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Clarissa KaeCritiques

Auteur de A Dark Beauty

9 oeuvres 39 utilisateurs 10 critiques


10 sur 10
​3.5 stars

"For love was not a misty, flighty thing. It was like a soldier— firm and ready to fight to the end, patient to wait, and swift to move."​

This is an enemies-to-lovers story, specifically a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. I was first drawn to the book because of the more-than-gorgeous cover but I was quite disappointed with the writing of this one. Yes, I usually love retellings, and yes, the idea of one set in the Victorian Era was enticing, but otherwise a lot of things fell short. Please don'[t get me wrong, I really, really, REALLY wanted to like this book but it was just mediocre.

Firstly, I felt like the two main characters (Georgiana and Dominic) always think the same things over and over again and it gets more than a little boring and heavy after awhile. The reader doesn't need like thirty reminders that Dominic Pichon was salty about his burns from the old fire to understand that Dominic Pichon was salty about his burns from the old fire. Now I will have to forever remember that Dominic Pichon was salty (yes, extremely salty) about his burns from the old fire.

I also wasn't much into the relationship between Lord Pichon (Dominic) and Miss de Beaumont (Georgiana), either. I don't know if shallow is the right word, but as a reader, it just wasn't convincing enough. The climax was also not very exciting or worthwhile either and passed by in a blink, unlike most of the rest of the story, which dragged at times.

Some of the side characters actually interested me more than the main ones. Victoria was pretty amazing and Lady Pichon infuriated me. And Lord Rochelle was sooo annoying! Smith was funny and Georgiana's memories of Phillipa was beautiful as well as tragic.

The writing itself was alright, some parts of it was really good but other parts weren't so good. The author kept using the same adjectives, like she called females the "gentler sex" at least five times and called the noblemen and noblewomen of England "shiny" for some reason at least seven.

I did like the banter going on between Dom and Georgie when they were still enemies and I also liked how Georgiana treats Rochelle (she's amazing in that way!!). The slight mystery and suspense elements were the main two things that made me excited with this book like with what was going on with Georgiana's father (sorry for not being specific but I don't want to spoil anything!), her feeling someone watching her while going through the city or the woods, the wolves howling, etc.

Many thanks to the author as well as to Storytellers in Zion for my copy of this book! All opinions expressed are my own and I was not required to leave a review.
BooksbyStarlight | 4 autres critiques | Oct 25, 2022 |
A Stolen Heart by Clarissa Kae is a Robin Hood retelling where the thief who steals from the rich and gives to the poor is a woman. One with a weak heart.

There is a lot happening in the book that keeps the story moving at a quick pace and keeps the reader on their toes as they try and figure out who the Tailor is (and you will probably be both right and wrong in that—or those—guesses).

Rosalyn’s heart may fail her body, but its generosity is bigger than most. Her commitment to feeding those who cannot feed themselves is both humbling and encouraging. We should all live with Rosalyn’s eyes for the hurting and generosity.

Disclosure statement: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.
Suzie27 | Mar 17, 2022 |
I thoroughly enjoyed reading Cinders Like Glass by Clarissa Kae. This Cinderella retelling brings together an independent, freedom-chasing heroine (Lady Ada) and a persistent, duty-bound duke (Edwin, Duke of Girard). Romance brews from the moment they meet, and the relational tension grows as family ties and political intrigue swirl around the pair. Their growing attachment brings romantic moments that kept me flipping pages late into the night.

Although the romance in Cinders Like Glass is lovely, I also enjoyed the mystery of le Tailleur (which carries into the next book), the dangerous moments, and the character development. For much of Lady Ada’s life, her stutter could trigger unexpectedly, causing awkwardness and shame. As Ada learns to push through this disability, her strength blossomed in every area of life. A fabulous journey to watch unfold.

Cinders Like Glass stands as the second novel in Clarissa Kae’s Victorian Retelling series. I recommended reading the series in order, but Cinders Like Glass can be read as a stand-alone. I confess, that I never did figure Nikolas out and I’m hoping his character will be fleshed out in a later novel.

Cinders Like Glass by Clarissa Kae is a clean fiction read. The romance goes no further than a few swoony kisses. There is occasional, mild English cursing, but not so much that it hindered my enjoyment of the story.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a copy of this book by the author or publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.
BeautyintheBinding | Jan 2, 2022 |
This Victorian take on the story of Beauty and the Beast captured my imagination from the very beginning. A Dark Beauty tells the story of Georgiana, who has a talent for fixing machines along with Lord Pichon. Both Georgiana and Lord Pichon suffered horrible burns in the same fire, but Lord Pichon suffered at the hands of those who tried to save him as well. The characters in this book come to life throughout the pages of this book. I found myself unable to put it down. With a father who appears to be a thief possibly, Georgiana offers herself in his place to Lord Pichon. Lord Pichon’s mother also appears to make poor choices. The two parents wind up causing Lord Pichon and Georgiana more trouble than they are worth.

The relationship between Queen Victoria, her cousin Lord Pichon, and Georgiana proves to be one of the most mesmerizing parts of this story. So if you enjoy recreations of fairytales or Victorian tales, check out this book for yourself. I definitely recommend it.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
1 voter
PattiPeanut1992 | 4 autres critiques | Apr 8, 2021 |
“You cannot complain of fleas when you run with dogs.” “You cannot inspire bravery—” Dom hissed “—when your tail is tucked between your legs.” One of the things that made A Dark Beauty by Clarissa Kay so enjoyable for me was the quick repartee between characters. While the future of England is at stake, it is a battle of personal wit that will solve the puzzle of who or what Georgiana's family really is and who is ultimately betrayed by whom.
What I loved: the characterization of both Georgiana and Demand the chemistry that built between them, ever so slowly. Then I loved the fleshing out of Victoria, Lord Rochelle, Lady Pichon, and Lucien. I wasn’t sure until the end where the author would take those characters.
What I didn’t love: I was halfway through the book before a major plot event happened that I thought happened much earlier in the original tale. Also, there were loose ends at the end of the book. This doesn’t need to be super-realistic, because it is, after all, a fairy tale retelling.
Bottom line: would I recommend this book? Yes, to lovers of clean Victorian romance and fairy -tale retellings.
I received a copy of this book from the author and publisher through Celebrate Lit. I am voluntarily leaving my thoughts, which are only my opinions.
1 voter
Becky_L | 4 autres critiques | Apr 2, 2021 |
I enjoyed every page of A Dark Beauty by Clarissa Kae. From start to finish, this Beauty and the Beast retelling captivated my attention. The perfectly paced plot included fresh twists on expected events. Themes of loyalty and the value of family wove into this clean Victorian-era romance.

The enemies-to-lovers romance between Georgiana and Lord Pichon delighted me. Their “Battle of Wits” added humor and tension. From the first time these two met, I rooted for them find love together. I appreciated that their relationship went beyond companionship. Both characters, but especially Lord Pichon, change due to their growing relationship.

A Dark Beauty stands as the first novel in the Victorian Retellings series by Clarissa Kae. A mystery weaved into the story and set the stage for book two. I plan to purchase a paperback copy of this novel and the forthcoming book in the series. I recommend A Dark Beauty to readers who enjoy clean historical romances. Four stars!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a copy of this ebook by the author or publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.
1 voter
BeautyintheBinding | 4 autres critiques | Mar 31, 2021 |
I love fairy tales and Beauty and the Beast has always been my favorite. I think the author did an okay job of writing a story that shows how love should not be defined by looks. Georgiana is beautiful, smart and has scars that remind her everyday of the tragedy that her family endured. Now her father seemed a little sketchy at times and I wasn’t sure if I liked him or not.

My favorite character was Lord Pichon He came off as rude and arrogant but oh did he have a soft heart. I can understand why he was angry at the world and wanted revenge on the person or persons who caused him disfigurement. I loved reading about the castle and how Lord Pichon knew that something was amiss within his own family. It was hard to figure out who to trust and that made the story intriguing .

There were a few spots in the story where I was a little lost because there was too much going on at the same time. I did figure out the plot pretty fast and that disappointed me. I wanted more depth to the characters and it was hard to believe that Georgiana and Lord Pichon fell for each other so quickly. It was a nice story but just missed the mark a little.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
1 voter
Harley0326 | 4 autres critiques | Mar 27, 2021 |
Sierra Rothesay refuses to live by the same rules as her family. Instead, she lives life her own way. Called back to her British roots to care for her grandfather, who suffers from Alzheimer's, she finds herself caught up in trying to determine reality for the legend.

The story kept my interest, and the author did an excellent job running two different storylines – one in the present and one in the past. The characters in both time periods come to life through the pages of this book.

With interesting characters and an intriguing plotline, I could not put this book down. Ioann provides the perfect foil to Sierra in the present storyline, while Elyna and Kenan also provide the perfect set of characters in the past. The twists and turns in this story kept it interesting.

So if you enjoy stories that cover two time periods and have interesting characters, check out this book for yourself.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
PattiPeanut1992 | 2 autres critiques | Jan 29, 2021 |
I enjoyed the writing and the interactions between Sienna, William and Ioan in this story. Sienna is sassy and independent, and Ioan and William gave her plenty of opportunities to demonstrate those qualities. Although, I'm not a fan of stories with paranormal elements, it was an enjoyable read for me.

I was given a copy of this book for free. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.
SaraJaneJacobs | 2 autres critiques | Jan 28, 2021 |
I have read several time slip novels lately but nothing compares to this story. I was mesmerized by the way the author was able to take two time periods and parallel them . The characters are beyond the standard of good. I mean these characters became real to me. It is hard to explain how swept away I was by the beauty of two families connected in mystery, secrets and the sea.

Sienna has wandered around for years giving people a glimpse into the world through a lens. She captures pain, joy and history with one click. She has always felt this tug to go back to where her granddad lives. One phone call changes her direction into a world that holds magic and truth. I loved the memories she shares of her granddad. Their connection is deep and it is hard to accept that he has Alzheimer’s. It is a cruel disease that takes away your mind slowly each day.

My favorite part of the story was learning the connection between Sienna and Elyna. Was it magic that drew their generations together? Some can hear the sounds in the sea while others hear nothing. When we go back in time to read Elyna and Kenan’s story I felt their bond instantly. The beauty in the story is the sacrifice that one makes to save others. Does that remind you of anyone? Elyna knows what her purpose is and without hesitation follows through with her quest.

Ioan was very mysterious to me. I couldn’t quite figure out why he was taking care of Sienna’s granddad. They had a relationship that was bound by history and Ioan wanted to right a wrong. The only one that could help him was Sienna. Oh I could go on for days about this book. I loved the writing, the characters, the two time periods and most of all I loved the lesson in sacrifice. This will be one author I will be anxiously awaiting more books from. She has captured my imagination, taken be to different time periods and showed me with actions that love conquers all.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 2 autres critiques | Jan 19, 2021 |
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