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Pour les autres auteurs qui s'appellent Monica Murphy, voyez la page de désambigüisation.

85+ oeuvres 3,354 utilisateurs 236 critiques


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It was good. Just good.
Not necessarily spectacular. I liked their chemistry in the last third of the book but the beginning with the teacher and Crew speaking about girls like they're toys I did not like.
I read this without reading the one previous, and I only realized that halfway but by the time I finished it I didn't really want to read the other book.
I don't know. I guess it's just not my favourite style of writing? Some people adore Monica. I think I'm more of a Sophie Kinsella girl.
But oh god the smut scenes were epic......
rumarianna | 4 autres critiques | Feb 17, 2024 |
Dear Eli,
I just knew you were a cocky jerk from Jake’s story and I wasn’t sure how I would be able to handle your story when you hurt my Jake for so long, but I did take note that if sweet Ava Callihan could find some redeeming qualities in you that I should be able to give you a chance. I am so glad I gave your story a chance because yes you were still that cocky high school kid walking around like big bad A, but you had many layers that you kept close to the vest except Ava got to see the real you. So, I would like to apologize for jumping to conclusions and judging you before I got to see you for who you truly are. Sincerely with love, this reader who is now a fan.

This book was so good as I previously typed out I had my hesitant moments when it came to Eli Bennett because it seemed all he cared about in life was setting out to make Jake Callahan’s life difficult and I even thought he was using Ava to do so, but he showed me that it’s not nice to make preconceived notions about others and what they are going through. Did I completely trust him and forgive him? not 100% yet because he was still a cocky jerk at times. The thing that some tend to forget is in high school a lot of us walked around thinking we couldn’t be stopped and were on top of the world when in reality we struggled with emotions, drama, and how to handle adult situations. Ava at first to me came off as a tad immature and hateful because she did say what was on her mind which wasn’t the problem the problem was how she lashed out at Eli only because he and her brother were rivals, it kind of made me think she was immature but we have all done this in high school too at some point. This does end in a cliffhanger, but I don’t think we have to wait very long for the next one and I can’t wait to see what will happen next.
readonreader | 1 autre critique | Jan 24, 2024 |
This book was one I was nervous about not because I didn’t think I’d enjoy it but because I thought it would shatter my heart. Diego was the guy in Jake’s story that we all hated because of the way he behaved and treated his girlfriend at the time. Diego and Jocelyn had a rocky relationship that bordered on toxic because Diego was very needy and needed constant attention so when he felt Jocelyn wasn’t giving him enough, he sought it out in other ways like flirting with other girls. Diego never cheated on Jocelyn but they way he let rumors fly without trying to justify himself was just as bad and hurtful. Jocelyn was amazing and strong so when things happen and take her down a different path, she stands her ground and knows she deserves better than what Diego can give her at this point. I don’t want to give too much away but this story ended up making my heart hurt but it healed it in the best possible way too and I will say this author took a villain and found him redemption in a way that made him not only ask for forgiveness but grow as a human and become an adult. I have falling for Diego and absolutely love it!! Can’t wait for more!!!
readonreader | 1 autre critique | Jan 24, 2024 |
I was so excited to find out that we would be getting Tony’s story so I was super surprised that his love interest would be a forbidden (my dad hates your dad) kind of way, but what really intrigued me was that Hayden was a little bit older than him and more experienced which we don’t get a lot of in romance stories. Hayden and Tony don’t believe in love because of what they saw their own parents put each other through so they are jaded when it comes to relationships, but as always love can blindside the best of us. I loved that they struck up a friendship of sorts then feelings became too much to deny this intense attraction they have. They both come from wealthy parents yet neither of them really wants much to do with it or so they say. At times Hayden was a tad irritating stating one second, she didn’t need a man, her dad’s money, etc. then the next she was bargaining a shopping trip out of him or having to wear/have the best (even just in an uber ride) so that irked me a little, but she admitted to her faults of being spoiled and I could respect that because honestly it is neither one of their faults that they came from wealth. Their story was a fun and sweet read (even with creepy stepmom vibes) that I thoroughly enjoyed it. Tony was sweet, charming, and I honestly loved him the most out of their story, yet I can’t wait to see what will happen in the next book.
readonreader | 1 autre critique | Jan 24, 2024 |
Wren and Crew will draw you in and have you enjoying this ride they take you on. Wren is this perfect beautiful girl that all girls want to be and all boys want to have, but she is innocent, naive, and sheltered. She tries to be this upstanding student, daughter, and friend but she doesn’t realize her morals have her looking down and judging others. She never intends to come off that way yet she does until one day she is called out on it. She starts to realize that being perfect is impossible and all things she once thought aren’t were she wants to be now. At times her innocence and naive ways could be frustrating but it took Crew to bring her out of her shell. Crew has always noticed Wren since the first day she started Lancaster Prep and he has had this hate towards her because how could someone be so perfect, innocent, and sweet without hiding something? When they are forced to work together on an assignment they start to learn things about each other and realize they were both blinded by preconceived notions about the other. The more time they spend together the closer they become, but so much drama happening at school, overbearing parents who only treat the kids as window dressing, and doubts all run through their minds, but can they find happiness together or is this a passing phase? Crew was this beautiful person who liked to hide beneath a mask of indifference to everyone except when he got closer to Wren and Wren even if she kept second guessing her decisions Crew helped her out of her shell to show her the beauty in living for herself instead of others. I did find her dad to be insufferable, hypocritical, and a tad creepy when it came to her purity ring because when he would talk about it he made it sound twisted like she was his. Overall this book was a great read about finding yourself and living your life on your own terms. It was a slow build but when Crew unlocked Wren’s passion the steam was off the charts.
readonreader | 4 autres critiques | Jan 24, 2024 |
What happens when you come from a very prominent family and as a way to make up for past mistakes you must marry someone you don’t even know? Would you run away, refuse, or determine that this may be your chance to get away? When Charlotte Lancaster and Perry Constantine are both arranged by their families to be married they both are shocked, in denial, want to refuse and fight, but they know it’s useless because they hold your life and future in their hands. Perry wants to prove to his family there is more to him than they think and my heart did hurt for him because his whole family were manipulative to him and treated him as if he was insignificant unless he can do things for them. Then there is Charlotte who’s own father treats her like trash, abuses her, and acts as if she is nothing more than a bargaining chip. They both think they don’t know each other at all but they have more in common than what they think and when certain things come to light they both decide to go into this marriage to save each other. There are so many secrets, horrific people out to get them, and the angst of learning your new spouse as much as you can in a short time that they don’t think this will go well at all. When things come to a head Perry and Charlotte know they are starting to feel more for each other than they thought they could but what will happen when pasts and evil families come to a head? It does end on a cliffhanger but it left me craving more!!!
readonreader | 2 autres critiques | Jan 24, 2024 |
Being with The Callahan family and close friends is always special and this story was extremely special as we celebrate a wedding for characters we have loved from the start. When the chaos of planning a wedding becomes too much and the stress is slowly eating away at the happy couple the groom sees what this is doing to his fiancé so he gets her to agree to a destination wedding. What I loved with this was we get aspects from each character in all the series and see where they are at now. We also get to see the love of the main couple grow even more and the family and friends become closer than ever. This was amazing and I don’t want to say goodbye but this was the perfect ending.
readonreader | 1 autre critique | Jan 24, 2024 |
Dear Eli,
I just knew you were a cocky jerk from Jake’s story and I wasn’t sure how I would be able to handle your story when you hurt my Jake for so long, but I did take note that if sweet Ava Callihan could find some redeeming qualities in you that I should be able to give you a chance. I am so glad I gave your story a chance because yes you were still that cocky high school kid walking around like big bad A, but you had many layers that you kept close to the vest except Ava got to see the real you. So, I would like to apologize for jumping to conclusions and judging you before I got to see you for who you truly are. Sincerely with love, this reader who is now a fan.

This book was so good as I previously typed out I had my hesitant moments when it came to Eli Bennett because it seemed all he cared about in life was setting out to make Jake Callahan’s life difficult and I even thought he was using Ava to do so, but he showed me that it’s not nice to make preconceived notions about others and what they are going through. Did I completely trust him and forgive him? not 100% yet because he was still a cocky jerk at times. The thing that some tend to forget is in high school a lot of us walked around thinking we couldn’t be stopped and were on top of the world when in reality we struggled with emotions, drama, and how to handle adult situations. Ava at first to me came off as a tad immature and hateful because she did say what was on her mind which wasn’t the problem the problem was how she lashed out at Eli only because he and her brother were rivals, it kind of made me think she was immature but we have all done this in high school too at some point. This does end in a cliffhanger, but I don’t think we have to wait very long for the next one and I can’t wait to see what will happen next.
readonreader | 1 autre critique | Jan 5, 2024 |
This is the second book of Ava ad Eli’s story and it picks up right where the last one leaves off with Ava’s heartbreaking and Eli feeling betrayed. These two were amazingly easy to fall in love with and I was captivated by their story early on so when we got more, I was dying for it. Eli can come off as a cocky jerk jock with the ego the size of a planet, but the one person who sees the true him is Ava and now he thinks that he betrayed him to his enemy, Ava’s brother Jake. Ava is hurting so bad from Eli’s abrupt exit from her life and not fighting for their relationship, she still loves him and decides she is going to fight for them no matter what. With lies being told, the betrayal still fresh and Eli’s habit of running away and self-destructing things feel like they can’t work out for these two, but Eli knows deep down Ava is the only girl for him and once he gets his head on straight he makes the decision that he’s keeping her. They have a lot of things to workout like her family getting to know Eli, Eli’s insecurity and abandonment issues, and more but they love each other so fierce and strongly that you just know deep down things will work. I love these characters, their stories, and even in the end I forgave Jake for his attitude and treatment of Eli.
readonreader | 1 autre critique | Jan 5, 2024 |
This book was one I was nervous about not because I didn’t think I’d enjoy it but because I thought it would shatter my heart. Diego was the guy in Jake’s story that we all hated because of the way he behaved and treated his girlfriend at the time. Diego and Jocelyn had a rocky relationship that bordered on toxic because Diego was very needy and needed constant attention so when he felt Jocelyn wasn’t giving him enough, he sought it out in other ways like flirting with other girls. Diego never cheated on Jocelyn but they way he let rumors fly without trying to justify himself was just as bad and hurtful. Jocelyn was amazing and strong so when things happen and take her down a different path, she stands her ground and knows she deserves better than what Diego can give her at this point. I don’t want to give too much away but this story ended up making my heart hurt but it healed it in the best possible way too and I will say this author took a villain and found him redemption in a way that made him not only ask for forgiveness but grow as a human and become an adult. I have falling for Diego and absolutely love it!! Can’t wait for more!!!
readonreader | 1 autre critique | Jan 5, 2024 |
I was so excited to find out that we would be getting Tony’s story so I was super surprised that his love interest would be a forbidden (my dad hates your dad) kind of way, but what really intrigued me was that Hayden was a little bit older than him and more experienced which we don’t get a lot of in romance stories. Hayden and Tony don’t believe in love because of what they saw their own parents put each other through so they are jaded when it comes to relationships, but as always love can blindside the best of us. I loved that they struck up a friendship of sorts then feelings became too much to deny this intense attraction they have. They both come from wealthy parents yet neither of them really wants much to do with it or so they say. At times Hayden was a tad irritating stating one second, she didn’t need a man, her dad’s money, etc. then the next she was bargaining a shopping trip out of him or having to wear/have the best (even just in an uber ride) so that irked me a little, but she admitted to her faults of being spoiled and I could respect that because honestly it is neither one of their faults that they came from wealth. Their story was a fun and sweet read (even with creepy stepmom vibes) that I thoroughly enjoyed it. Tony was sweet, charming, and I honestly loved him the most out of their story, yet I can’t wait to see what will happen in the next book.
readonreader | 1 autre critique | Jan 5, 2024 |
Haunted by the sins of their parents Whit and Summer are pitted against each other with a mutual hatred that stems from this. Summer is strong even when she feels like she isn’t she holds her head high and tries so hard to not let things drag her down, but sometimes that seems impossible when a guy like Whit is your number one enemy. Whit likes to think he hates Summer, and she is nothing but pathetic like her mother, yet he can’t seem to stay away from her. She draws him in with just a look and although he tries so hard to break her down, he can’t stay out of her orbit. They go back and forth with hatred and want while outside forces try to keep them apart. I don’t want to give too much away because as a reader you need to experience their ups and downs to get the full effect. At times I could get frustrated with their constant I hate but I want you obsession that went on forever, but I enjoyed their growth. Lies, betrayals, bullying, manipulations this book has it all. I hated their parents so much and even Sylvie at the end, but I loved the direction the story went for these two. If you love a super steamy, enemies to lovers, bully trope this is the book for you. This author has made a dark world that seems impossible for happiness, that frustrates the reader, yet draws them in, and turned it into something amazing.
readonreader | 1 autre critique | Jan 5, 2024 |
Caleb’s story was one I was excited yet hesitant about because I loved his character in the other books and his playful side, yet I knew he was struggling with things in his life. He is a total player, and I was ok with that because he is still young, hasn’t found anyone that he sparks with, and he is just living his life on his own terms. In this story Caleb, Eli, and Gracie all become roommates, Gracie and Caleb clash because she can’t stand his playboy ways, yet she was exactly like him. Gracie is a total player too not wanting to settle down like their friends, yet Caleb bothered her because it was like looking in the mirror. This part was hard for me to connect or like Gracie because she had double standards of how Caleb lived his life when she was the same. I wanted to like her, yet she came off as hard, shallow, and it was too much for me. Caleb was playful and a total player, but I wanted someone with him that could help him and be as playful back. This book was a good one and this series has been amazing, and I did like seeing the characters grow I just wish I had connected with Gracie more. Can they change their ways let each other in or will they continue this hate/attraction fighting they have going? The ending had my heart shattering and I wanted to cry so bad because I love the characters it was affecting, and they had already been through so much and now we must wait and see how their story plays out or if it will even have a happy ending. While I did enjoy this story, I found myself loving Caleb more than Gracie and I’m dying for the next one now, I just know the wait will slowly kill my heart.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
Beck and Addison’s story is one that will grab the reader by the heart and steal from you and you will be absolutely ok giving it away to them. They have known each other since they were small children as they grew up they always had a friendship, but they both also harbored crushes on the other, but too afraid to admit it. Addison always wanted Beck as her own yet their timing has always been off for them both. This is their senior year and things have been building up to the point they have to decide to act of their feelings or let it go. Beck is way more than ready to breakup with Sasha because things have been tense between them for sometime and they have drifted apart. With him now single and Adds single will they finally step up to the plate and admit their feelings or will the drama others bring them down? This book shows the different aspects of high school life with drama from other couples in toxic relationships, to friendships being tested, and trying to figure out how to navigate new relationships. Beck and Adds through it all were amazing their tension was always high but they both knew they wanted each other they just had to figure out how to finally let go and come forward with their feelings. WIth all the drama, angst, and trying times can they work things out or will others stop them? Can they stay strong together to get through it all? i was so thrilled when Addison finally stood up for herself with her mother’s smothering ways, to Sasha trying to degrade her, and to her friend who was constantly selfish. She handled it well and found her own strength and I think that made me love her character even more. I have to say Beck was utterly perfect with his loyalty, hard work, honesty especially with Adds and his family, his innocence yet fierceness with going after Adds. He just was all around amazing. I love this family and group of friends I hate to say goodbye to them but I will go back and enjoy their journey’s over and over again.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
Wren and Crew will draw you in and have you enjoying this ride they take you on. Wren is this perfect beautiful girl that all girls want to be and all boys want to have, but she is innocent, naive, and sheltered. She tries to be this upstanding student, daughter, and friend but she doesn’t realize her morals have her looking down and judging others. She never intends to come off that way yet she does until one day she is called out on it. She starts to realize that being perfect is impossible and all things she once thought aren’t were she wants to be now. At times her innocence and naive ways could be frustrating but it took Crew to bring her out of her shell. Crew has always noticed Wren since the first day she started Lancaster Prep and he has had this hate towards her because how could someone be so perfect, innocent, and sweet without hiding something? When they are forced to work together on an assignment they start to learn things about each other and realize they were both blinded by preconceived notions about the other. The more time they spend together the closer they become, but so much drama happening at school, overbearing parents who only treat the kids as window dressing, and doubts all run through their minds, but can they find happiness together or is this a passing phase? Crew was this beautiful person who liked to hide beneath a mask of indifference to everyone except when he got closer to Wren and Wren even if she kept second guessing her decisions Crew helped her out of her shell to show her the beauty in living for herself instead of others. I did find her dad to be insufferable, hypocritical, and a tad creepy when it came to her purity ring because when he would talk about it he made it sound twisted like she was his. Overall this book was a great read about finding yourself and living your life on your own terms. It was a slow build but when Crew unlocked Wren’s passion the steam was off the charts.
readonreader | 4 autres critiques | Jan 5, 2024 |
What happens when you come from a very prominent family and as a way to make up for past mistakes you must marry someone you don’t even know? Would you run away, refuse, or determine that this may be your chance to get away? When Charlotte Lancaster and Perry Constantine are both arranged by their families to be married they both are shocked, in denial, want to refuse and fight, but they know it’s useless because they hold your life and future in their hands. Perry wants to prove to his family there is more to him than they think and my heart did hurt for him because his whole family were manipulative to him and treated him as if he was insignificant unless he can do things for them. Then there is Charlotte who’s own father treats her like trash, abuses her, and acts as if she is nothing more than a bargaining chip. They both think they don’t know each other at all but they have more in common than what they think and when certain things come to light they both decide to go into this marriage to save each other. There are so many secrets, horrific people out to get them, and the angst of learning your new spouse as much as you can in a short time that they don’t think this will go well at all. When things come to a head Perry and Charlotte know they are starting to feel more for each other than they thought they could but what will happen when pasts and evil families come to a head? It does end on a cliffhanger but it left me craving more!!!
readonreader | 2 autres critiques | Jan 5, 2024 |
Being with The Callahan family and close friends is always special and this story was extremely special as we celebrate a wedding for characters we have loved from the start. When the chaos of planning a wedding becomes too much and the stress is slowly eating away at the happy couple the groom sees what this is doing to his fiancé so he gets her to agree to a destination wedding. What I loved with this was we get aspects from each character in all the series and see where they are at now. We also get to see the love of the main couple grow even more and the family and friends become closer than ever. This was amazing and I don’t want to say goodbye but this was the perfect ending.
readonreader | 1 autre critique | Jan 5, 2024 |
I could not wait to get my hands on this book because after the first one things were really starting to not only heat up, but also intensify. Perry and Charlotte’s relationship was in name only, but the more time they were around each other they found themselves growing an attraction for each other. The miniscule amount of trust they have for each other started out shaky and they are both warned to not let their guards down for each other, but when a blast from the past shows up that little bit of trust is obliterated. Perry’s attraction toward his now wife confuses him because he doesn’t believe her, yet he can’t fight what is brewing between them and Charlotte knows she is falling for him which she knows isn’t what he wants, but there is no stopping it. Can these two ever fully let each other in and build something real or are they doomed to be distrustful always looking for hidden agendas? Will those who oppose them win in the end or will Perry and Charlotte fight for each other? This series has been emotional, intense, and very suspenseful that I devour them every time. Also, that scene with Perry and the Chevelle was so hot, I love Perry so much. I can’t wait to see where the story takes us in the next book.
readonreader | 1 autre critique | Jan 5, 2024 |
In this conclusion of Perry and Charlotte’s story is one that I have been wanting for a while, yet I never wanted it to end either. Perry and Charlotte’s arrangement may have started out as something they both would receive out of it and their families more so than them, yet the more time they were together the more they realized that even if their trust wasn’t 100% their attraction could not be stopped. With all they have happening they neither one imagined that they could possibly find love in each other, but with greedy families, danger lurking will their forever be a happy one or one that is doomed from the start. I can’t explain how much over this series I have fallen in love with Perry, but this book especially he has owned me completely. Epic conclusion to their journey!
readonreader | 1 autre critique | Jan 5, 2024 |
Sylvie, this girl infuriated me like no other just in Whit’s book, so I had my guard up and was apprehensive when it came to her story. This one deals with some heavy family drama, and it will aggravate you and make your heart hurt for Sylvie. Sylvie has spent her whole life at the receiving end of her mother’s craziness dressed as love. For years Sylvie stayed constantly sick leaving hints to friends about her home life, yet no one truly listened. She watched as the one person who is supposed to have your best interest in life slowly destroyed hers for attention. The way Sylvie watched her mother manipulate her conditioned her to treat others that way, hurt those around her while she craved affection from her mother. While she did her mother’s will and manipulated others she was hurting inside, then she pushed the one person who was always there for her away. I felt so bad for her, and I understood why she acted the way she did, but she really had to redeem herself. The way she was conditioned for so long made it hard for her to change, but she wanted to and in ways she did except her maturity to still act certain ways were so ingrained into her they weren’t going away. Spence is a special man who loved her for so long and he really shouldn’t have put up with her the way he did. I hated that he was completely devoted to her even though he knew he shouldn’t let her back in, yet she still couldn’t see that her mother was 100% evil. Sure, she knew she wasn’t a good person but even though she said she cut ties with her she still tried to make excuses for her, and Spence must remind her how evil she is. Sylvie and Spence’s love went through a lot, and they have a lot to overcome, but will Sylvie be able to truly break free from the hold her mother has over her or will they be doomed to repeat history? Overall, this story did irritate me but left me feeling good with the way it ended and seeing the other characters from previous books really made this story for me .
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
A football romance where the player falls for his tutor? Yes, please this is my favorite type of trope, and I could read it all day every day, so when the Queen of this trope writes another one, I’m here all day for it. Knox is a player, the typical kind that is one time kind of guy and walks away, yet when he first meets Joanna there’s just something intriguing about her that draws him in. Joanna is intelligent, kind, and was put through the ringer with her cheating ex but she is resilient and bounces back even though her insecurities still haunt her at times. These two are opposites but something clicks for them no matter how hard they try to ignore it they can’t. I loved that Knox went after what he wanted, wasn’t afraid to admit when he was wrong, and had his own insecurities that he battled. Together they help each other see how great they truly are and worked through a lot of their issues. At times a few things seemed to repeat themselves and Joanna could be annoying not sure why I felt this way there were just times I did, but I overall enjoyed their story. I wished her football playing dad who walked away from her was explored more because it’s the reason she has hated the sport until Knox, and it made me very curious. Their story was simply cute, incredibly hot, and very little drama that kept me intrigued from start to finish.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
Going into Cam and Blair’s story I was so excited that I devoured it, yet I wasn’t prepared for the storm of emotions that consumed me. Cam is Knox’s best friend and teammate who has some baggage of his own. It was easy for me to fall in love with him because yes he was a cocky football player but when we see his moments of vulnerability my heart hurt for him and I wanted to be there for him. Blair is Knox’s younger sister and he is very protective over her and she’s seen Cam around for a while but things between the have ever only been brief and platonic until the tension becomes unbearable. Together they are hot especially between the sheets but both of them have a lot of things that hold them back and things comes across as toxic at times. The angst and pain that they go through as they try to navigate life, sports, love, emotions, and so much at times becomes unbearable that they turn on each other. Cam thinks he isn’t worth y of Blair and that there will never be a time that he ever will be, but she sees the good in his heart is that enough to carry them through or will the insecurities shred them to pieces? This story was so real and emotional you feel their pain and you become invested in their growth and lives. Cam was such an amazing character I absolutely love him, I can’t wait for more.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
Ace Townsend is the next QB1, loves the attention he gets from that title, and isn’t ashamed of it. Ruby is smart, funny, and the one that is going to make Ace fall hard. When they first meet Ruby is just looking for a good time and she knows Ace could be what she is looking for until he does something that leaves a bad taste in her mouth.

Months later Ruby is enrolled into CU finding her way looking for a connection with anyone and Ace hasn’t forgotten about her. When these are together the heat scorches the pages, but with things standing in their way makes anything between them forbidden. She works for the football team’s social media group and he is the quarterback, her contract says no dating athletes, but the tension between them is palpable. Ace absolutely falls head first even if it takes him some time to see that’s what is happening to him and Ruby keeps fighting it even though she feels the pull he does, but what happens when their connection can’t stand any more pull? Will Ruby throw caution to the wind and give Ace the chance to be hers or will she keep him at arm’s length?

Such a fun story filled with angst and emotions that have you pulling for Ace even if you want to smack him upside the head a few times too. Also, I am probably the only one but I wanted smack Derek a few times too with all his negativity and outlook on things, lol. Their banter is on point, the steam is off the charts, but too much threatens what they could have.

“I have a feeling we’d be so d**n good together.Like we have the potential to burn down the world, if she’d just let me show her.”
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
Arch Lancaster took me by surprise because I wasn’t sure how much or little he would be like his cousins and there were moments when his cruelty showed that I knew under there was a heart that bled for that one. He wants to just be done with Lancaster Prep but forced to continue his senior year he’s already angry at the world, but for some reason he takes it out on Daisy. When Arch can’t explain what he feels when it comes to Daisy his first reaction is to lash out at her and hurt her, when he really wants to hold her. Daisy is kind, sweet, and a wallflower as she goes through her days at Lancaster Prep practically a ghost and she is fine with that until Arch enters her life. At first, they can’t stand each other and the more time they spend together they learn little things that have a friendship blooming and eventually that turns to more, but with Daisy’s insecurities and Arch’s reputation can anything between them even work. They come from completely different backgrounds and those around them don’t want them together and push for them to fail. I wanted to smack around a few characters like Cadence and Daisy’s dad, but there were times I wanted to shake some backbone into Daisy herself. Arch was all in when he finally admitted to himself that Daisy meant a lot to him, but she pushes him away. Can something happen between the god of the school and the grounds keeper’s daughter when it’s them against the world? I really loved this book because Arch is like his cousins that came before him with the same attitude in life then falling hard for the girl that climbs those walls his has built up.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
Every time we meet a Lancaster, we know a few things that are guaranteed to come from their story and that is the angst, drama, and all the emotions in between. Carolina’s story is no different since she has seen all the things her siblings have gone through, the emotions their mother brings out in every one of them, and it has jaded to ever finding love or why she hates to be touched by others, until West. When West first sees Carolina, he knows exactly who she is and can’t stop himself from going after her. She is rude and cruel to him at first trying to get away, but their pull is too much for her to fight. The chemistry they have is intense and off the charts, but it still doesn’t stop Carolina from wanting to run away. This story was emotional and full of passion, but sometimes life happens, and it takes some time to finally see what you have been missing. The book breaks down in two parts, part one is how they meet, and things get ripped apart and part two is the trying to put the pieces together again. Part two does go a lot faster than one, but I’m glad they didn’t waste any more time trying to get their things in order to find happiness, yet will that happiness cost them? Another great Lancaster read that puts the reader through the emotional ringer.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
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