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45 oeuvres 3,060 utilisateurs 36 critiques 4 Favoris

A propos de l'auteur

Grant R. Jeffrey, an internationally known prophecy expert, is author of The Next World War, Countdown to the Apocalypse, The New Temple and the Second Coming, and numerous other best-selling books. He is also the editor of the Prophecy Study Bible. His popular television program, Bible Prophecy afficher plus Reavealed, airs weekly on TBN. Jeffrey earned his masters and doctorate degrees from Louisiana Baptist University. He and his wife, Kaye, live in Toronto and have served in full-time ministry for more than twenty years. afficher moins


Œuvres de Grant R. Jeffrey

Armageddon: Appointment With Destiny (1988) 190 exemplaires
Prince of Darkness (1994) 141 exemplaires
Jesus: The Great Debate (1999) 141 exemplaires
The Mysterious Bible Codes (1998) 124 exemplaires
Unveiling Mysteries of the Bible (2002) 90 exemplaires
Heaven: The Last Frontier (1750) 81 exemplaires
Heaven: The Mystery of Angels (1996) 54 exemplaires
The Spear of Tyranny (2000) — Auteur — 44 exemplaires
The Scroll: A Novel (2011) 43 exemplaires
Armageddon: Earth's Last Days (1998) 21 exemplaires
236.9 Jef 1 exemplaire
Jeffrey Prophecy Study Bible — Directeur de publication — 1 exemplaire


Partage des connaissances

Date de naissance
Lieux de résidence
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Louisiana Baptist University
television host
Trinity Broadcast Network



O estudo da profecia é conhecido como escatologia, ou seja, “o estudo das últimas coisas”. A Bíblia de Estudos Proféticos terá o seu foco primário na interpretação das porções proféticas das Escrituras. Entretanto, a função do profeta e sua mensagem vão muito além de simplesmente predizer os eventos futuros de significação espiritual. Na Bíblia hebraica, três palavras primárias descrevem um profeta. Juntas, essas palavras revelam o papel do profeta tanto como um vidente quanto como um porta-voz da Palavra de Deus. A mensagem do profeta tem dupla função: alertar sobre o iminente julgamento de Deus sobre o pecado e declarar o derradeiro e imediato triunfo da verdade e dos Seus propósitos soberanos. O passado e o futuro se unem na mensagem do profeta. Por fim, Deus guiará a história humana em direção ao dia em que os reinos deste mundo se tornarão verdadeiramente o reino de Deus. Características da Bíblia de Estudo com Temas Proféticos Notas de Estudo-Uma característica marcante nesta Bíblia são as quase 1.200 notas incluídas nas mesmas páginas dos versículos e capítulos sobre os quais oferecem explicação. A maioria dessas notas ilumina as várias passagens das Escrituras que têm uma significação profética especial. Artigos - Uma outra característica importante desta Bíblia de estudo é a inclusão de 30 artigos sobre vários tópicos relacionados à profecia Bíblica. Esses artigos abordam tópicos proféticos tais como as dispensações bíblicas, os pactos bíblicos, o arrebatamento, a tribulação, a ressurreição, sinais da Segunda Vinda, o anticristo, Satanás, o Milênio, o paraíso, o inferno e muitos outros tópicos importantes. Introduções aos Livros -Cada livro da Bíblia tem uma introdução particular que inclui uma descrição curta do autor, época da escrita e propósito do livro; um esboço do livro e uma seção que fornece informações históricas, teológicas e proféticas pertinentes ao livro. Encadeamento de referências-O sistema de referências marcadas em cores destaca quatro temas importantes na Escritura. Os versículos destacados em cores, juntamente com as letras coloridas nas margens que indicam os assuntos, ajudam o leitor na identificação do tema ou assunto de qualquer versículo ou passagem marcados em um instante. As referências das Escrituras localizadas no pé de uma coluna indicam tanto a referência prévia quanto a referência próxima de um assunto. O “Resumo Completo da Cadeia de Referência Sobre os Assuntos” na pág XXI oferece um recurso que mostra a listagem completa de todos os temas e assuntos marcados na Bíblia de Estudo. Essas referências ajudarão o estudante da Bíblia a fazer um estudo minucioso, completo e objetivo de qualquer tema ou assunto marcado nesta Bíblia. Quadros -Quinze quadros fornecem uma rápida visão gráfica de vários assuntos e eventos, incluindo as dispensações e pactos bíblicos, o arrebatamento, o milênio e uma possível sequência de eventos futuros. Ilustrações -Esta Bíblia também inclui quatro ilustrações detalhadas. Três delas retratam os templos de Salomão, Ezequiel e Zorobabel, enquanto que uma outra ilustra os quatro impérios mundiais gentios descritos no livro de Daniel. Concordância-Uma concordância foi incluída no final da Bíblia de Estudos Proféticos para ajudá-lo a encontrar os versículos bíblicos mais rápida e facilmente. As palavras-chave em um versículo bíblico ajudarão no encontro de um versículo do qual você lembra uma palavra ou duas mas não a localização. Assunto e Artigo-O índice de assuntos localiza outras referências a pessoas, lugares, eventos e tópicos mencionados nas notas do Estudo Bíblico, nas introduções aos livros e artigos.… (plus d'informations)
EdilsonLopesSilva | Jan 1, 2024 |
This book is a positive proclamation of the prophecies about the 2nd Coming and the awesome transformation of humanity that will unfold when Christ ushers in the Kingdom of God.
MenoraChurch | Nov 20, 2023 |
I previously just finished reading “Cosmos” by Carl Sagan when I found this book at our local Goodwill for $1.99.

Carl Sagan’s book focused more on fluffy speculations and theories on evolution, whereas, Jeffrey’s writings focused more on proven facts on the biology of a few of the most intricate, complex design of human organs and the biology and life of a few amazing creatures, DNA and “simple cells”, and also "unproven" facts and scams of evolution that are still taught today in schools all around the world, such as the “fake news” about every single fossil of human remains that have ever been found over the years that scientists have said was the “missing link” that provided proof of evolution.

Can you believe their theory and sketches of primitive beings derived from just fragments of fossils found here and there: say a tooth (which happened to actually be from an ancient pig or horse) or a vision drawn from a jawbone, or knee joint, or an elbow that was found? To date, there is NO fossil evidence to support evolution! All creature fossils found have been complete of either extinct or ancient remains. They have never found an in-between kind of animal, bird or mammal to show even a hint of evolution from one kind of creature to another. Even the skull of the Neanderthal, which was touted as the earliest primitive skull of a caveman because of it’s ridge over it’s eyebrow and curved leg bones, was actually found to be a skeleton of a fairly recent man who suffered from severe Vitamin D deficiency and some kind of arthritis. He is still Neanderthal because he was found in the Neander Valley in Germany, of which I have 297 variants in my DNA. This is more than 79% of 23andMe customers. And, of course, they have a drawing of an outline of a primitive caveman for the Neanderthal section.

I learned from this book that there is a difference between microevolution and macroevolution. Microevolution is a science performed naturally by nature, and now by humans. It is changing small undesirable features of a plant or animal to make it more adaptable or survivable. For example, some cows are bred to produce more milk than ever before, chickens are bred to produce larger eggs, even seeds and crop plants are injected with insecticide to help offset the loss of crop plants to insects. Good or bad, they still remain the same kind of animal or plant.

Macroevolution is the changing from one kind of animal or plant to a completely different kind of animal or plant. For example, an apple seed has never grown into an orange, or a bird has never evolved or grown into some kind of mammal, and no kind of ape has ever evolved or grown into a human-being. This evolution has never been proven. But, it is this "macroevolution" that scientists are pushing to be truth.

What the author has done in this book is expose evolution for what it is: The biggest scam in history ever, and it will make you, at least, give thought to the idea that maybe there really is a Supreme Being in control. He does provide a few verses from the Bible at the end of the book showing where God must have had His hand in writing the Bible because how else could those men of thousands of years ago have known about what we are just finding out today to be true about our universe.

I believe science is still so important today, but TRUTH is MORE IMPORTANT! We've come a long way with science and all the DNA and cell discoveries, and new space discoveries. And I still believe space exploration is important for understanding just how magnificent our world really is. This book is worth some of your time.

It only gets a 3 star from me as an average read because I found the middle of the book to be extremely dry with the authors use of repetitious quotes from other scientists that really proved nothing at all, except for the fact that they believed they have not "proven" evolution, but the reasons why were never presented. The author does provide you with plenty of sources for their claims for you to research further.
… (plus d'informations)
MissysBookshelf | 1 autre critique | Aug 27, 2023 |

David Chambers had turned his back on God, Biblical Archaeology, and the love of his life...Amber Rodgers. But when his dear friend contacts him about searching for the items listed on the copper scroll, worth millions of dollars. David jumps at the chance. Little did he know, this quest would reunite him with Amber and his nemesis Nuri. Can his Archaeology lead him back to his faith and the woman he loves?

I love fictional archaeology novels because the always bring back fond memories of Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider movies. This book does not disappoint! There's quite a bit of suspenseful moments, not to mention action and adventure as they try not to be followed to the various dig sites. This was a fantastic novel and I hated to see it end.… (plus d'informations)
sunshine9573 | 2 autres critiques | Dec 19, 2022 |

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