
Nom réel
Lewis M
A propos de ma bibliothèque
"Disorganised" would be the best word for it. Hopefully Librarything will help. My reading tastes cover a wide field; fantasy, science fiction, thrillers, historical drama, humour. Don't ask me to name my favourite author, it's as pointless as trying to name my favourite song, there are far too many. I'm probably not going to catalog my entire collection, just ones I've read recently, and new ones as I read them.
A propos de moi
I am 42, British, and have been an avid reader since I was very young (although I find that I don't have the time to do so as much as I would like, these days). I spend 2 hours each working day either sitting on or waiting for public transport, and that's when I do most of my reading. When I'm not reading, you can probably find me either in Second Life, or down the pub in Real Life. My other interests include writing, art and music. Oh, and I'm not really ginger.
Lieu (géographique)
Manchester, UK
Aussi sur, LiveJournal, Plurk, Second Life ("Lewis Luminos")

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