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Mr. Russo stepped into the kitchen, brandishing a pistol. Towering menacingly over his daughter out of Iraq, he forced her back against the cupboard."As your father, I commend you not to go back to that church again. I'd rather see you did that to have you marry a man 11 years her senior."Shocked and trembling, Elvira searched for an answer. "Papa, I have never answered you back before, but this time I have to. My church means everything to me. I don't attended because Brother Rizzo is there. I go because that's where my Savior wants me to be. Poppa, you can kill the body, but you can't kill my spirit. It belongs to Jesus."The tall man stared at his tiny daughter for several minutes, pointing the weapon straight at her for head. She watched conflicting emotions flicker across his face. Finally, he lowered the gun and pointed his finger instead. "Don't you dare defy me. Don't you dare go to that church this Saturday. I'll be down at the store and I'll be watching. And I will kill you."Elvira's mother had died when the girl was less than two years old. The young new stepmother wanted to have nothing to do with her, so the child had been raised first by her grandparents, then in a convent. When the father had finally brought the girl home, the second wife made the girls life a secret misery. Widow by rev or have someone to love her, to care for her?
FriendsLibraryFL | Sep 6, 2014 |
Devastated by a broken engagement and feeling betrayed by God, Megan Daniels decides she needs to get away. Sarah, her adventurous college roommate, supply, sir, with the "perfect" retreat – – a church school in the heart of New York City that urgently needs a teacher. Desperate enough to try anything, Megan leaves the security of her southwestern farm, never dreaming that this venture will completely change her life.There she meets Momma Grace and her seven foster children, a room full of grade schoolers who can melt her heart or rip it to shreds at will, and her biggest challenge of all – – Mike Feldman, a youth pastor determined to convince her that God is leading in that excepting a date with him just might be part of his plan. Before long, Mike's caring personality wins Megan's heart.Then suddenly an icy road and violent wreck shatter their dreams, and Mike wants to end the relationship. But Megan won't give up. Having learned that the Lord will never leave her, she pleads with God for help. His answer, well, not what she expects, is beyond your wildest dreams!
FriendsLibraryFL | Sep 6, 2014 |
Surrounded by her 165 "daughters" in the academy girls' dorm, Dean Rizzo sometimes felt like the old woman who lived in the shoe. Other times she felt like a mother hen. Or a referee. Or maybe a drill sergeant.Imagine the sheer panic of coming up empty after searching everywhere for a missing girl. Or the "excitement" of being confronted with a surprise visit by a state health inspector. And how does one go about catching a dormitory thief? Or solving the case of the blushing, riverbank skinny dippers?If you want peace and quiet, comfortable routine, and the familiarity of the humdrum, keep your distance from an academy girls' dorm. For its halls reverberate with nonstop energy, drama, mischief, tears, and laughter. "But if you love young people and can appreciate a Dean's challenge of reaching through barriers with the love of Christ, you're in for Never a Dull Moment as you read this touching story.
FriendsLibraryFL | Sep 6, 2014 |
If you love something, set it free. If it never returns, it wasn't yours in the first place. If it does, it's yours forever.Kelli Saunders' whole world was suddenly coming unglued. She knew Jeff would never approve her going to Alaska for a year to be a live-in tutor while he went east to begin medical school, thereby postponing their marriage. Yet Kelli needed time to be sure of her feelings about Jeff, and even at the risk of losing his love, she felt she had to go.Set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Alaskan wilderness, the secret dreams of a young woman's heart collide with the mysteries of Providence. What results is an unforgettable adventure with three young children in a widowed scientist that propels Kelli into confrontations with her family, bouts with wild animals, life-and-death struggles against the elements, and finally the return of love.When Love Returns is an exciting yet tender story of how God does direct the paths of those who acknowledge Him. And even better, it really happened!
FriendsLibraryFL | Sep 6, 2014 |
HeatherThe single blow across my face stung with his indignant passion. I close my eyes and try to escape into another world is a stream of blood traced my lip. Yesterday, I was dreaming of spending the rest of my life with him; now, through tears of pain, I stare up into the contorted face of a stranger and know my dream will forever be a nightmare.JoshThe games Heather played menacingly toyed with my ego. The "good girl" image made her ask me to stop. But I knew she wanted it as bad as I did. She started the game; I thought I was following her lead.Date rape is a terrifying, violent physical assault that leaves emotional scars that may never heal. Statistics tell us that one in every four women will be raped, yet only 16% will reported to the police. Rape is a crime in which everybody loses – – the victim, the perpetrator, their families. And even future loved ones will be haunted by the memory.She Said No is a love story that turned into rage. Neither Heather nor Josh believed in love at first sight, but when they met, their preconceived notions vanished. Almost from the beginning, the physical nature of the relationship threatened to push the couple over passions edge to compromise and ruin. Each viewed the relationship differently, and when their ideas collided, two lives were severely damaged in the emotional wreckage of a criminal act.The subject matter of this book main seem shocking to Christians, the characters involved in the said Taylor young people who attended a Christian college and who made a commitment to Christ. The no nonsense message to both young men and young women regarding their choices and responsibility for their actions is worth the price of this book.
FriendsLibraryFL | Sep 6, 2014 |
From vastly different backgrounds – – his the quiet countryside, hers the bustling city – – two lives are drawn together. Expectantly they look forward to their new life, a wedding, a family. But not everything will be as they expect. Job changes, personal crises, and the past cloud the future. With their love for each other and strong Christian faith, they face the Seasons of Discovery.
FriendsLibraryFL | Sep 6, 2014 |
Which gets more praise: God, or your favorite food?Praise is a choice that will transform your life, says Kay Rizzo. It is one of the secrets of happiness. "I am 10 years younger than I was 10 years ago," she testifies. "My step is bouncy or, my voice cheerier, and my body is filled with new vigor. Praising God, as a way of life, has made the difference in my life. I have gone from bondage to blessing and from abject depression to indescribable joy."Drawing from a rich tapestry of experience, Kay Rizzo explains how to get out of the "if onlys" and "whys" into the wider spaces of the soul by praising God in every situation, no matter how difficult. Gratitude is not a gimmick, a game, or a way to manipulate God, but a new way of life. It is giving faith the voice. Praise increases one's capacity for worship and opens our minds to new insights about God. It is the shortest route to a full heart.Even when life is falling down around you, you can erect a cathedral of praise for God to dwell in. This book will show you how.
FriendsLibraryFL | Sep 6, 2014 |
Kay Rizzo has written this personal and witty book about a trip to an ordinary supermarket. It's short, lighthearted parables spring from experiences and items were all familiar with – – the unruly shopping cart, the impersonal mob, a loaf of wheat bread, and the generic products in their plane, insignificant rappers.K reveals eye-opening truths about ourselves, God, and the people in our lives. She shows how God can touch us with his love anytime, anywhere – – even in the crowded, bustling aisles of the grocery store.
FriendsLibraryFL | Sep 6, 2014 |