
fantasy (198), humor (75), horror (64), science_fic (52), classic_lit (47), YA_lit (43), Discworld (42), English_ref (37), anthology (37), mystery (32), Spanish_ref (31), detective_fic (27), Spanish_lit (27), mythology (24), food_ref (21), Sandman (20), DarkTower (18), French_ref (18), alt_reality (14), coffee (14), chocolate (13), DVD (12), French_lit (12), cookbooks (12), LOST (11), science (10), etymology (10), western (10), sillybook (10), gift (9), linguistics (8), fairy_tales (8), bibliography (8), dystopia (7), Discworld_Rincewind (7), Alice (7), StephenKing (7), steampunk (7), reimagining (7), NeilGaiman (7), Discworld_CityWatch (7), EN_original (6), Discworld_Witches (6), post-apocalyptic (6), biography (5), Discworld_Death (5), DoctorWho (5), nursery_rhymes (5), MontyPython (5), Discworld_Industrial (5), DE_original (5), lit_ref (5), ThursdayNext (5), comic (4), poetry (4), errors (4), writing (4), fables (3), Torchwood (3), FR_original (3), zombies (3), Poirot (3), dictionary (3), John_Barrowman (3), cyberpunk (3), Discworld_Moist (2), Discworld_Gods (2), MissMarple (2), Terry_Gilliam (2), religion (2), art (2), theatre (2), quotations (2), science fiction (2), RAE (2), philosophy (2), atheism (2), subtitling (1), feminism (1), photography (1), contemporary_fic (1), parody (1), Shakespeare (1), James_Marsters (1), Johnny_Depp (1), Heath_Ledger (1), Cary_Elwes (1), architecture (1), NinthDoctor (1), Christopher_Eccleston (1), TenthDoctor (1), David_Tennant (1), urbanfantasy (1), ParkerPyne (1), Tommy-Tuppence (1), film (1), DouglasAdams (1), vampires (1), soups (1), Panama (1), Quino (1), German_ref (1), stews (1), Portuguese_ref (1), dubbing (1), transl_fic (1), phrasebook (1), JossWhedon (1), Whedonverse (1), cataloging (1), synesthesia (1), pronunciation (1), literature (1)
Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Oct 2, 2006
Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
It's still a work in progress. Basically, it's just a virtual shelf to keep track of my various dictionaries and books on language, but also my ever-growing collection of books by Douglas Adams, Neil Gaiman, Stephen King & Terry Pratchett. :-)

Oh, my tags? My tags don't make sense but to me, my tags are a mess, some of my books don't even have tags, quit looking at my tags... why are you looking at my tags!??!

A propos de moi
English - Spanish translator & editor. Lexical-gustatory synesthete. Perfectionist linguist. Besserwisser. Logophiliac. Bibliophibian. Reader. Loner. Lover not a fighter. Wannabe writer. Nonconformist misanthrope. Feminist. She/her/ella. Animal lover. Owned by one cat. Undecided agnostic. Chronic procrastinator. Caffeine addict. Opinionated. Sweet & sour. Compulsive collector of films & books. Typography nerd. Couch film reviewer. Self-proclaimed mistress of worthless knowledge. Trying to save the world by ridding it of one false cognate at a time.

Edit (early 2012): Oh, I now have a book blog & a foodie blog!
My book blog is here: Silent Librarian on Tumblr
My food blog is here: The Tasty Word on Tumblr

For a long time I had this for a profile picture:

She's Door, a character from the graphic novel Neverwhere (adapted from Neil Gaiman's eponymous novel, and written by Mike Carey, with art by Glenn Fabry.)

I've also had this other one:

She's Delirium, my favorite character from Neil's The Sandman series. She's the reason for my username, obviously. :)

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