
Toutes les collections (9,428), Home (1,109), Iceland (1), Reading (2), Computer Software (5), Computer Hardware (5), Math (2), Chess (20), Sports (4), Science (1), islam (8), Votre bibliothèque (8,007), itunes (821), Kindle (290), En cours de lecture (7)
@ (1,965), fiction (1,071), non-fiction (992), @itunes (802), @Kindle (645), children (638), literature (475), current affairs (239), biography (201), Dover Thrift (178), history (163), @1S5 (139), @1T4 (91), DOffice (86), @1S3 (79), @1A1 (65), @4ec2 (65), @1T6 (61), @4eb2 (59), @1T5 (56), @4ec3 (55), @1A2 (55), @5E2 (54), @1T1 (54), @2D3 (51), @2C3 (50), @5B2 (49), @1D2 (48), @4Hall1 (48), @1P4 (47), reading (46), @1A5 (46), @5C1 (45), @1D5 (45), @2TVF5 (44), science (44), @1C4 (44), @1B3 (43), @1T7 (43), @1A4 (43), philosophy (43), children's literature (42), @4Hall3 (42), @5F2 (41), @2C2 (40), @1C3 (40), @1D6 (40), @2A4 (39), @4M2 (39), @3KB2 (37), @1T3 (37), @1T8 (36), @1N5 (36), @2B4 (36), @1D1 (35), @2B3 (35), reference (35), @1C1 (35), @4Hall2 (35), shelf-1O6 (35), @2A5 (33), @1N6 (33), @1A6 (33), shelf-1O5 (33), @1A3 (33), @1B2 (33), @1B5 (33), @5B1 (33), @2A2 (32), @1B4 (32), @4LoftB4 (32), @1R3 (32), @2B1 (31), @4LoftB7 (31), @2A1 (31), @4LoftB3 (31), shelf-1O2 (31), @1R5 (31), @1T2 (30), shelf-1P2 (30), @5D1 (30), @4M3 (30), @3C7 (29), @3KB1 (28), @2A3 (28), @3D3 (28), shelf-1P1 (28), LOA (28), shelf-POffice 1B2 (27), @1C2 (27), @2B2 (27), drama (27), @1C5 (27), @3KB3 (26), shelf-1P3 (26), shelf-1N2 (26), @4ec1 (26), shelf-1caddy1 (25), @1R4 (25), education (25), Shakespeare (25), shelf-1P5 (25), @4LoftE6 (24), @1S4 (24), @4LoftB2 (24), shelf-4E3 (24), science fiction (24), @1N7 (24), nature (24), shelf-1caddy3 (23), @3C4 (23), @4LoftB5 (23), shelf-5A1 (23), shelf-1P7 (23), @1D3 (23), shelf-poffice 1a3 (23), shelf-1O7 (23), @3C1 (23), @3C5 (22), @3C3 (22), shelf-1O1 (22), @4LoftE4 (22), @3C6 (22), shelf-1N7 (22), @2TVD1 (22), shelf-1O3 (22), @1B6 (21), @1R7 (21), @3K (21), @1B1 (21), @4lofte4 (21), @4LoftE3 (20), @4LoftD6 (20), @3KA2 (20), shelf-1N1 (20), shelf-1N8 (19), @4LoftD7 (19), @4LoftA3 (19), @iTunes (19), @4lofte7 (19), shelf-1N3 (18), shelf-1O4 (18), juvenile literature (18), @4LoftB6 (18), shelf-1Q6 (17), shelf-1O8 (17), shelf-5A2 (17), shelf-1P8 (17), shelf-1N4 (16), @4BIO (16), @1S2 (16), @1R6 (16), mathematics (16), @1R2 (16), memoir (14), adult great books reading prog (14), @5E (14), @5F1 (14), @1D4 (14), @4M1 (13), @1N3 (13), shelf-1P6 (13), shelf-1T7 (13), @1O1 (13), @5D2 (13), american history (12), @4LoftE2 (12), American history (12), @2TVE1 (11), @1O7 (11), architecture (11), @5B3 (11), @1N1 (11), dinosaurs (11), @5A (11), literary criticism (11), shelf-1B4 (11), economics (11), @4LoftA2 (11), interior design (11), shelf-4chairside (11), @2TVE2 (11), @1N2 (10), @2TVE3 (10), Kindle (10), @5E1 (10), @2TVM1 (10), @1P7 (10), technology (10), audible (9), autobiography (9), @2TVDR1 (9), feng shui (9), @4E3 (9), @4EA2 (9), shelf-POffice 1A3 (9), @4EC2 (8), politics (8), poetry (8), @1N4 (8), ancient philosophy (8), @1O4 (8), @3C2 LOA (8), Aristotle (8), @1O3 (8), @2basket (8), religion (8), humor (8), music (8), @1P8 (7), shelf-1B3 (7), shelf-poffice 1c1 (7), @1S1 (7), shelf-5b1 (7), sports (7), @3C8 (7), @PEMOff (7), geography (7), @1I2 (7), shelf-1n4 (7), @1S8 (7), Office shelf- (7), history of science (7), @1P6 (7), anthology (7), audio (7), @timbuk2 (6), @1M3 (6), @Colorado (6), @1PT1 (6), @5e2 (6), @1G2 (6), @Audible (6), 2 basket (6), travel (6), @1J5 (6), quotations (6), @1G4 (6), geometry (6), @DOffice (6), @1P1 (6), @3C2 (6), essays (6), @3D2 (6), @5C2 (5), alaska (5), 4E (5), @1G1 (5), shelf-3k (5), @2TV (5), shelf-3A2 (5), @1K3 (5), kitchen (5), shelf-5a2 (5), cooking (5), shelf-1N6 (5), @2CAF (5), fairy tales (5), @1I5 (5), @1A8 (5), @3KA1 (5), @4lofte2 (5), @1P5 (5), @1N8 (5), @4ea3 (4), @1H4 (4), @4EC3 (4), dictionary (4), Patti's office (4), @1O5 (4), knitting (4), @1O2 (4), business (4), @4E5 (4), Christianity (4), @4COL (4), shelf-1B6 (4), American literature (4), @4D6 (4), @1M2 (4), shelf-1B5 (4), @1F4 (4), coloring books (4), @4Eb3 (4), @1J6 (4), @1P3 (4), @4F1 (4), @5b2 (4), criticism (4), @1Q6 (4), shelf-poffice 1d3 (4), @4ea1 (4), @2TVM2 (4), @4EB2 (4), shelf-1G2 (4), @1H1 (4), shelf-poffice 1a4 (4), shelf-1T4 (4), calvin and hobbes (4), trains (4)
Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Jun 27, 2006
A propos de ma bibliothèque
We have cataloged about 9,400 of our books. Many of the rest are pre-ISBN, audio books, and Kindle books. They will take a bit more time and work to catalog. We are generalists (like the St. John's great books curriculum) but we both especially love history, I love moral philosophy and the history of science, and Patti loves (is that the right word?) biography, history, political philosophy, economics, and politics. We are tagging now mostly to record the physical location of our books, hence the "shelf-" (being gradually replaced by "@") tags. We discovered LibraryThing from the Spring 2006 WSJ article. We especially like the ability to search our LibraryThing catalog via smartphone in bookstores, avoiding purchases of books we already have. (Is is amazing how the same books keep catching our eye.)
A propos de moi
Patti has been a public school teacher (twenty four years, all kinds of history) and I (Don) have been a lawyer (forty-four years). Don has now retired, after "second" and "third" careers as a college president and a non-profit executive. Patti has also left her "second" career in non-profit management and is now a self-employed tutor of high school students preparing for the SAT and ACT exams.

We met at the graduate program of St. John's College, Santa Fe, and share a love of each other, of reading, talking, listening and of learning.
Lieu (géographique)
En cours de lecture

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