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A Stolen Heart

par Clarissa Kae

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A Victorian twist on Robin Hood.The Earl of Rochelle, Nikolas Whitworth is handsome, charming. And a traitor. He can outwit and outcon any Englishman-and any Englishwoman. When his debts are called in a savior appears, the criminal mastermind known only as the Tailor. Nikolas is bought and sold, his future no longer his. But when a beguiling thief picks his pocket, Rosalyn Devereaux steals more than his coin. Orphaned as a child, Rosalyn trusts no one. She picks the pockets of lords and ladies alike, donating her spoils to the poor. The Tailor notices her skills and demands Rosalyn enlist in his cause.With every moment beside Rosalyn, Nikolas changes from a life of lies to a man with a conviction. She occupies his every thought but can Nikolas outcon the Tailor and secure Rosalyn's heart before the Tailor steal's his love?… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parSuzie27, DallasStewart

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A Stolen Heart by Clarissa Kae is a Robin Hood retelling where the thief who steals from the rich and gives to the poor is a woman. One with a weak heart.

There is a lot happening in the book that keeps the story moving at a quick pace and keeps the reader on their toes as they try and figure out who the Tailor is (and you will probably be both right and wrong in that—or those—guesses).

Rosalyn’s heart may fail her body, but its generosity is bigger than most. Her commitment to feeding those who cannot feed themselves is both humbling and encouraging. We should all live with Rosalyn’s eyes for the hurting and generosity.

Disclosure statement: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own. ( )
  Suzie27 | Mar 17, 2022 |
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A Victorian twist on Robin Hood.The Earl of Rochelle, Nikolas Whitworth is handsome, charming. And a traitor. He can outwit and outcon any Englishman-and any Englishwoman. When his debts are called in a savior appears, the criminal mastermind known only as the Tailor. Nikolas is bought and sold, his future no longer his. But when a beguiling thief picks his pocket, Rosalyn Devereaux steals more than his coin. Orphaned as a child, Rosalyn trusts no one. She picks the pockets of lords and ladies alike, donating her spoils to the poor. The Tailor notices her skills and demands Rosalyn enlist in his cause.With every moment beside Rosalyn, Nikolas changes from a life of lies to a man with a conviction. She occupies his every thought but can Nikolas outcon the Tailor and secure Rosalyn's heart before the Tailor steal's his love?

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