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The Orlando File (Books 1-2)

par Ian C. P. Irvine

Séries: The Orlando File (Omnibus 1-2)

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This is the complete Omnibus Version of the 'Orlando File' series containing both Book 1 and Book 2.Imagine if Michael Crichton, Lee Child, Dan Brown, Wilbur Smith and John Grisham all got together and decided to write a fact-based, thought provoking thriller that both educated, challenged and entertained, helping you see the action unfurl in your mind's eye as if it were a film playing just for you: then this could be that book. The Orlando File is a fast paced thriller, based upon the latest state-of-the-art discoveries in genetics and stem-cell research. The result is a truly scientific adventure but with a thrilling twist.When Kerrin Graham, a retired cop and now an investigative journalist with the Washington Post, receives a call in the middle of the night, his life is about to be turned upside down.Six of the world's leading geneticists have all 'committed suicide' in the past seven days, his brother-in-law being the latest to die. Establishing that those who died were all employees of the Gen8tyx Company, a secretive research company based in Orlando, Kerrin sets out to discover the truth behind their deaths.Discovering that those who died were killed to stop them unveiling the results of their revolutionary stem-cell research, a discovery that could usher in a new age of hope and health for all humanity, Kerrin vows to find who was responsible for their deaths and to uncover the powerful secret they were killed to protect.On a trail that takes him around the world and back, Kerrin uncovers a sinister organisation that will stop at nothing to protect the secret behind the mysterious 'Orlando Treatment'. When those around him start to die, and his wife disappears, it becomes a race against time to find the missing 'Orlando File', the only hope of saving his crippled wife and proving to an unsuspecting world, the truth behind the sinister Chymera Corporation of America.And yet, when Kerrin eventually understands just what the Orlando File contains, he is faced with a choice no man should ever have to make, and everyone who reads this book must ask the same question:"What would I do, if I were him?"...and anyone who reads this book could learn a simple little known medical fact that could extend their life by 20 years.Please note : ebook versions of this book, or Book 1 and Book 2 individually, are also available on Amazon and the ebook store - just search for 'The Orlando File'.… (plus d'informations)

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An absolutely stunning book which had me on the edge of my seat most of the time! The story is centred around a medical research company that had discovered a cure for many age related diseases which also included life prolonging possibilities. Naturally money and power got involved to protect the research from the general population. This resulted in a number of deaths and power struggles from the very top. I loved the whole book - Ian C P Irvine is a first rate author. ( )
  imyknott | Mar 31, 2019 |
Really exciting read ( )
  imyknott | Oct 8, 2012 |
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The Orlando File (Omnibus 1-2)
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This is the complete Omnibus Version of the 'Orlando File' series containing both Book 1 and Book 2.Imagine if Michael Crichton, Lee Child, Dan Brown, Wilbur Smith and John Grisham all got together and decided to write a fact-based, thought provoking thriller that both educated, challenged and entertained, helping you see the action unfurl in your mind's eye as if it were a film playing just for you: then this could be that book. The Orlando File is a fast paced thriller, based upon the latest state-of-the-art discoveries in genetics and stem-cell research. The result is a truly scientific adventure but with a thrilling twist.When Kerrin Graham, a retired cop and now an investigative journalist with the Washington Post, receives a call in the middle of the night, his life is about to be turned upside down.Six of the world's leading geneticists have all 'committed suicide' in the past seven days, his brother-in-law being the latest to die. Establishing that those who died were all employees of the Gen8tyx Company, a secretive research company based in Orlando, Kerrin sets out to discover the truth behind their deaths.Discovering that those who died were killed to stop them unveiling the results of their revolutionary stem-cell research, a discovery that could usher in a new age of hope and health for all humanity, Kerrin vows to find who was responsible for their deaths and to uncover the powerful secret they were killed to protect.On a trail that takes him around the world and back, Kerrin uncovers a sinister organisation that will stop at nothing to protect the secret behind the mysterious 'Orlando Treatment'. When those around him start to die, and his wife disappears, it becomes a race against time to find the missing 'Orlando File', the only hope of saving his crippled wife and proving to an unsuspecting world, the truth behind the sinister Chymera Corporation of America.And yet, when Kerrin eventually understands just what the Orlando File contains, he is faced with a choice no man should ever have to make, and everyone who reads this book must ask the same question:"What would I do, if I were him?"...and anyone who reads this book could learn a simple little known medical fact that could extend their life by 20 years.Please note : ebook versions of this book, or Book 1 and Book 2 individually, are also available on Amazon and the ebook store - just search for 'The Orlando File'.

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