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For some reason I just could not get into this book. The topic interests me. The language seems clear enough, but somehow I read a page and still don't have a clear grasp of what Orr is trying to say. Perhaps it is the mixture of philosophies. To me, most of European philosophy is a careful dance around the philosophical conundrums of the Christian faith, and as a Pagan I don't really care.
ritaer | 2 autres critiques | Feb 1, 2020 |
I am a Buddhist, just dipping my toes a bit into the Pagan waters. The challenge of ecological ethics is huge. I confess, I rather despair at any sort of mass transformation of consciousness: our modern industrial culture just seems too stuck in its ways. Small scale action, at the individual, family, and community level, this seems like the only viable path. This sows the seeds for future transformation... the present system will pass. We need to be building a sane next system now. Our actions now can have huge impact: it might just take a few hundred years for the seeds we plant to sprout, develop, and blossom.

Orr provides a nice survey of modern paganism. She distinguishes her own special brand as *paganism, which is just one flavor of the general category of paganism. She also situates her ideas in relation to mainstream western philosophers across the centuries, e.g. Schopenhauer and Midgley. It's a tricky balance, trying to be serious enough to address the well read thinker, but also to keep it grounded and motivated enough in direct experience to appeal to the more common less academically inclined reader. The danger is that one can frustrate everyone. Certainly Orr is walking a tightrope here. For me the balance was OK.

My biggest frustration was probably that Buddhist, or non-Western, thinkers were not discussed. It's like a vegetarian cookbook that omits tofu. OK, lots of folks object to soy. But really, shouldn't one at least discuss it?

A problem I have with paganism and *paganism is the whole notion of, hmmm, maybe blood or maybe heritage. Most of my ancestry is northern European. On the other hand, my maternal grandparents participated in the Los Angeles Hindu scene of the 1930s. We have always been global. This idea that ecological consciousness should be tied to genetic ancestry... I think Orr avoids the term "race", but really it is a serious problem that deserves addressing. There is an awful lot of xenophobic politics springing up. It's not an easy subject, but it seems to me to be vital to address. It is surely one of the key ethical issues of our time.
1 voter
kukulaj | 2 autres critiques | Aug 16, 2015 |
This tale brings together the Lady of the Lake and Joseph of Arimathea, entwined with the legend of the holy grail, the fall of the ancient Britains to the Romans, and the dawning of Christianity in a far flung country. It's a simple, yet enchanting tale of love slowly recaptured between the two main characters, and about how these other events has brought them together.

I'm not really sure how to sum up this book. I enjoyed it, that's for certain. But having finished it, I wasn't left with a feeling of elation, yet I wasn't left with a feeling of disappointment. It was more a feeling of, "that was nice".... Which is not a bad feeling to have at the end of a book.
K.Llewellin | Jul 7, 2013 |
Extremely general, and mainly focuses on the Druid Revival way of doing things. Features some really interesting (and striking) inaccuracies in places. That said, it does give some of the flavor of modern druidry as an experiential path.

Take with salt, but don't toss it out entirely.
dimlightarchive | Apr 8, 2013 |
Starting with a well-told retelling of the Arthurian tale “The Marriage of Gawain,” Orr explores seven goddesses (I keep thinking of them as archetypes): the virgin, the whore, the mother, the bitch, the witch, the old bag, and the hag. The book is written for a female audience, but the author welcomes male readers in the hopes that the book will help them understand the women they know a little better, and because under these various goddesses there’s a “current” that is common to human nature and nature as a whole. Orr maintains that any of these archetypes may be uncomfortable for a girl or woman to express, so that she ends up trying to suppress it, at the cost of censoring her true nature.

I almost gave up on this book at first, mostly because it didn’t sink in how she had structured it. She says at the beginning that although she quotes from many women, she relates each anecdote in the first person. I read that, forgot it, and read a good chunk of the book wondering how the narrator could have had so many contradictory experiences in her life. With that straightened out, though, it stopped distracting me, and the book instantly became more interesting to me. Some day I may have to reread it, remembering this from the start, and see if I think about those early chapters in a different way.

While I’m pretty sure I would’ve found this book to be a worthy read years ago, I don’t think I would’ve gotten nearly as much out of it then. I’m sure I wouldn’t have understood Orr’s takes on the witch, the old bag, or the hag when I was in my twenties, for instance. Overall, I would recommend it for women (or men) who’ve already done some self-exploration and/or who’ve had enough life experience by now to have some perspective on their lives.
1 voter
Silvernfire | Feb 23, 2011 |
Quite heavy going, it's not an easy read by any means but very stimulating and a much-needed contribution to pagan thought.½
mlfhlibrarian | 2 autres critiques | Aug 7, 2008 |