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According to Amazon, this book is 248 pages. I just can't believe that. I read it so quickly, that I was sure it was only 100 pages, and I couldn't figure out how I was going to review that.

This is a YA paranormal thriller, but it's a little violent and the organization they are fighting is run by some seriously twisted people. But, I'm a little weird myself, and I loved this book! The action and down-times are well-balanced, and we know enough to care about the characters. I don't like trilogies or series that hide all the important information until later books. I like to get a little background in each book. I don't usually buy into the instant-love scenario, but in this case, it was actually done in a such a way to make it plausible. I can't wait to see more of Sam, Drake, Lucy, and Luke in the follow-up books.

I didn't like that "nice" people died, but I guess when you have war, you're going to have casualties. I also didn't like the cliff-hanger at the end of the book! Noooo! Fortunately, the second book, Forbidden Fire is already out, so I don't have to wait to read it.

You don't have to be a YA fan to enjoy this book. It's "adult" enough that everyone can get into it.

I received this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review.
amandabeaty | 16 autres critiques | Jan 4, 2024 |
I read The Three Lost Kids and the Death of the Sugar Fairy to my five year old daughter and I thought it was fantastic book that captured my daughters imagination. When reading some books to her, if they are a longer than about 10 pages she will get bored and wander off. not this time! she was captivated.

The book is about Halloween so it is the perfect time to read it. Lexie, Bella and Maddie go on another magical adventure this time to save Halloween.

It is written in a way that a child can relate too and with magic and fairies a lot of little girls will love it!
StressedRach | 3 autres critiques | Jun 14, 2023 |
I was expecting a great magical children’s story when I started reading The Three Lost Children and the Christmas Curse and that is exactly what I got. Wishing that it would be Christmas every day sounds perfect for children but like having too much of something, the novelty wears off quickly. Maddie, Lexi and Bella soon find this out when they make a wish and it brings a Christmas curse.

It was well written and reminds children and adults alike what the true meaning of Christmas is. Which I think does get forgotten too much in this day and age.
StressedRach | 2 autres critiques | Jun 14, 2023 |
The Three Lost Kids is a series that is absolutely adorable and perfectly geared toward young readers. I have children that fit nicely into the target demographic of this book and I can see them enjoying it as well. I read this story to my 2 year old, who actually sat still for more than 30 seconds! I have a 6 year old emerging reader who I cannot wait to share this with as well.

I love stories that have a moral, a backbone to them, and this one fits nicely. I like that the book had discussion questions at the back to get the conversation flowing, which I feel is hugely important in furthering reading comprehension and fostering the love of reading and questioning and learning in the young minds we are charged with caring for.

Ms. Kinrade's beautifully written tale is relatable to even the youngest readers. We all, as parents, have encouraged our children to choose more healthy things to eat rather than all of the candy and junk food they seem to desire so much more, even when they know it is infinitely bad for them.

This book reminds children about how much better a healthy snack (the apple riddle) is than the candy and sweets that they might prefer, and why it is better for them without being preachy about it.

This was the first of Ms. Kinrade's books I have read, but I look forward to getting the rest and sharing them with my children for years to come.
destinyisntfree | 3 autres critiques | Apr 23, 2021 |
Forbidden Mind is a unique story. There aren't many action scenes. However, this book doesn't need them.

Sam can't wait to leave Rent-A-Kid and study art in New York. Drake is determined to win the surfing competition to make his life easier. The man dressed in black changes things for both of them.

The characters are well written. Sam is your normal girl ready to live out her dreams. Well, not complete normal. She can read minds. I admire Sam for her bravery. In the same situation, I would have broken down. She's strong and has a need to help others. I appreciate how she doesn't believe everything she's told when things don't add up. Sam begins to question everything she's been told when she forms a mental link with an unconscious boy. Drake helps Sam see the truth in things. He can compel others, but tries not to use his powers unless needed. He forms a link with Sam and they begin to uncover the truth behind Rent-A-Kid. Drake is compassionate and cares about Sam. He isn't trying to use her in order to obtain his freedom. I also loved the best friends of these two. Luke and Lucy are witty and do what they can to help Sam. A girl couldn't ask for more supportive friends. Brad tells Drake what he needs to hear. There's no sugar coating with him. I love characters that are no-nonsense.

As I said before, there isn't a lot of action. We spend most of the story following Drake and Sam as they get to know each other sight unseen. There is a bit of a love story, and it really puts things, like looks, into perspective. Sam and Drake are forced to make choices. They have to decide if they can live with the consequences of those choices. There are a few emotional parts. My heart completely broke in a few places. You realize that some people just have an inherent goodness in them.

Forbidden Mind is fast paced and leaves you wanting more. I highly suggest this book for readers in their teens and up.
BookishThings | 16 autres critiques | Mar 23, 2016 |
The Three Lost Kids is a series that is absolutely adorable and perfectly geared toward young readers. I have children that fit nicely into the target demographic of this book and I can see them enjoying it as well. I read this story to my 2 year old, who actually sat still for more than 30 seconds! I have a 6 year old emerging reader who I cannot wait to share this with as well.

I love stories that have a moral, a backbone to them, and this one fits nicely. I like that the book had discussion questions at the back to get the conversation flowing, which I feel is hugely important in furthering reading comprehension and fostering the love of reading and questioning and learning in the young minds we are charged with caring for.

Ms. Kinrade's beautifully written tale is relatable to even the youngest readers. We all, as parents, have encouraged our children to choose more healthy things to eat rather than all of the candy and junk food they seem to desire so much more, even when they know it is infinitely bad for them.

This book reminds children about how much better a healthy snack (the apple riddle) is than the candy and sweets that they might prefer, and why it is better for them without being preachy about it.

This was the first of Ms. Kinrade's books I have read, but I look forward to getting the rest and sharing them with my children for years to come.
destinyisntfree | 3 autres critiques | Feb 28, 2015 |
The Three Lost Kids is a series that is absolutely adorable and perfectly geared toward young readers. I have children that fit nicely into the target demographic of this book and I can see them enjoying it as well. I read this story to my 2 year old, who actually sat still for more than 30 seconds! I have a 6 year old emerging reader who I cannot wait to share this with as well.

I love stories that have a moral, a backbone to them, and this one fits nicely. I like that the book had discussion questions at the back to get the conversation flowing, which I feel is hugely important in furthering reading comprehension and fostering the love of reading and questioning and learning in the young minds we are charged with caring for.

Ms. Kinrade's beautifully written tale is relatable to even the youngest readers. We all, as parents, have encouraged our children to choose more healthy things to eat rather than all of the candy and junk food they seem to desire so much more, even when they know it is infinitely bad for them.

This book reminds children about how much better a healthy snack (the apple riddle) is than the candy and sweets that they might prefer, and why it is better for them without being preachy about it.

This was the first of Ms. Kinrade's books I have read, but I look forward to getting the rest and sharing them with my children for years to come.
destinyisntfree | 3 autres critiques | Feb 28, 2015 |
Once again, Kimberly Kinrade has given us a sweet kid's story that not only entertains, but makes us and our children think. This particular story was filled with a "moral of the story" lesson, and comes complete, as with the rest of the series, with questions at the end to discuss with your children and to make them take a deeper look at things.

I love the way Ms. Kinrade presents her stories and I love being able to share them with my children. I have a little girl that is perfectly nestled in the target demographic and she has loved every one of the stories from the Three Lost Kids that I have shared with her so far.

I particularly enjoy that these stories allow a glimpse into the fantastical worlds that could be around us, but that they also have a deeper meaning and there seems to be a lesson to be learned. What that lesson is, of course, you will have to read to find out for yourself, but it is in there, and in this particular case, it is one we all need to remember.

Thank you, madam author, for creating such beautifully designed worlds for our daughters to get lost in!
destinyisntfree | 2 autres critiques | Feb 28, 2015 |
Once again, Kimberly Kinrade has given us a sweet kid's story that not only entertains, but makes us and our children think. This particular story was filled with a "moral of the story" lesson, and comes complete, as with the rest of the series, with questions at the end to discuss with your children and to make them take a deeper look at things.

I love the way Ms. Kinrade presents her stories and I love being able to share them with my children. I have a little girl that is perfectly nestled in the target demographic and she has loved every one of the stories from the Three Lost Kids that I have shared with her so far.

I particularly enjoy that these stories allow a glimpse into the fantastical worlds that could be around us, but that they also have a deeper meaning and there seems to be a lesson to be learned. What that lesson is, of course, you will have to read to find out for yourself, but it is in there, and in this particular case, it is one we all need to remember.

Thank you, madam author, for creating such beautifully designed worlds for our daughters to get lost in!
destinyisntfree | 2 autres critiques | Feb 28, 2015 |
This was a cute, fun story that will be loved by both the young and the young at heart. I read this one today to my almost 4 year old while she was having a 12 hour EEG and she really seemed to like the story and the pictures. The story is well edited and beautifully illustrated.

I love it when I find a story I can share with one of my children while not having to feel like the story was "dumbed down" for the sake of children. This never felt forced or anything like that. Well done.
destinyisntfree | 2 autres critiques | Feb 28, 2015 |
This was a cute, fun story that will be loved by both the young and the young at heart. I read this one today to my almost 4 year old while she was having a 12 hour EEG and she really seemed to like the story and the pictures. The story is well edited and beautifully illustrated.

I love it when I find a story I can share with one of my children while not having to feel like the story was "dumbed down" for the sake of children. This never felt forced or anything like that. Well done.
destinyisntfree | 2 autres critiques | Feb 28, 2015 |
I didn't finish this book. No criticism, just didn't have the head to read it right now.
KVHardy | 16 autres critiques | Jan 2, 2015 |
Have you ever read a book and it ended before you were ready? Well, this is one of those books for me. This book ended on such a cliffhanger that I wanted to yell and scream at the author. I was not ready for the book to end. I got so mad. Yes, the second book in this series is out. However, it is not on my reading schedule until this weekend. No, sadly I cannot change anything around to read is faster.
I will not lie; I am not a big fan of YA books. Yet, this does not read like a YA book. Yes, there are teenagers in this book. Nevertheless, it is not all about teenagers. These teens are almost legal adults. I started this book and I did not put my Kindle down until it was finished. I cook supper while reading; everywhere I went in my house, I had the Kindle in my hand reading this book. I usually read before bed each night and in between work. Yet I could not stop reading. I had to know what was going to happen next. Okay I know more about the book and less about me.

Drake looks like an ordinary male teenager. He likes to surf. He has a set of those blue eyes that females just want to get lost in. That is not what makes him different. He is different because he can read minds and make people bend to his will. Well not his will, but make them think they need to do something and they do it without realizing what they are doing. Makes sense right. No? Well, it will when you read the book. I promise. The author has created something that will have readers blocking out everything except the next words in the book.

Sam is a cute feisty female. She likes to paint. Okay she does not just like to paint it is a passion for her. A release, painting is a way to brush away her troubles for a time. She is an amazing artist according to her teacher. She wants to attend this great creative art school in New York. Yet, the dean at her private school does not want her to attend. Sam is also special. She can dive into people’s minds and find out anything about them. Yes, including stuff that happened years in the past. Sam is one of the people at what she calls Rent-a-Kid.

Rent-A-Kid is a private school that has several teenagers that are special. They all have different types of paranormal powers. Some read minds, some have ultimate physical strength, and others are like human lie detectors. All of them are special, yet none of them may leave the school unless on assignment. They have no family except each other. They’ve been told that they were either not wanted by their parents or that they were left there, for their own protection by their parents. They believe that when they finish they get to leave and have a chance at a real life.

The author has written this series with a passion. Granted I have only read the first book. However, I do not think my opinion will change after reading the other books in the series. Kimberly takes readers on a journey with some paranormal, a little romance and a lot of mystery. Readers might even question if something like this is possible. Yes, it could be possible.

While I have not read the other 2 famous YA books available. You know the ones I am talking about. I admit that I cannot wait to finish this series. Kimberly has created a series that will take you on a journey. A journey that will take readers across America, guessing what will happen next. Pick out your favorite character and follow them along on this great reading journey. Just be prepared for some
cliffhangers that make you yell and scream at the author. I know I did.

Wow Kimberly thanks for such a great read.

The bunnies and I give this book 4 carrots.
kybunnies | 16 autres critiques | Oct 19, 2014 |
Forbidden Mind BLEW my mind! I read the first edition and the newer updated edition as well as the sequel, Forbidden Fire, all in one day and i'm shaking like crazy. The 1st in the series had me going through so many emotions I swear I was mindjacked! Sam, Drake, Lucy, Luke and all the others do not feel like mere characters but real people (with their x-men powers and all) who you truly care about. I actually cried while reading this and was screaming "NOOOOO!!!" in slow motion. More than once. No lie. If there was ever a series that made you feel like you were watching an action movie, this right here is it.

Kimberly Kinrade is like my superhero right now. This fantastic story she created feels so real and the references she makes about certain movies or t.v shows that we know and watch only enhances that feeling...making it so that the lines between fiction and reality are blurred. Which is saying a lot considering that the plot is very ALIAS and DARK ANGEL-like with X-MEN as its backdrop (awesome combo!).

There is so much I wanna say right now but I think I might be getting mixed up from what I just read in the sequel (which is AMAZING) so i'm off to post a review on it now...I guess that wasn't much of a "closure" or conclusion so I will make myself clear if I wasn't before: THIS BOOK IS AMAZING SO YOU SHOULD READ IT AND I DONT NEED TO TELL YOU TO READ THE SEQUEL BECAUSE YOUR MIND WILL BE SO BLOWN THAT YOU WILL READ IT LIKE A JUNKIE SUFFERING FROM WITHDRAWL. Did I explain myself well enough? I feel like i'm doing a verizon commercial with "can you hear me now?" *sigh* now let me try and piece my mind back together to go review Forbidden Fire...we'll see how that goes...
CLovestoread | 16 autres critiques | Jan 11, 2014 |
Kiss Me in Paris by Dimitry Karpov and Kimberly Kinrade is one of those great stories that really reaches out to touch your heart. Wow, this was one of those fabulous reads that really pulled me in and and kept me enthralled. There is lots of drama, steamy scenes, and charming characters, some scenes that made me laugh, and few that made me cry. This book is full of a many emotions.

I absolutely adored Winter, she has such a huge heart and a positive attitude even after everything she has been through. She has a mysterious secret from her past that has a huge effect on how she lives her life. Her goal in life is to be a writer. She wants to write romance even though people are trying to convince her to try something else. Now from my prospective, being a HUGE fan of romance, I was glad to see she kept with her romance story. I love that we learn some behinds the scenes information about the life of a writer in this story.

I also admired Winter for standing by her friend Jen. Jen has a few issues a tends to act out a little bit to get attention of the opposite sex. Jen has a way of getting herself and Winter into some dangerous situations. I won't tell you anymore than that. I'm going to let you read it to find out for herself.

Cade is just an awesome guy from the beginning. He is trying to deal with his life and his feelings about his family. Cade has been through so much and lost so much. He's a very strong and charming man. He wants more than anything to live his dream of becoming an architect.

When Winter meets Cade he is her hero right away. The more they get to know each other they become great friends. I love how their relationship went from friends to a romance. I think it is so sweet when two people have that strong friendship that is behind the romantic feelings. I absolutely adored how these two are able to help each other learn how to process the feelings from their past. They both have serious issues that they need to deal with and together they can do it.

There are some very dramatic scenes that totally left me sitting on the edge of my seat flipping pages as quickly as I could. I'm not going to do tell you much about these scenes because I do not want to spoil the suspense for you.

I really enjoyed reading Winter and Cade's story. I liked the story, the characters, and the plot. Dmytry Karpov and Kimberly Kinrade have created a wonderful new series and I can't wait to see what is next!

Winter has strong family ties, I always enjoy when their is family support behind the charters. I am looking forward to see what Dmytry Karpov and Kimberly Kinrade have in story for other members of the family. I will be anxiously awaiting the next story in this series. I also have to say I love that this husband and wife writing team are working together to create such wonderful, caring, charming, and well developed characters.

I was given the opportunity to read this story to share my thoughts with you. It has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you.
MinDaf | Sep 8, 2013 |
Forbidden Mind BLEW my mind! I read the first edition and the newer updated edition as well as the sequel, Forbidden Fire, all in one day and i'm shaking like crazy. The 1st in the series had me going through so many emotions I swear I was mindjacked! Sam, Drake, Lucy, Luke and all the others do not feel like mere characters but real people (with their x-men powers and all) who you truly care about. I actually cried while reading this and was screaming "NOOOOO!!!" in slow motion. More than once. No lie. If there was ever a series that made you feel like you were watching an action movie, this right here is it.

Kimberly Kinrade is like my superhero right now. This fantastic story she created feels so real and the references she makes about certain movies or t.v shows that we know and watch only enhances that feeling...making it so that the lines between fiction and reality are blurred. Which is saying a lot considering that the plot is very ALIAS and DARK ANGEL-like with X-MEN as its backdrop (awesome combo!).

There is so much I wanna say right now but I think I might be getting mixed up from what I just read in the sequel (which is AMAZING) so i'm off to post a review on it now...I guess that wasn't much of a "closure" or conclusion so I will make myself clear if I wasn't before: THIS BOOK IS AMAZING SO YOU SHOULD READ IT AND I DONT NEED TO TELL YOU TO READ THE SEQUEL BECAUSE YOUR MIND WILL BE SO BLOWN THAT YOU WILL READ IT LIKE A JUNKIE SUFFERING FROM WITHDRAWL. Did I explain myself well enough? I feel like i'm doing a verizon commercial with "can you hear me now?" *sigh* now let me try and piece my mind back together to go review Forbidden Fire...we'll see how that goes...
CLovestoread | 16 autres critiques | Apr 27, 2013 |
this one was okay. i liked the idea, but honestly, the follow through wasn't as great as i'd hoped it to be. : it ended up being more like a dystopian version of professor x's school for mutants with a bit of a weird romance in it. also, the characters in it have the ability to control people, but somehow they still end up prisoners in the hospital/prison ward. ...didn't understand why they couldn't just control people into letting them free if they were able to control people into doing other things for them the whole time. the author really needs to set some ground rules up for her audience or else it just comes off as unbelievable. :",true"
JessiJames | 16 autres critiques | Apr 2, 2013 |
I had bought this book not long after I first got my kindle, and have now read it a second time as part of a review tour for Innovative Online Book Tours. Originally I thought that this book would have a similar feel to X-Men Origins, as they both have brought together kids with paranormal abilities into a controlled setting. However, the story loses all of the reminders from that film almost instantly as you are drawn into the world that Sam inhabits and see her struggles. With twists and turns and an edge of your seat need to see what the kids will make of each new discovery, as a first in the series this is a perfect lead in to build a history and world, and set the ultimate conflict between controlling your own destiny and simply being controlled.

The writer has a style that smoothly integrates the action and character relationships with an underlying tension provided by the ‘what next’. While the story does veer off into elements that are darker than manipulation of young adults for their powers, it should be noted that there are mentions of past abuse and some darkly violent scenes. As part of the Trilogy, this is an excellent lead in that will keep readers engaged and looking forward to the next episode.

I previously purchased an eBook copy prior to the offer to review for IOB Tours was presented. I was not compensated for this review, and all conclusions are my own responsibility.
IamIndeed | 16 autres critiques | Mar 29, 2013 |
I reviewed all 3 books in this trilogy as a part of the Innovative Online Book Tours. I was not compensated for this review, and all conclusions are my own responsibility.

This Omnibus edition is the author's thank you to the readers. Containing all 3 books in the series: Forbidden Mind, Forbidden Fire and Forbidden Life, with some bonus short stories that are "between the books".

This is an author who truly has a talent for character and world building, with the ability to craft unique and distinct voices in each of her characters, and leave the reader with no doubts as to who is speaking. Additionally, she has built a world that is both familiar and unique, that intermingle familiar settings with well detailed unusual settings.

As a series, this should be as popular as Harry Potter or Hunger Games: appealing and appropriate for readers of YA from about 15 years old an up. You won't be disappointed if you pick this up for yourself or that 'reluctant' reader in your house.

I received the Omnibus collection eBook from the author for purpose of honest review for Innovative Online Book tours. I was not compensated for this review, and all conclusions are my own responsibility.
IamIndeed | Mar 29, 2013 |
Forbidden Mind by Kimberly Kinrade left a lot to be desired and I believe could've been an excellent book if somethings had been more greatly developed. This is in no way bashing the book in my mind.

I had high expectations for this book and it hardly brushed what I believe it could have been. The story was really short which made it seem rushed and it was missing a lot of key qualities that are needed for a great read.

The characters were hard to connect to because of the lack of building though I did enjoy the twins more than the main character or even the love interest. I didn't quite understand the bad guys and they are typically what I consider the best characters of a novel. A good bad guy has a great story and a great story makes a wonderful book.

Second, I felt the plot wasn't as developed as it could've been. I don't think that a bunch of people would suddenly crop up out of the population with powers and then no one would understand why. There HAS to be some common factor that led to the powers. BUT I really liked the idea of the story such as kids being rented out to the rich and famous but I am curious about what any of the other kids would do for them--I can see why Sam was rented out.

Overall, I loved the plot and the storyline. I won't deny that in any way shape or form but at the same time, I believe it could've been so much better if it hadn't been so rushed.
BailsChris | 16 autres critiques | Jan 13, 2013 |
Forbidden Mind Book One

Sam is getting ready for her eighteenth birthday, when she can finally leave “rent-a-kid” where she and other kids with paranormal powers are used as spies to the highest bidder. After one of her missions she is taken back to the institute where she sees a guy who links to her mentally asking for help before he passes out. From that moment the two shares a connection that cannot be broken, but Drake has shown Sam a side of the institute she never wanted to believe and they must both fight for their lives to escape.

Kimberly Kinrade has a great story going with Drake and Sam even the other students with paranormal powers, but to make it even better about halfway through she throws in a juicy twist making this an amazing read. I didn’t really feel the connection right away between Drake and Sam as the author had intended, I mean for me how can you fall in love with someone with only having seen them once at a glance? But as the story progresses you manage to fall in love right along with them. Putting the twist into this book was a stroke of genius adding a whole new level of depravity to an already atrocious situation. I cannot wait to keep reading, I just hope the author will not lose momentum and will continue to surprise us.

For More Reviews be sure to visit my blogs at:
BookWormRflects | 16 autres critiques | Nov 27, 2012 |
Forbidden Mind BLEW my mind! I read the first edition and the newer updated edition as well as the sequel, Forbidden Fire, all in one day and i'm shaking like crazy. The 1st in the series had me going through so many emotions I swear I was mindjacked! Sam, Drake, Lucy, Luke and all the others do not feel like mere characters but real people (with their x-men powers and all) who you truly care about. I actually cried while reading this and was screaming "NOOOOO!!!" in slow motion. More than once. No lie. If there was ever a series that made you feel like you were watching an action movie, this right here is it.

Kimberly Kinrade is like my superhero right now. This fantastic story she created feels so real and the references she makes about certain movies or t.v shows that we know and watch only enhances that feeling...making it so that the lines between fiction and reality are blurred. Which is saying a lot considering that the plot is very ALIAS and DARK ANGEL-like with X-MEN as its backdrop (awesome combo!).

There is so much I wanna say right now but I think I might be getting mixed up from what I just read in the sequel (which is AMAZING) so i'm off to post a review on it now...I guess that wasn't much of a "closure" or conclusion so I will make myself clear if I wasn't before: THIS BOOK IS AMAZING SO YOU SHOULD READ IT AND I DONT NEED TO TELL YOU TO READ THE SEQUEL BECAUSE YOUR MIND WILL BE SO BLOWN THAT YOU WILL READ IT LIKE A JUNKIE SUFFERING FROM WITHDRAWL. Did I explain myself well enough? I feel like i'm doing a verizon commercial with "can you hear me now?" *sigh* now let me try and piece my mind back together to go review Forbidden Fire...we'll see how that goes...
CLovestoread | 16 autres critiques | Oct 5, 2012 |
See my blog for an expert, and the book tour for all 3 books.

Man, where to start? It blew my socks off! That’s where, this book was amazing, so well written, and hooks you in from the very start. It’s like a show I used to watch, called Dark Angel, but throw in some X-men, with a little of that movie Push and some unconventional romance and you have this amazing story!

Once you’re past the normal, get to know the characters part, it really gets intense and sure gets me completely invested in the journey Sam (a girl) and Drake, and the twins Luke and Lucy.
I love the whole idea behind this, as it has the believable element to it. In the way, if our race of humans (government maybe) found out there were people like Sam, Drake, Lucy and Luke, among all the others, that this is something I would not put past us humans. Gathering them up, to use to their own financial gain, and worse, but will leave that for you to discover. They are basically prisoners, but didn’t know if for most of their life. They were told they were being “protected” but people with nefarious intentions for them, while all along, these people were the ones to be afraid of.

We start in Sam’s Point of view which is written in 1st person, and we go back and forth from Sam and Drake. Now when at
Drake’s point of view, its 3rd person. I had to get used to this style, but liked it, each chapter starts with the name of whoever the point of view is from.

Sam can read minds, and Drake can do more, he can “push” thoughts, or bend them to his will, and he has superhuman strength. I will leave what the twins can do a mystery. No spoilers here.

The love story part is great; I love that Sam and Drake fall in love over a span of many months at least (and only contact in their mind). As he is captured and imprisoned, he is kept drugged so he can’t use his strength and his mind control. So strapped to a bed, he is able to reach out to Sam’s mind, and they form this link, a 2 way communication, which is something Sam has never experienced. So through this connection, they are in each other’s minds, and form a bond like no other could in a normal way. She does not judge him for some of the things Drake has had to do. Think of bad evil foster people, beating a poor young boy, well, once he develops his power, you can imagine what happens. She does not judge, she sees and feels what he went through. His nightmares become her nightmares. They form a love that is epic.

I can go on all day on how much I love Drake. He is the ultimate guy all around. In my mind, he has the look of a younger version of Chris Hemsworth (I know, I am obsessed with him, lol, ) as he has the lighter hair, with the blond sun bleached highlights (he likes to surf) and the deep crystal blue eyes, that’s always what pops into my head. He also is big with a great build (he is super strong) There are others that could come to mind, but what came to my head was close to Chris, but really because my own super hot look.

Sam (I do not like when a character has a boys name when it’s a girl, as I was not sure Sam was a girl at first) has light blue eyes and dark hair. I think of the girl from the new show on TV Revolution , Tracy Spiridakos, has the beautiful blue eyes like hers, and the actions that I could see Sam doing too. (though her hair is a little lighter)

For Luke I thought of Theo James (he played David in Underworld: Awakening movie, and when he has the blue eyes) and for his sister Lucy I thought of the girl from a show called Rookie Blue, Missy Peregryn, she has the right look.

There is so many great twist and turns in this book, and you wont see them coming. I do not want to say much more. Just give this book a try. Visit me and others on the book tour.
5 out of 5 stars for me.

Check out the book tour for this whole series at my blog. Doing book tour for all 3 books. I have an expert at my blog too.
ConciseReviews | 16 autres critiques | Oct 5, 2012 |
Lexie World is about 5 year old Lexie, her sisters, Bella, Maddie, and their dog TayTay. Lexie is like most 5 year olds, she’s in limbo between being a little and a big girl, a little unsure, sometimes forgetful and leaves her belongings strewn about the backyard and house. Until one day while venturing in the woods with her sisters, they enter a magical world, Lexie World. But Lexie World is in danger, the Garbage Goblins are running a muck and ruining the beautiful world with trash that others have left on earth. And it’s up to Lexie to break the curse, and save Lexie World. With her sisters and dog by her side, Lexie learns that she’s much braver than she thought she was, and just maybe she can save her world.

Lexie World is written from Lexie’s perspective, through the eyes of a five year old girl, who is like most 5 year olds. She adores her big sisters, thinks her parents are the best in the world, but doesn’t quite get the big deal about forgetting to put her things away sometimes. I think the author did a wonderful job keeping the dialogue and thoughts at an appropriate level, staying true to the average youngster of Lexie’s age range, yet not keeping it so simple that kids a few years older would be bored by it.

One of the things I liked about this book was how Lexie had to eat gluten free food. For different health reasons, a few people I know are now in the position of having to eat only gluten free foods (including the son of the "KrazyBookLady"). I liked how it was added nonchalantly, yet in a way that it could help other kids who need to eat gluten-free feel more normal and secure about it. Even Lexie the hero has to deal with it too! This was not a huge aspect of the story, a mere mention here and there, but it was a nice touch I thought for the growing numbers of kids who need to eat gluten-free foods.

The descriptive writing was worded beautifully. Kinrade paints magical, clear pictures in an easy to understand way – which really helped bring the story to life. But it didn’t bog down the story by being too much; kids like dialogue, action, and this book has plenty of it.

The lessons weaved throughout the story are great for kids of any age, Kinrade did a great job working it into the story, instead of a blunt ‘lesson’ being plopped right into it. Kinrade made it fun, an adventure, made it seem exciting to be more responsible and take care of your things and your world. Through the journey to save Lexie World, Lexie learns about bravery, self-confidence, and of course, the importance of picking up after herself. Because, as she discovers, leaving messes ruins many worlds, ours, and Lexie World, and both are too beautiful for that.

Overall this was a good read, and I’ll be passing it along to my daughter. Not only does Lexie World send the message of believing in yourself, but it teaches responsibility, all wrapped up inside an amazing adventure. I think writing children’s books can be one of the most difficult genres to write, but Kinrade has nailed it with true talent. The story is fun, thrilling, written at a child’s level – but written well enough for a variety of ages. Two thumbs up from this Mom, and bravo to Kinrade!

A copy was provided by the author for review.
DarianWilk | 2 autres critiques | Jun 17, 2012 |
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