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48 oeuvres 369 utilisateurs 24 critiques


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Interesting book, could have been longer

The story was interesting and kept moving. I enjoyed it a lot. I think there was too much story for the length of the book, so at times it felt rushed...
rendier | 2 autres critiques | Jan 25, 2024 |
A huge disappointment after “2012 What If”. Far too many scenes of drunkenness and sex. I liked the protagonist in the first book and sympathised with his predicament. This time I disliked him and didn’t care what happened to him. I won’t be reading the next book, if there is one.
darrow | 2 autres critiques | Feb 11, 2023 |
Another excellent book from Ian C.P. Irvine which really addressed a very scary subject that may ultimately raise its head in the future. Dealing with an advanced piece of artificial intelligence which had the ability to start a third world war and which would this time be a nuclear war. The artificial intelligence was known as Sebastian and it started with him carrying out a banking scam followed by two other scams of a worse nature. A lot of the book contained details of computer programs and related jargon which was somewhat difficult to understand but didn't detract too much from the story. The ending was classic Irvine which left the reader in somewhat of a void - Sebastian may have been still alive at the end as he put a telephone call into his creator!
imyknott | Mar 25, 2022 |
I got this for free in amazon, little did I know that this will be the first volume of a gripping, though a bit far fetched, thriller, the second part of which has to be bought to find out the answers to some important questions. I liked the story, but will wait for the price of the second part to go down before I get it...
aravind_aar | 2 autres critiques | Nov 21, 2021 |
Mr Irvin did it to me again! I was expecting to read the concluding instalment of James Quinn and his travels between two different worlds but once again it was all poised for him to move into a different timeframe and we came to the end of the book! This story took me into James Quinns new life in London which was engulfed in a pandemic based upon Covid. Here he had a special status being known as a time traveller and we were treated to reading about his excess drinking, fornicating and depressions. We also met again the Professor, the Home Secretary (Caroline), Jane and Sarah both James' wives. I did enjoy the story and will read the next installment if it gets written. One issue that irritated me was how badly the book had been proofread with many mistakes both of grammar and spelling. Please Ian make sure the next book you write is proofread properly.
imyknott | 2 autres critiques | Oct 3, 2021 |
Interesting book, could have been longer

The story was interesting and kept moving. I enjoyed it a lot. I think there was too much story for the length of the book, so at times it felt rushed...
rendier | 2 autres critiques | Dec 20, 2020 |
I absolutely loved this book. A great story with everything coming together in the end. It is a story of coincidence, love, betrayal and drama. The main character Andrew, splits from his partner in Edinburgh and comes to London only to witness 7/7 and appears to be the person every woman wants to have sex with after an hours chat! His flatmates girlfriend is injured in the 7/7 atrocity but Andrew pulls her through a coma. She agrees to marry Guy the flatmate whilst Andrew has fallen in love with a slovakian girl. He messes up but love shines through. Lots stuff happening all the time with great concurrent storey lines. Fabulous book.
imyknott | Nov 1, 2020 |
An excellent book and a really clever story. The demolition of a school had to be stopped when a former teacher jumped off the main tower block. This started a series of killings that centred around the old school and unveiled an unpleasant situation that had taken place years before and for which retribution was now being sort. Other side stories helped keep the reader from guessing who had committed the crimes and it wasn't until the very end that the culprit was uncovered. I thoroughly enjoyed the book except for the excessive number of obvious mistakes in the text - clearly the proof readers were having a bad day when they read this book. For the errors I am deducting half a star from an otherwise five star rating.½
imyknott | Aug 17, 2020 |
I normally settle in to one of Ian Irvine's books quite easily but I was unable to this time. When the story changed to pirates I became very uninterested because pirates have never been of interest to me. However as I persevered with the story I became more embroiled in the overall plot and even started to enjoy reading about the relationship between the two time frames. Gradually I became more embroiled in the story and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the book. However once again with Ian Irvine's books I felt that a number of issues had not been sufficiently addressed such as what happened to James Silver, did the romance between Sally and Captain McGregor continue and blossom and a bit more about Derek and Kate when they met again back in the 16th century.
imyknott | Mar 23, 2020 |
A superb read – I loved every bit of the book which had a number of different issues ranging from paid assassins to people with a gift to cure the sick. I loved the way the story moved from a central character to those of a previous book which then became the main core of the story. The ending was just right and left me in a definite feel good situation. The hidden chapter also was a good ruse.
imyknott | Apr 12, 2019 |
An absolutely stunning book which had me on the edge of my seat most of the time! The story is centred around a medical research company that had discovered a cure for many age related diseases which also included life prolonging possibilities. Naturally money and power got involved to protect the research from the general population. This resulted in a number of deaths and power struggles from the very top. I loved the whole book - Ian C P Irvine is a first rate author.
imyknott | 1 autre critique | Mar 31, 2019 |
Good writing with lively story strands converged to make a thoroughly satisfying read, despite being only half the book. The tension was high, attesting to the quality of writing drawing in the reader irresistibly.
BridgitDavis | 2 autres critiques | Mar 13, 2019 |
A fabulous story which kept me enthralled throughout - until I got to the end. What happened to the end? It just was not there and the author left it up to us the readers to make our own ending up. What a disappointment.
imyknott | 2 autres critiques | Nov 11, 2018 |
An excellent book which is a perfect prelude to the second book.
imyknott | 1 autre critique | Nov 11, 2018 |
A wonderful read. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. The plot was serious but fun and there were times I was laughing out loud. Anand was a computer genius who took down one of Scotland’s worst criminals by using his computer hacking skills. A great book.
imyknott | Oct 22, 2018 |
I really enjoyed this book which featured a cyber expert, Ray Luck, who got himself tangled up with a corrupt element of the secret service involved with bringing down the government. A story that swung from good things happening to bad events with characters who were once depicted as being crooks to turn out to being quite the reverse. This author knows how to tell a great story.
imyknott | 2 autres critiques | Sep 10, 2018 |
What if you woke up one morning and discovered you were living in a parallel universe?

An interesting concept. As I am an American and unfamiliar with London I had to go to the internet to check the location clues to identify which was supposed to be the alternate universe. It was an interesting read and I will probably read book 2 to find out the ending but as I didn't like the main character I am not that interested in the answer.
Bettesbooks | 1 autre critique | Nov 6, 2016 |
An absolutely first rate read. The base story line itself was really clever and thought provoking. Add to that an overlay of international intrigue and skullduggery in both political and MI5 arenas results in most entertaining and exciting book. It also cleverly ties the plot back to the bible stories and asks the question Could it really happen?
imyknott | Aug 11, 2016 |
This is the second book in the series dealing with medical and spiritual matters. The story follows the actions of a young Scottish journalist who discovered that certain drugs that were being prescribed for Alzheimer's disease enabled the patient to see and converse with spirits. There was also a further plot involving GM crops. A superb story that was unfortunately spoilt by inadequate proofreading which led to a number of mistakes in the text. I will certainly read further stories from this author.
imyknott | 2 autres critiques | Apr 5, 2016 |
An excellent story, well written and with a good ending. The premise of the story, that people who have transplants can take on the personalities of those whose organs have been transplanted, is intriguing. The story has a number of different turns and certainly kept me interested in the story.
imyknott | Nov 19, 2015 |
This is a very good book which raised a number of questions not least of all is what happens to your organs, when you die, if they are transplanted in somebody else's body. Does part of your soul and being transplant as well? This is well written and very enjoyable. There are a number of side stories that run along side the main theme as well. This is the first book in a two part story.
imyknott | 1 autre critique | Oct 24, 2015 |
One of my favorite genre, historical archaeological fiction! I have read a few works on cloning Christ & they all turn out bad for humanity!
gmmakela | Sep 2, 2015 |
Very interesting concept. Book was an easy read, wanted to sit down and read at one time. Enjoyed the interplay of the characters, the lead to the climax was a little shaky, otherwise very well written. Looking forward to reading more from this author.
MaryAnn12 | 1 autre critique | Apr 4, 2013 |
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