Favourite Books

Someone had to start this list. What are your all-time favourite books?
15,960 membres
384 critiques
Rang global 44
42,681 membres
693 critiques
½ 4.3
Rang global 20
32 Members
jjwilson61, Quaisior, itheodore, anglemark, Lexiphanicist, Stav, goldenmoon, LolaWalser, absurdeist, mccin68, mmignano11, PitcherBooks, scottd, Myyst, Jeffsul, sturlington, masiejames, suitable1, macoram, ValLloyd, Bluewolf0411, peterveen, Himalmitra, SonoranDreamer, BomboChipolata, nagasravika.bodapati, literary.jess, thegreenmikado, dsp501, ManWithAnAgenda, islesx4, ALWainwright,gilroy ,lquilter ,ranams ,Bretzky1 ,
Bretzky1: I think most people who have a high impression of this book do so for what they think could have been accomplished with the story rather than for what Herbert actually put on paper