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Three women. All at different stages in their lives, but all at the same point of finding themselves again.

Lark lost the love of her life at a young age. Ever since, she's dedicated her time, whether consciously or not, to honoring his memory. When her plans don't come to fruition and she's forced to pivot, she begins to find the possibility of something new exciting. And when a colleague asks Lark to pose as his girlfriend for an upcoming family wedding, Lark begins to think maybe it's time to start living her life again.

Joy has recently lost her brother. With years of struggling with her looks and worth, he was the only family she would claim. He was her best friend. Without him she's lost.

Ellie has seemingly lived the most perfect life with the perfect family, but a terrible secret threatens everyone and everything she's put her faith in over the years and makes her reassess her future.

I was a little surprised that Kristan Higgins was revisiting the Smith family after A Little Ray of Sunshine. I shouldn't have been since there are enough siblings to go around, but I certainly wasn't expecting it. Suffice it to say, it was a nice surprise to begin reading Look on the Bright Side when the realization hit that we were going to get Lark's story this time.

Lest you fear, Lark is the main focus of the book which I rather liked because, looking back, I felt like she was the most on-the-periphery Smith sibling. Seeing her front and center was a good change.

With that being said, however, I don't know that I felt like Joy and Ellie's sections were as fleshed out as Lark's. I think their journeys are completely valid and worthwhile, but I don't think they got the full attention they too deserved.

Regardless, I did really enjoy this read. I think what I liked the most is that the story took a few unexpected turns which kept me very engaged. There were moments where I thought I could guess where Kristan Higgins was headed, but then she would change things around and we would head in a different direction. I appreciated this more than I think I can articulate. It felt a lot like subverting the regular tropes we're all on the lookout for in our romances and utilizing them for a more contemporary story over romance.

For me, it wasn't readily apparent how much Lark had closed herself off until she begins "dating" Dr. Lorenzo Santini because she's sparring with him right out of the gate. I like the contrast between Lark and Lorenzo. For all that he was a very difficult person to deal with. He ended up bringing out this side of her that she hadn't maybe ever shown anyone or at least not for a long time. But also on the reverse of that you can see that he is lonely and he doesn't seem like a terrible person. He cares. He wants to do a good job. Yes, he's arrogant and he likes to flaunt his arrogancy and his achievements but he's not a bad person. As with many Kristan Higgins books, we get further context in the form of flashback chapters. It's there that we see everything Lark has been through and how she's built her life up to this point. I don't want to say too much because I really like the turn things take, but I appreciated that even though Lark has been grieving she still hasn't lost her spark.

And let me say, it would have been very easy for that spark to go out completely. This book, more than any others of Kristan Higgins' recent ones I'd say, was very heavy and heartbreaking. I was brought to tears a few times. It makes the idea of looking on the bright side more poignant I think. You can still grieve and wish things had turned out differently, but you can also keep moving forward.

Overall, like all of Kristan Higgins books, it was a very heartening read. One that I connected with emotionally and I appreciated the care she showed her characters. I hope there's room for another book in the Smith family as I'd be very interested in the other siblings getting their own stories told.
AmyM3317 | 1 autre critique | May 10, 2024 |
Loved this book.....Higgins writes feel good stories with delightful character and relationship development. Emma and Riley---what a perfect mother and daughrer....yes, fun to read through the ups and downs...having the book just continue on would have need to reach the end!!!
nyiper | 22 autres critiques | Apr 29, 2024 |
Really 3 1/2 stars..I enjoyed this book...I liked Millie and Sam..Millie was kind
of a dork foe being so hung up on Joe just because he was so cute...but he hadn't really grown up and he was kind of clueless and careless in his life..I am looking forward to reading more by Kristen Higgins..
ReedaPNR | 20 autres critiques | Mar 26, 2024 |
Definitely a heavier book than I expected, but very well-written. Lark is an oncologist who feels too deeply and cries too much. She's fake-dating Lorenzo, who is her polar opposite: a cold and seemingly emotionless surgeon. Lark isn't looking for love and this is not a light-hearted rom-com, she's still grieving a past love and it's a jagged kind of grief. As she gets drawn closer to Lorenzo's family, especially to his brother Dante, she starts to wonder what it would mean if she opened herself up to love again. This starts out on a lighter note with the focus on the fake dating, then gets progressively much more serious as we learn more about Lark's past; have your tissues ready, friends. Meaty side plots with her parents' midlife crises, and with Lark's mother Ellie and landlady Joy. Main theme of lost love and how we come back from it, if we ever do. This was not my first book by this author, and I look forward to more. Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review!
bethbordenk | 1 autre critique | Mar 12, 2024 |
Harlow gets surprised by her grown son, the baby she gave up for adoption when she was 17. Now, thrilled that he sought her out, she wants to get to know him. His adopted family, though supportive at first despite his somewhat underhanded way of seeking his genetic roots, is devastated when he wants to remain with Harlow. It’s quite an involved and touching tale. The characters are real, even down to the snits and arguments that occur as they cope with situation. It’s a rough road for all, with some sacrifices and some gains, but it is a gripping plot.
Maydacat | 2 autres critiques | Mar 3, 2024 |
BooksInMirror | 20 autres critiques | Feb 19, 2024 |
This novel pretty much had it all. Divorce, husband stealing, empty nesters, date rape, car accidents, miscarriages, adoption, drug addiction, jail sentences, extortion, etc., you name it, you’ll find it in this tale. Still, it was an engrossing read: the characters suffered through much, yet still survived to cope with the hand they were dealt. Some rather strange relationships resulted from circumstances beyond their control, yet they persevered with grace and dignity, mostly. There were a few occasions when self control was lost, but that’s life! The main protagonist, Lillie, is a survivor, and you can’t help but cheer for her and hope that the best is yet to come, because her life has never been easy. Though this book is lengthy, it reads quickly because you will soon be caught up in the lives of these people and in their not-so-everyday life on Cape Cod.
Maydacat | 6 autres critiques | Feb 12, 2024 |
Prelim Review: Kristan Higgins has become a favorite of mine because her stories are never about earth-shattering, world-ending love or couples who overcome extreme obstacles in order to be together. They're simple tales about men and women trying to find something to hold onto. THE NEXT BEST THING focused on more than Lucy's quest for 'Mr. Ordinary' (a man who she can build a life with but never break apart over like her first husband Jimmy), it focused on how no matter what you can't know everything about the person you love. That sometimes the right thing is being strong for that person even if the truth hurts so much.

Full review to be posted at Poisoned Rationality
lexilewords | 22 autres critiques | Dec 28, 2023 |
I read very few contemporary authors, at least in comparison to the paranormal or historical romance authors I devour. Kristan Higgins is one of those writers who touches upon just the right blend of sweet, witty, and endearing, to make me want to read more.

Her latest book, MY ONE AND ONLY, has formerly married couple Harper and Nick reuniting during a cross-country road trip. The thing about Higgins that tugs at my heart strings every time is that she writes about problems that happen every day to couples. Nick and Harper are no different.

The rekindling of their romance is difficult and fraught with problems. Neither is able to let go of the past. After twelve years and lack of closure, they're both too wound up to think straight. Slowly they rebuild what they had, with the impending wedding as a mile marker almost. Harper looks at her sister's marriage as a disaster waiting to happen. Nick sees it as a work in progress that will smooth over.

And that was at the heart of their own problems. Harper was terrified that love would fail her, and Nick was blindly certain that love conquered all. There was no gray road for either of them.

The parts that really spoke to me were when Nick would ask Harper what happened, and Harper would tell him everything she should have told him twelve years before. I was a little bit peeved at a rather predictable outcome regarding her sister, as I think it only served to lengthen how long Harper and Nick stayed apart, but MY ONE AND ONLY was a relaxing and light read.
lexilewords | 37 autres critiques | Dec 28, 2023 |
Very funny! Just read it for the second time and it's still my favorite book by Kristan Higgins.
bcuperus | 27 autres critiques | Dec 22, 2023 |
Another great story from one of my favorite authors
bcuperus | 44 autres critiques | Dec 22, 2023 |
I loved this book! The fabulous characters, the snappy dialogue, and the insightful tour of the lives of all these women struggling with body identities.
I cheered for their realizations and boldness. I ached for their painful experiences.
Thank you, Kristan Higgins, for this important, inspiring, and brilliantly told story.
JoniMFisher | 16 autres critiques | Dec 12, 2023 |
Good read, but why would anyone -- especially Melissa -- be attracted to Brad?
annbury | 6 autres critiques | Sep 24, 2023 |
Voglio anch'io un bastardino di nome Bowie!

Okay... adesso inizia la vera recensione...

La Higgins ha la prodigiosa capacità di far divertire davvero con poco: nei suoi romanzi, non ci sono scene chissà quanto innovative, ma queste sono così adorabili e spassose che non si può fare a meno di divertirsi mentre si legge. La scena del tacchino, tanto per fare un esempio, è stata epica.

Miss Callie Grey è una di quelle ragazze che nessuno riesce a trovare antipatica e che si fa ben volere da tutti. L'unico che la scacia è il suo capo Mark, un bellimbusto che l'ha sedotta e abbandonata, ma continua a farle gli occhioni dolci perché Callie è troppo brava nel suo lavoro. E Miss Grey spera che, prima o poi, torni a fare fuoco e fiamme con lei.

Purtroppo compare Miss Ricca&Perfetta e Mark, da brava banderuola, l'accalappia subito. Un vero smacco per la povera Callie, che adesso dovrà fare di tutto per dimenticarlo e andare avanti con la sua vita. L'occasione si presenta con l'arrivo del nuovo veterinario, il burbero Ian McFarlan: certo il suo adorato cane Bowie ha bisogno di un controllo. Così come, pare, tutti i cani delle single del paese. Oops!

Da qui è un susseguirsi di incontri/scontri tra i due, alcuni esilaranti, altri da occhi a cuoricino. Ti prego, Higgins, non cambiare mai!
lasiepedimore | 29 autres critiques | Sep 12, 2023 |
Colpa forse del caldo porco di questi giorni, non sono riuscita ad apprezzare Finché non sei arrivato tu... come di solito apprezzo i libri della Higgins (cioè con tante risate). Non che sia noioso, per carità, si ride e ci si svaga (che è più o meno tutto quello che i miei neuroni riescono a fare al di sopra di certe temperature e con un'afa in grado di stendere anche un cammello).

Non so esattamente cosa mi disturbi. La protagonista? La cugina? Liam Padre-Iperprotettivo-Isterico? Forse quest'ultimo vince su tutti. Liam sarà sexy, bello e perfetto quanto volete, ma quando parla – o anche solo pensa – alla figlia Nicole, mi fa venire l'orticaria. Il che accade con triste frequenza. Sarà che non sono abituata a un padre che minaccia qualunque essere di sesso maschile si avvicini a sua figlia...

Forse il mio problema è stato non trovarvi quell'atmosfera scanzonata che mi aspetto dalla Higgins. Un personaggio come Liam è troppo estremo per essere divertente, troppo grottesco perché mi porti oltre un sorriso stiracchiato.
lasiepedimore | 28 autres critiques | Aug 30, 2023 |
Il problema con questo tipo di romanzi è che partono bene e poi si perdono per strada. L'inizio è maledettamente divertente – roba da rotolarsi per terra. Poi scatta l'ammore e diventa un romanzo rosa come tanti. Uffa (o forse ha ragione mia madre quando dice che non mi ha fatta abbastanza romantica).

In Troppo bello per essere vero, ci ritroviamo a solidarizzare con Grace, single costretta a presenziare da sola ai matrimoni e con una famiglia ossessivamente interessata alla sua vita amorosa. Insomma, non è difficile capire perché abbia iniziato a fingere di avere fidanzati perfetti...

E non una sola volta: Grace ha un vero e proprio campionario di fidanzati immaginari (uno perfetto per ogni situazione, si potrebbe dire). Solo che alla fine, un fidanzato immaginario dopo l'altro, si trova incastrata nel matrimonio della sorella adorata, dove dovrebbe sfoggiare l'ultimo parto della sua fantasia...

Huston, abbiamo un problema: AAA cercasi fidanzato perfetto in qualche mese. Allora partono gli incontri esilaranti con i possibili candidati, oltre agli scontri (letteralmente) con un “vicino” niente male, che però è davvero irritante. Però, pensa saggiamente Grace, è pur sempre un appartenente al genere maschile – e, finché tiene la bocca chiusa, pure di bella, bellissima presenza...

Non può fare la schizzinosa, la povera Grace... dobbiamo aggiungere che il futuro maritino della sorellina sarà il suo ex. Ex che l'ha mollata ad un passo dall'altare. Ci vuole proprio un fidanzato perfetto da sbattere sul muso di quelli (e quelle) che ancora la compatiscono... e che magari serva anche a zittire quella megera di sua nonna. Magari potrebbe anche amare l'arte di sua madre – quelle meravigliose sculture.

Una buona commedia romantica per qualche ora di evasione: peccato per la seconda metà del romanzo, non divertente come la prima.
lasiepedimore | 30 autres critiques | Aug 30, 2023 |
tackyj | 30 autres critiques | Aug 3, 2023 |
Emmaline's former fiance is getting married, and she's invited to the wedding. Her parents, both psychologists, will psychoanalyze her choice, so to prove that she's moved on, she decides to go, but she wants a date so that people don't feel sorry for her. A tomboy, she has avoided relationships after the crushing way her ex dumped her. Enter Jack Holland, the consummate good guy, hero material, handsome. So out of her league. But Jack helps all the damsels in distress. He's been a wedding date before and is always willing to step up to the plate when asked. But being "perfect" comes with its own set of issues. What happens when a hero can't save everyone?

This book had laugh out loud moments, my favorite was when, during a chicken fight in the pool, Em wants to tattoo on her thighs "Jack Holland's head was here." Yes, I stopped reading and actually laughed. Out loud. The emotional layers carried me from Em's mortification over her childhood tic, to the inadequate way her "professional" parents dealt with it to her discomfort wearing a dress. Not sure the description of wearing a thong for the first time is quite as traumatic as described, but it did add comic relief. Perfect heroes can be boring and irritating, but Ms. Higgins added enough of his own psychoses to get me over the hump.

On the down side, we don't all get resolution to our past. Saying I'm sorry doesn't unpublish a mean comment from People Magazine for Em, and I wanted to see Jack grow a backbone with Hadley. Being a "too nice" person myself, I understand his conflict, but there comes a point when a stand needs to be made. If I would have changed anything about the book, it would be those too things. With that being said...

A funny, poignant, story that touched all my emotions, I enjoyed it from start to finish.
Karla.Brandenburg | 19 autres critiques | Aug 1, 2023 |
Kristan Higgins delivers all the feels. This is a Cinderella story of sorts, with a tough girl wrapped in a small package. Prince Charming is delightfully neurotic, which makes his "God's gift" status more palatable. I had trouble buying into the story in parts, but Kristan's writing always keeps you engaged while she draws well rounded characters that are your best friends before its over. Loved it.
Karla.Brandenburg | 28 autres critiques | Aug 1, 2023 |
So awesome

Kristan Higgins has a way of relating “any person’s” life and taking their challenges to help them grow and thrive. I loved Nora’s indomitable spirit, and related on so many levels to every step of her journey. Well done.
Karla.Brandenburg | 20 autres critiques | Aug 1, 2023 |
Stick around for the happily ever afters

I love reading Kristan Higgins. I especially love her romances. The women’s fiction books are harder for me, and that why this is only 4 stars.

Kristan writes such three dimensional characters. You see them, they become your friends. While reading this book was a lot slower than some of her others, I still fell in love with the characters and was rewarded with a satisfying resolution.
Karla.Brandenburg | 16 autres critiques | Aug 1, 2023 |
Flawless. Everything you’d expect from Kristan Higgins. Love, laughter, screwed up people, second chances and don’t forget the wicked humor.
Karla.Brandenburg | 28 autres critiques | Aug 1, 2023 |
Always with the laughs and the tears

I’m going 4.5 stars because I was disappointed in the end. Not going to spoil it, and speaking as someone who does not collect trivia of any kind, some pieces of nostalgia belong in our lives. Loved it all the way through, right up until that final sacrifice. So 5 stars through 95% of the book! As always, I love reading Kristan Higgins.
Karla.Brandenburg | 29 autres critiques | Aug 1, 2023 |
My fondest wish is that Kristan Higgins would go back to writing romance with quirky characters filled with heart and humor. This is something altogether different, and what she seems to have switched to. Fans of Nicholas Sparks will appreciate the change.

For my part, I don't really appreciate all the angst, the bonding over shared deadbeat dads, the quick forgiveness for years of mistreatment. She does a brilliant job of justifying all of it, and giving it a therapist twist (and funny how they all become therapists all of a sudden). I wasn't really pulling for anyone, and a lot of the characters were overdrawn for me. Exaggerated. A perfect mom? A perfect daughter? Call out the therapists, because there are certain life stages we all have to go through. The three-year-old terror? There's a lot going on.

The writing is solid, as always. The POV is deep, so we get to see inside everyone's mind and thought processes. As far as story goes, I miss the old Kristan Higgins.
Karla.Brandenburg | 22 autres critiques | Aug 1, 2023 |
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