest is fantasy books. As a child I read a lot of horse books and "Famous Five". As a teenager I strayed more into science fiction. My first introduction to fantasy was "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" when I was 11.
When I was 15, I read Lord of the Rings and fell in love. It remains my favourite book. I was then lucky enough to discover "The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant" which were being published at the time. They also leapt into my top five books.
At University I was lucky enough to make a friend who was REALLY into fantasy books and she introduced me to a wide range of authors including David Eddings and Barbara Hambly. She also lent me a copy of "The Summer Tree" and Guy Gavriel Kay's Fionavar Tapestry became my second favourite book.
Fantasy has remained my main love. I belong to a reading group which has been interesting for leading me to books which I wouldn't have touched with a barge pole and sometimes you wish you hadn't! But it has also introduced me to some excellent books outside the fantasy area. I don't read as much as I wish I could as work makes me too tired to read much on weekdays so my reading is often confined to weekends and holidays. It's frustrating but can't be changed.
Lieu (géographique)
Bridgend, South Wales, UK
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