Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
This library tells the story of my life, pretty much: from my sixth-form, scattershot obsession with books, buying anything that looked interesting (or at all left-wing, really); through to a recent honing in my tastes for personal/academic reasons. I buy a lot less fiction these days, for example, cos I seem to have less and less time to read it! Nevertheless, I'm glad to own every single one of these books (perhaps I'd make an exception for that weird Huntingdon/Brzezinski thing) and wish that I could one day have them all together.

I am adding these books in a completely unsystematic manner, and tagging them even slower. I blitzed through all the books in storage at my parents' house so that aspect's no longer a problem.
A propos de moi
Formerly London's sleepiest librarian, I now swan around Oxford pretending to write my thesis. In times of tension I turn to curry and coffee. Bookwise, my loves include Marx, Faulkner and Flaubert.
Lieu (géographique)
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