
Genre: Fiction This book pattern is called a circle tale. The main characters leave from a starting point and go off on an adventure which terminates back at the starting point. (2), predictable pattern (2), Genre: Fiction This book pattern is called an add-on story. Its a cumulative (2), adding enough outrageous events to the sequence to cause story tension and reader's desire for resolution. (2), genre: Fiction This book is about colors and this is a good childrens book because it has one word on each page and it is a color with a picture of that color. (1), Genre: Fiction This book is about a boy who has trouble in school and it is about kindness and empathy in the classroom and it is categorized under multicultural (1), Genre: Fiction The theme in this book is to never give up and determination and perseverance. This book can be categorized under multicultural. (1), Genre: Biography This book is categorized under multicultural.This theme is also about persisting and never giving up. (1), Genre: Historical fiction The theme is perseverance and hard work and all of the multicultural have the same theme. (1), Genre: Fiction This book talks about the cat but ti is really talking about kids who have divorced parents. (1), This book does not have any words in it at all. On each page it has a color theme with pictures of that color to help children know the colors. (1), Genre: Fiction On every page it is green with all the animals that are green this book helps children learn their colors with animals. (1), genre: Fiction This is a good sense book to help children learn about their senses and feeling their feet and learning about their feet. (1), Genre: Fiction This book is about how words can play on each other. This book can help with children learning words and how they are spelt (1), Genre: Fiction This book is about how the mother helps the baby and how mothers take care of their babies. It also talks about other animals in the book. (1), Genre: Fiction (1), Genre: fiction This is an easier read for children where there is't too many words on the pages.It tells an easy story about wildlife and a white-tailed doe. (1), Genre: Fiction This book had the words at the bottom of the page and it was wordy. (1), genre: Fiction This book is good with patterned language. It is about a child going through a farmyard and talks about all the animals she sees. (1), Genre: Fiction This book is categorized under predictable books which set up patterns to build the knowldeg so the kids know what it will be about. (1), genre: Fiction this book helps children with rhyming. It has high frequency word patterns. It helps build predictability. (1), Genre: Fiction This book helps children to count on each page it counts up all the way to 10 to help the children learn to count. (1), genre: Fiction This book was a peom but it also helped with counting in the book for children to learn. (1), genre: Fiction This was a good book and it helped children learn about the good and the good bad how their is a differences. (1), genre: Fiction this is categorized by an Alphabetic book so if you need help teaching your students the ABC's you can give them this book to help. (1), Genre: Fiction This book is about circle tales where the main character leaves from a starting point and goes off. (1), Genre: Fiction This book is also categroized by a cicrle tale and their are other books just like this but one mouse with a cookie. (1), genre: Fiction This book can be categorized as add-on stories. Which have predicatble patterns and addding enough outrageous events. (1), Genre: Fiction This is a coming of age book and it is categorized by multicultural books. (1), Genre: Fiction This book had a pattern of just saying one action word and the picture described the action on each place. (1), Genre: Fiction The quality of this book is older but it is an easy read with thought bubbles. (1), Genre: Fiction This book pattern is called Good-Bad (1), Genre: Fiction. I read this book to this 1st grade girl and she helped me read the book back and forth while I pointed to the words. This is a series of books she likes to read about the elephant and the pig and they talk to each other and go on adventure (1), Genre: nonfiction I showed the pictures of how the food was all made and where it all came from. It was a good book for her because she didn't know where some of the food came from and it showed pictures of where it came from. (1), Picture Book. This book helps teach the alphabet in order and it helps with the song when you read the book. (1), Genre: Fiction I chose this book to show what a patterned language book looks like and how it uses a regular repetition of a phrase. (1), Genre: Fiction This book helps show children what a predictable book looks like. It shows how to set up patterns to build in predictability and enables students to make good guesses about what will come next. (1), Genre: Fiction This book helps show children what a rhyming book is. It has high frequency of pairs of rhyming words presented within the text (1), building in predictability and assistance with word recognition. (1), Genre: Fiction This book helps with counting. This progresses through a number sequence (1), using one-to-one correspondence between numeral and objects. (1), Genre: Fantasy Fiction This book helps children learn about the alphabet. This progresses through the alphabet presenting a dictionary of words and illustration about each letter. (1), Good- Bad. The events of the story alternate back and forth between good-bad (1), Genre: Fiction This book tells a story about a girl playing baseball and there are paragraphs on each page. (1), or happy-sad. (1), Genre: Fiction This book is a good beginner book not too many words change on each page and there are multiple pictures. (1), Genre: Fiction This book helps children with the alphabet. It is also a beginner book to help them learn the alphabet. (1), Genre: Fiction This book helps children with imagination and shows great pictures. (1), Genre: Nonfiction I chose this book to read to my 2nd grader who I am virtually tutoring. I think this was a great book to get her engaged and looking at the pictures and to go over all of our senses. (1), Genre: Fiction I selected this book because it helps teach my 1st grader the alphabet. By reading this book it helps just by looking over the alphabet and learning about them on each page. (1), Genre: Fiction This helps children to learn about food and it is an easier read for the children. (1), Genre: Fiction This is a good picture book with story boxes and very detailed about a kid and his grandpa. (1), Genre: Fiction The pictures in the book are very unique and the words on the page are very big and spread out. (1), Genre: Fiction There are a few words on each page not like paragraphs but the pictures take over the page with detail. (1), Genre: Fiction This book is also an alphabetic book which can teach the children how to identify the alphabet and they can match the letters with the sounds. (1)
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Jan 24, 2021