Critiques en avant-premièreAndrew Orange

Page LibraryThing de l'auteur

June 2022 Lot

Offre terminée: Juin 27 à 06:00 pm EDT

A Science Fiction Dystopian Novella You Must Read

Dick, the orphaned son of a Russian military man and his African wife, is studying at a university in Moscow while enjoying a clandestine love affair with Julia, the daughter of a powerful and dangerous man. When their relationship is shattered by the father’s decision to forcibly marry her off, Dick is forced to leave Russia. He accepts an invitation from a mysterious organization called the International Scientific Institute of Space. He soon finds himself in the South Pacific, on the small island of Sidonia where many dangerous secrets are hidden.

Un fichier numérique sera envoyé en annexe à votre adresse de courriel
Science Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Andrew_Orange (Auteur)
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
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May 2022 Lot

Offre terminée: Mai 30 à 06:00 pm EDT

A Science Fiction Dystopian Novella You Must Read.

Tim is a young student from Moscow who has a strange dream where someone invites him to swap bodies. Is it a crazy nightmare or a challenge from another time? From another reality? If he agrees to the proposal of a mysterious stranger, where can this unexpected journey take Tim?

Un fichier numérique sera envoyé en annexe à votre adresse de courriel
Science Fiction
Offert par
Andrew_Orange (Auteur)
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
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Avril 2022 Lot

Offre terminée: Avril 25 à 06:00 pm EDT

A Science Fiction Dystopian Novella You Must Read

Dick, the orphaned son of a Russian military man and his African wife, is studying at a university in Moscow while enjoying a clandestine love affair with Julia, the daughter of a powerful and dangerous man. When their relationship is shattered by the father’s decision to forcibly marry her off, Dick is forced to leave Russia. He accepts an invitation from a mysterious organization called the International Scientific Institute of Space. He soon finds himself in the South Pacific, on the small island of Sidonia where many dangerous secrets are hidden.

Un fichier numérique sera envoyé en annexe à votre adresse de courriel
Science Fiction
Offert par
Andrew_Orange (Auteur)
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
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Cadeau pour les membres d'origine Lot

Offre terminée: Mai 1, 2020 à 07:19 pm EDT

Séries: Kier (1)
Антифашистская дистопия, которую вы должны прочитать... "Игра VORов - смелая, трагичная и очень эмоциональная... полная саспенса история взросления в темном и жестоком мире". -- Readers' Favorite Five Stars "Эту книгу можно рекомендовать любому человеку, который интересуется политическими конфликтами или столкновением личностей с различными моральными принципами". -- LitPick "Автор создает реалистичный, хотя иногда немного ужасный мир, и демонстрирует противоположный типичному взгляд на дворянство, мастерски соединяя элементы детектива и саспенса..." -- IndieReader "Эта история наполнена разнообразными сюрпризами и поворотами и имеет неожиданную концовку". -- International Writers Inspiring Change "Говоря о читательском опыте, я могу сообщить, что эта книга высокого класса. Мне очень понравилось, перевод [с русского на английский] выполнен так мастерски, что кажется, что это вообще не перевод. Я вижу, что другие рецензенты сравнивали эту книгу с некоторыми известными современными книгами для молодых людей [YA]. Лично я обнаружил, что это скорее сравнимо с "Дюной"... В целом книга превзошла мои ожидания. Я крайне рекомендую этот роман по его собственным заслугам". -- Goodreads "Это шекспировская история в дистопическом будущем" -- Amazon Кир Ворсмит, младший сын влиятельного графа, мечтает об учебе в университете и спокойной жизни историка. Однако после провала на выпускных школьных экзаменах неожиданные события вынуждают Кира стать официальным наследником графства Ворсмитов и офицером Имперского Спецкорпуса. По воле отца юноша прибывает на отдаленную арктическую базу в качестве местного метеоролога...
Young Adult, Suspense & Thriller, Teen, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Andrew_Orange (Auteur)
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
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Cadeau pour les membres d'origine Lot

Offre terminée: Février 5, 2020 à 03:07 pm EST

Andrew Orange (Author, Translator), Maria D'Marco (Directeur de publication), Dane Low (Cover Design by)
Séries: Kier (1)
A Russian Dystopian Novel You Must Read... "The Game of VORs is gritty, tragic, and very emotional... a suspenseful, coming of age story in a dark world." -- Readers' Favorite Five Stars "I would recommend this to any person interested in twisted political discrepancies or learning about different takes on identity and morality." -- LitPick "The author creates a believable world, albeit a bit gruesome at times, and delivers the opposite of the typical view of nobility by expertly merging elements of mystery and suspense..." -- IndieReader "The story is filled with twists and turns and a surprise ending." -- International Writers Inspiring Change "What strikes me the most about this book is the quality of its dialogues: they feel authentic and add a sense of realness in a dystopian world." -- Goodreads "The writing is fine, plot is exciting, characters are really good, and it is just a good, solid sci-fi experience." -- Sanjin, Top Amazon Reviewer "Speaking of reader experience, I can only say that this was a high class read that I enjoyed greatly, and the translation is so skillful that it wasn’t at all clear that it was a translation at all. I see that other reviewers have compared the book to some modern YA books; personally I found it was most highly comparable to Dune... In short, the book exceeded my expectations, and I highly recommend it on its own merit." -- Amazon Five Stars Review Kier Vorsmith, the youngest son of an influential count, dreams of studying at the University and living a quiet life as a historian. However, when he fails his high school’s final exams, whirlwind events force Kier to become the official heir of the Vorsmiths’ county and an officer in the Imperial Special Corps. At the will of his father, the young man arrives at a remote arctic base to serve as a local weatherman...
Young Adult, Suspense & Thriller, Teen, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Andrew_Orange (Auteur)
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
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Cadeau pour les membres d'origine Lot

Offre terminée: Decembre 20, 2019 à 08:49 am EST

Andrew Orange (Author, Translator), Maria D'Marco (Directeur de publication), Dane Low (Cover Design by)
Séries: Kier (1)
A Russian Dystopian Novel You Must Read... "The Game of VORs is gritty, tragic, and very emotional... a suspenseful, coming of age story in a dark world." -- Readers' Favorite Five Stars "I would recommend this to any person interested in twisted political discrepancies or learning about different takes on identity and morality." -- LitPick "The author creates a believable world, albeit a bit gruesome at times, and delivers the opposite of the typical view of nobility by expertly merging elements of mystery and suspense..." -- IndieReader "The story is filled with twists and turns and a surprise ending." -- International Writers Inspiring Change "What strikes me the most about this book is the quality of its dialogues: they feel authentic and add a sense of realness in a dystopian world." -- Goodreads "The writing is fine, plot is exciting, characters are really good, and it is just a good, solid sci-fi experience." -- Sanjin, Top Amazon Reviewer "Speaking of reader experience, I can only say that this was a high class read that I enjoyed greatly, and the translation is so skillful that it wasn’t at all clear that it was a translation at all. I see that other reviewers have compared the book to some modern YA books; personally I found it was most highly comparable to Dune... In short, the book exceeded my expectations, and I highly recommend it on its own merit." -- Amazon Five Stars Review Kier Vorsmith, the youngest son of an influential count, dreams of studying at the University and living a quiet life as a historian. However, when he fails his high school’s final exams, whirlwind events force Kier to become the official heir of the Vorsmiths’ county and an officer in the Imperial Special Corps. At the will of his father, the young man arrives at a remote arctic base to serve as a local weatherman...
Young Adult, Suspense & Thriller, Teen, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Andrew_Orange (Auteur)
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
Lot fermé

Cadeau pour les membres d'origine Lot

Offre terminée: Octobre 7, 2019 à 05:07 pm EDT

Andrew Orange (Author, Translator), Maria D'Marco (Directeur de publication), Dane Low (Cover Design by)
Séries: Kier (1)
A Russian Dystopian Novel You Must Read... "The Game of VORs is gritty, tragic, and very emotional... a suspenseful, coming of age story in a dark world." -- Readers' Favorite Five Stars "I would recommend this to any person interested in twisted political discrepancies or learning about different takes on identity and morality." -- LitPick "The author creates a believable world, albeit a bit gruesome at times, and delivers the opposite of the typical view of nobility by expertly merging elements of mystery and suspense..." -- IndieReader "The story is filled with twists and turns and a surprise ending." -- International Writers Inspiring Change "What strikes me the most about this book is the quality of its dialogues: they feel authentic and add a sense of realness in a dystopian world." -- Goodreads "The writing is fine, plot is exciting, characters are really good, and it is just a good, solid sci-fi experience." -- Sanjin, Top Amazon Reviewer "Speaking of reader experience, I can only say that this was a high class read that I enjoyed greatly, and the translation is so skillful that it wasn’t at all clear that it was a translation at all. I see that other reviewers have compared the book to some modern YA books; personally I found it was most highly comparable to Dune... In short, the book exceeded my expectations, and I highly recommend it on its own merit." -- Amazon Five Stars Review Kier Vorsmith, the youngest son of an influential count, dreams of studying at the University and living a quiet life as a historian. However, when he fails his high school’s final exams, whirlwind events force Kier to become the official heir of the Vorsmiths’ county and an officer in the Imperial Special Corps. At the will of his father, the young man arrives at a remote arctic base to serve as a local weatherman...
Young Adult, Suspense & Thriller, Teen, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Andrew_Orange (Auteur)
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
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Cadeau pour les membres d'origine Lot

Offre terminée: Août 15, 2019 à 04:13 am EDT

Andrew Orange (Author, Translator), Maria D'Marco (Directeur de publication), Dane Low (Cover Design by)
Séries: Kier (1)
A Russian Dystopian Novel You Must Read... "The Game of VORs is gritty, tragic, and very emotional... a suspenseful, coming of age story in a dark world." -- Readers' Favorite Five Stars "I would recommend this to any person interested in twisted political discrepancies or learning about different takes on identity and morality." -- LitPick "The author creates a believable world, albeit a bit gruesome at times, and delivers the opposite of the typical view of nobility by expertly merging elements of mystery and suspense..." -- IndieReader "The story is filled with twists and turns and a surprise ending." -- International Writers Inspiring Change "This book is full of murder, mystery, a lovers triangle, intrigue, sibling rivalry, conspiracy, terrorism..." -- Apple Five Stars Review "What strikes me the most about this book is the quality of its dialogues: they feel authentic and add a sense of realness in a dystopian world." -- Goodreads "The writing is fine, plot is exciting, characters are really good, and it is just a good, solid sci-fi experience." -- Sanjin, Top Amazon Reviewer "Speaking of reader experience, I can only say that this was a high class read that I enjoyed greatly, and the translation is so skillful that it wasn’t at all clear that it was a translation at all. I see that other reviewers have compared the book to some modern YA books; personally I found it was most highly comparable to Dune; a militaristic aristocracy, an ostensibly innocuous heir who will turn out to change everything, a feared outclass with paranormal abilities and their own set of rules, a harsh and unforgiving environmental setting — we were just missing the worms. In short, the book exceeded my expectations, and I highly recommend it on its own merit." -- Amazon Five Stars Review Kier Vorsmith, the youngest son of an influential count, dreams of studying at the University and living a quiet life as a historian. However, when he fails his high school’s final exams, whirlwind events force Kier to become the official heir of the Vorsmiths’ county and an officer in the Imperial Special Corps. At the will of his father, the young man arrives at a remote arctic base to serve as a local weatherman...
Young Adult, Suspense & Thriller, Teen, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Andrew_Orange (Auteur)
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
Lot fermé

Cadeau pour les membres d'origine Lot

Offre terminée: Mai 8, 2019 à 03:05 pm EDT

Andrew Orange (Author, Translator), Maria D'Marco (Directeur de publication), Dane Low (Cover Design by)
Séries: Kier (1)
"The Game of VORs is gritty, tragic, and very emotional... a suspenseful, coming of age story in a dark world." -- Readers' Favorite Five Stars "I would recommend this to any person interested in twisted political discrepancies or learning about different takes on identity and morality." -- LitPick "The author creates a believable world, albeit a bit gruesome at times, and delivers the opposite of the typical view of nobility by expertly merging elements of mystery and suspense..." -- IndieReader "What strikes me the most about this book is the quality of its dialogues: they feel authentic and add a sense of realness in a dystopian world." -- Goodreads "Speaking of reader experience, I can only say that this was a high class read that I enjoyed greatly, and the translation is so skillful that it wasn’t at all clear that it was a translation at all. I see that other reviewers have compared the book to some modern YA books; personally I found it was most highly comparable to Dune; a militaristic aristocracy, an ostensibly innocuous heir who will turn out to change everything, a feared outclass with paranormal abilities and their own set of rules, a harsh and unforgiving environmental setting — we were just missing the worms. In short, the book exceeded my expectations, and I highly recommend it on its own merit." -- Amazon Kier Vorsmith, the youngest son of an influential count, dreams of studying at the University and living a quiet life as a historian. However, when he fails his high school’s final exams, whirlwind events force Kier to become the official heir of the Vorsmiths’ county and an officer in the Imperial Special Corps. At the will of his father, the young man arrives at a remote arctic base to serve as a local weatherman...
Young Adult, Suspense & Thriller, Teen, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Andrew_Orange (Auteur)
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
Lot fermé

Cadeau pour les membres d'origine Lot

Offre terminée: Février 24, 2019 à 10:29 pm EST

Séries: Kier (1)
"The Game of VORs is gritty, tragic, and very emotional... a suspenseful, coming of age story in a dark world." -- Readers' Favorite Five Stars "I would recommend this to any person interested in twisted political discrepancies or learning about different takes on identity and morality." -- LitPick "What strikes me the most about this book is the quality of its dialogues: they feel authentic and add a sense of realness in a dystopian world." -- Goodreads "I read about the author and was surprised that this is his first book, because, as for me, it is written very well and talentedly, I hope this successful beginning will allow him to write even more books." -- Goodreads "Speaking of reader experience, I can only say that this was a high class read that I enjoyed greatly, and the translation is so skillful that it wasn’t at all clear that it was a translation at all. I see that other reviewers have compared the book to some modern YA books; personally I found it was most highly comparable to Dune; a militaristic aristocracy, an ostensibly innocuous heir who will turn out to change everything, a feared outclass with paranormal abilities and their own set of rules, a harsh and unforgiving environmental setting — we were just missing the worms. In short, the book exceeded my expectations, and I highly recommend it on its own merit." -- Amazon Kier Vorsmith, the youngest son of an influential count, dreams of studying at the University and living a quiet life as a historian. However, when he fails his high school’s final exams, whirlwind events force Kier to become the official heir of the Vorsmiths’ county and an officer in the Imperial Special Corps. At the will of his father, the young man arrives at a remote arctic base to serve as a local weatherman...
Young Adult, Suspense & Thriller, Teen, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Andrew_Orange (Auteur)
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
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Cadeau pour les membres d'origine Lot

Offre terminée: Decembre 31, 2018 à 01:43 pm EST

Séries: Kier (1)
"The Game of VORs is gritty, tragic, and very emotional... a suspenseful, coming of age story in a dark world." -- Readers' Favorite "I would recommend this to any person interested in twisted political discrepancies or learning about different takes on identity and morality." -- LitPick "What strikes me the most about this book is the quality of its dialogues: they feel authentic and add a sense of realness in a dystopian world." -- Goodreads "I read about the author and was surprised that this is his first book, because, as for me, it is written very well and talentedly, I hope this successful beginning will allow him to write even more books." -- Goodreads "Speaking of reader experience, I can only say that this was a high class read that I enjoyed greatly, and the translation is so skillful that it wasn’t at all clear that it was a translation at all. I see that other reviewers have compared the book to some modern YA books; personally I found it was most highly comparable to Dune; a militaristic aristocracy, an ostensibly innocuous heir who will turn out to change everything, a feared outclass with paranormal abilities and their own set of rules, a harsh and unforgiving environmental setting — we were just missing the worms. In short, the book exceeded my expectations, and I highly recommend it on its own merit." -- Amazon Kier Vorsmith, the youngest son of an influential count, dreams of studying at the University and living a quiet life as a historian. However, when he fails his high school’s final exams, whirlwind events force Kier to become the official heir of the Vorsmiths’ county and an officer in the Imperial Special Corps. At the will of his father, the young man arrives at a remote arctic base to serve as a local weatherman...
Young Adult, Suspense & Thriller, Teen, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Andrew_Orange (Auteur)
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
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Cadeau pour les membres d'origine Lot

Offre terminée: Novembre 11, 2018 à 04:56 am EST

Séries: Kier (1)
"The Game of VORs is gritty, tragic, and very emotional... a suspenseful, coming of age story in a dark world." -- Readers' Favorite "I would recommend this to any person interested in twisted political discrepancies or learning about different takes on identity and morality." -- LitPick "What strikes me the most about this book is the quality of its dialogues: they feel authentic and add a sense of realness in a dystopian world." -- Goodreads "I read about the author and was surprised that this is his first book, because, as for me, it is written very well and talentedly, I hope this successful beginning will allow him to write even more books." -- Goodreads "Speaking of reader experience, I can only say that this was a high class read that I enjoyed greatly, and the translation is so skillful that it wasn’t at all clear that it was a translation at all. I see that other reviewers have compared the book to some modern YA books; personally I found it was most highly comparable to Dune; a militaristic aristocracy, an ostensibly innocuous heir who will turn out to change everything, a feared outclass with paranormal abilities and their own set of rules, a harsh and unforgiving environmental setting — we were just missing the worms. In short, the book exceeded my expectations, and I highly recommend it on its own merit." -- Amazon Kier Vorsmith, the youngest son of an influential count, dreams of studying at the University and living a quiet life as a historian. However, when he fails his high school’s final exams, whirlwind events force Kier to become the official heir of the Vorsmiths’ county and an officer in the Imperial Special Corps. At the will of his father, the young man arrives at a remote arctic base to serve as a local weatherman...
Young Adult, Suspense & Thriller, Teen, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Andrew_Orange (Auteur)
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
Lot fermé

Cadeau pour les membres d'origine Lot

Offre terminée: Octobre 6, 2018 à 12:50 am EDT

Séries: Kier (1)
"The Game of VORs is gritty, tragic, and very emotional... a suspenseful, coming of age story in a dark world." -- Readers' Favorite "I would recommend this to any person interested in twisted political discrepancies or learning about different takes on identity and morality." -- LitPick "What strikes me the most about this book is the quality of its dialogues: they feel authentic and add a sense of realness in a dystopian world." -- Goodreads "Speaking of reader experience, I can only say that this was a high class read that I enjoyed greatly, and the translation is so skillful that it wasn’t at all clear that it was a translation at all. I see that other reviewers have compared the book to some modern YA books; personally I found it was most highly comparable to Dune; a militaristic aristocracy, an ostensibly innocuous heir who will turn out to change everything, a feared outclass with paranormal abilities and their own set of rules, a harsh and unforgiving environmental setting — we were just missing the worms. In short, the book exceeded my expectations, and I highly recommend it on its own merit." -- Amazon Kier Vorsmith, the youngest son of an influential count, dreams of studying at the University and living a quiet life as a historian. However, when he fails his high school’s final exams, whirlwind events force Kier to become the official heir of the Vorsmiths’ county and an officer in the Imperial Special Corps. At the will of his father, the young man arrives at a remote arctic base to serve as a local weatherman...
Young Adult, Suspense & Thriller, Teen, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Andrew_Orange (Auteur)
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
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